I disagree about the magnetic pulser from S__ not having any real effects. Two people that i know of using the magnetic pulser for targetting tumours have shown remarkable results. Both however using the whole beck protocol + have altered their diets as per my instructions. One had a tumour the size of a fist in her lung and its now completely gone. The other girl had 3 tumours only 8 weeks ago, one in her cervix, lung, and stomach. She has been using the whole protocol and magnetic pulsing these areas in particular. Last week scan showed the tumour in her lung is gone, the one in the cervix is gone and the one in her stomach is the size of a pinhead. This girl was sent home to die around 9 weeks ago and weighed 5 stone with constant diarrhea. she is now over 6 stone in weight. - Keith
I have a testimony:
before I was in the protocol I had a very bad immune system, used to catch the
flue evry month or so and basically weak. ever since I started myself on the
protocol, I never even catched a flue in over a year, my acne disappeared from
my body and I always wake up fresh.
so I started my mother and father on the protocol, my father used to suffer from
prostate problems all year long, now they are gone, he dropped the antibiotics
and looks younger.
my mother dropped half of her meds and her
diabetes lowered. her skin looks fresh and better also with better
in general, my whole family health in increased and getting even better.
Also, I have had some sort of tumor in my back
the doctors didnt like and they prescribed me many chemo meds I refused and
started myself on the whole protocol again, in 2 months its disappeared.
I know personally one gentleman who was full blown aids and he is totally
the funny thing is is that people dont want to take responsibility in their
health, the want the doctors to tell them what to do, it is right dont get me
wrong, but to me I prefer I take full responsibility over my life and health. I
know for sure the protocol doesnt work for everyone, for the only reason that
not everyone want to take responsibility.
I hope I helped in the testimonial part.
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