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Digestion 101


Digestion begins in the mouth. Here foods are to be chewed until totally fluid, thus mixing ptyalin and other enzymes necessary to digestion of starch with the food. No fluids should be taken during chewing. Furthermore, thorough mastication of food may nourish the gut by providing it with salivary Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) that is healing to the epithelial lining of the gut. Purified Epidermal Growth Factor has been shown to heal ulceration of the small intestine.


The food then passes to the stomach where it is thoroughly mixed and “ground” down to smaller pieces, separated and held back as required for proper digestion. It may be held for an hour while starches continue to digest. Food ready for digestion passes to the lower stomach, the pyloric antrum, where most digestion takes place. This highly sensitive area of the stomach controls the acidity of the stomach’s digestive juices. Secretions of the parietal cells into the stomach create the acid necessary to the breakdown and digestion of proteins and fiber. Acting as a thermostat, its G-cells secrete varying amounts of gastrin into the blood that signals the H2 cells of the upper stomach to produce more or less acid as needed. Histamine acts on the H2 receptors of the upper stomach’s parietal cells empowering them to produce hydrochloric acid (HCl) when called for by gastrin. It’s interesting to note that the acid is actually produced in the stomach by the mixing of chemicals secreted by these cells. Acetylcholine, released by the nerves, also affects the amount and timing of HCl production. Stress and emotions, then, also affect HCl production. Zinc, sodium, potassium, and chloride are required in optimal amounts for production of HCl. If these things are not happening, your child may refuse meat, or will not digest it well, producing ammonia. He may also suffer acid reflux damaging his esophagus (in 67.4%). These same cells also release “Intrinsic factor” necessary to utilization of vitamin B12.


It’s of interest to note that sodium bicarbonate/base is made as the stomach makes hydrochloric acid. This is carried by the blood stream to the salivary glands, the gall bladder system, glands in the pylorus (the part of the intestine the stomach is connected to), and the pancreas. These are the alkaline glands of the body and essentially, they neutralize the acid contents of the stomach. Should the saliva pH not be raised by one point while eating, I would take that as an indication of a lack of HCl production.


This dislike for meat, or a loss of taste, could indicate cellular distress and possibly cancer, or a lack of hydrochloric acid, or a copper or ammonia toxicity, or a zinc deficiency, for zinc controls the enzyme that makes HCl. Because there is a strong association between protein and zinc content in virtually all foods, insufficient protein intake, or emphasis on fish and fowl or vegetarianism, may often be the cause of zinc deficiency. The food additive tartrazine (Yellow dye #5) is found to act directly as a zinc-chelating agent, and it blocks vitamin B6 by binding B6 dependent enzymes as does insecticides, Theophylline (asthma drug), benzene, and hydrazine. Vitamin B6 is vital to zinc and magnesium utilization. Zinc is an essential component of about 70 metalloenzymes (including dehydrogenases lactate, malate, alcohol, and glutamate), alkaline phosphatase, carbonic anhydrases, carboxypeptidase A and B, metallothionein, and DNA and RNA polymerases. Zinc is thus widely found in relatively high concentrations throughout the body. Zinc and magnesium both play a specific role in protein synthesis. A deficiency of these metallic nutrients will affect protein synthesis. A deficiency has far reaching consequences. Niacin is also involved in protein synthesis. It functions in conjunction with zinc as a coenzyme in DNA polymerase. Research by Hsu studied the effects of only one nutrient deficiency, zinc, on the levels of free amino acids in urine, plasma, and skin. When there was a zinc deficiency, there was an inability for the body to metabolize all of the available amino acids consumed—thus they were excreted into the urine as waste. Thus, the level of zinc in the body determines the overall ability of the cells to produce new protein for growth.


Studies show that a marginal zinc deficiency reduces serum testosterone levels by 50% in adults. This adversely affects muscle tone and strength as well as digestion and utilization. Acrodermatitis enterophatica is presently the most well recognized, human, zinc-responsive syndrome attributable to an inherited defect of zinc absorption. However, there are also a variety of other conditions that have been found to respond to zinc therapy, such as idiopathic hypogeusia (loss of sense of smell from no known cause), improvement in wound healing, gastric ulcers, acne, rheumatoid arthritis, as well as dyslexia. Zinc controls the release of vitamin A from the liver. An inadequate zinc nutriture has been linked with a variety of immune deficiency disorders, including cancers in both animals and in humans. However, after treatment for thyroid dysfunction, normalization of zinc in red blood cells naturally occurs, lagging about 2 months behind normalization of plasma T4 and T3 levels (Yoshida 1996; Varga, 1994), hence its importance in determining duration of pre-existing thyroid disease. This is a clear sign that many cases of “zinc deficiency” are NOT caused by an actual nutritional lack of zinc, but by thyroid dysfunction. Incidentally, the symptoms of “zinc deficiency” are identical to the ones ascribed to hypothyroidism. Fluoride causes “zinc deficiency”. Incidentally, one study showed that supplementing 20 mg of zinc increased the children’s hand-eye coordination, the memory of abstract images, and their ability to remember a list of words. 


Complex nitrogen (protein) metabolism appears to flourish in children with seizures, developmental delay, and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) involving not only Nitric Oxide (NO), but nitrogen retention as a whole (described previously as purine autism by Mary Coleman). Kids presenting with suppression of carbon dioxide (CO2) may shun nitrogen rich foods due to the formation of ammonia (an alkaline compound of nitrogen and hydrogen) leading to a state of hyperammonemia. Excitotoxic effects of ammonia are augmented by increased synthesis of nitric oxide (NO), which is associated with N-Methyl-D-Aspartate (NMDA—excitatory) receptor activation and/or increased synaptic transport of arginine. High levels of NO are a consequence of excitotoxin damage. Excess NO has been shown to inhibit sulfation of GAGs. The behavior associated with excess NO/ammonia production in the autist is maniacal laughter. Other symptoms reported by Dr. Amy Yasko include flapping tremors of extended arms, disorientation, brain fog, hyperactive reflexes, tremors of hands, paranoia, panic attacks, memory loss, hyperventilation (often with decreased CO2), and Central Nervous System toxicity. 


Hyperammonemia means that ammonia, instead of being discharged by the liver, is recirculated into the blood stream. It is apparently caused by a deficiency of four Amino Acids: Citrulline, Aspartic Acid, Threonine, and Arginine. Vegetarians are especially susceptible to Hyperammonemia because of the lack of essential, Medium-Chained Amino Acids (L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, and L-Valine) that in turn cause a deficiency of those Amino Acids named above. A lack of biotin contributes to excess ammonia. Thus, a hyperammonemic state yields the spacy “brain fog” reaction, or in more severe instances may lead to seizures. Childhood episodes of high ammonia (hyperammonemia) may be brought on by viral illnesses, including chickenpox, overgrowth of clostridia bacteria in the gut, or even exhaustion. There is likely to be an ammonia smell to the urine. This can be misleading for ammonia can be endogenous, or bacteria in the bladder or in the diaper can form it! Protease digestive enzymes may relieve the burden. The condition is often misdiagnosed as Reye’s syndrome.


Over breathing, expelling too much carbon dioxide through fast, shallow, or even fast, deep breathing is part of the primitive stress response built into every human body. If this natural fight-or-flight response becomes chronic, the lack of CO2 causes much havoc. “Autistics (90% or more) have low C02 (alkaline condition); hyperactive children often have high CO2 (acid condition). For high CO2, give HCl before meals, but only if serum chloride is not elevated. One also may give apple cider vinegar (if tolerated) to lower CO2, or phosphoric acid (Phosfood™)”—Patricia Kane. Curiously, apple cider vinegar is also said to alkalize, being converted to bicarbonate (a pH buffer).


Dr. Robert Fried found that hyperventilation (low CO2, high alkalinity) precedes seizures and results in arterial constriction, including brain arteries, and spasms. This reduces blood flow and oxygen supply to the brain. This affects the brain’s metabolism, therefore its function. Giving mineral carbonates often can control these seizures. This would raise CO2 and acidify the system. Additionally, apnea is the absence of effective breathing for 20 seconds (15 in a preemie) and is associated with color changes (blue, gray, or dusky) and/o r reduced muscle tone (turning “floppy”). In the infant, whether premature or not, breathing is exquisitely controlled primarily by the level of carbon dioxide in the blood, and to a lesser extent by oxygen levels. The method of children re-breathing their own air through “masking” used at The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential has often been helpful with these children as they raise their CO2 and oxygen levels (and acidify the system). (Conversely, one Mom writes, “What we thought to be seizure behavior are periods of her blood pressure dropping suddenly and dangerously”.) Fried concluded that the abnormal electrical activity picked up on EEGs is the result of seizures, not the cause, nor the seizure itself. CO2 is the main regulator of Cerebral Blood Flow, so this impaired vasoreactivity (constriction) may reflect the brain dysfunction in the seizure focus and adjacent areas.


Understanding these complex relations can be daunting: In living systems an enzyme, carbonic anhydrase, speeds the interconversion of CO2 and carbonic acid. In aqueous solution, carbonate, bicarbonate, carbon dioxide, and carbonic acid exist together in a dynamic equilibrium. In strongly basic conditions, the carbonate ion predominates, while in weakly basic conditions, the bicarbonate ion is prevalent. In more acid conditions, aqueous carbon dioxide, CO2(aq), is the main form, which, with water, (H2O) is in equilibrium with carbonic acid - the equilibrium lies strongly towards carbon dioxide. Thus, sodium carbonate is basic, sodium bicarbonate is weakly basic, while carbon dioxide itself is a weak acid.


Snoring is often a precursor of serious upper airway disorders. “When persons with sleep apnea fall asleep, their tongue falls back into their throat, blocking their airway. As they struggle for breath, their blood pressure soars,” Dr. Arthur Friedlander, who worked on the study, said further, “We believe that this rise in blood pressure damages the inner walls of the carotid arteries lining the sides of the neck. Cholesterol and calcium stick to the injury sites and amass into calcified plaques that block blood flow to the brain. The result is often a massive stroke. The calcium deposits are just the tip of the iceberg,” he said. “The X-ray can’t show the true size of the plaque, which is also made up of fat, platelets, and other soft tissue.” However, it is not these large plaques that cause the major problems. Often, they don’t exist. The major problem relates to unstable, smaller plaques that break apart and clog smaller vessels causing the problem. Researchers at Southampton (UK) found that supplying Omega-3 oils increased the stability of these plaques by 50% thus preventing sudden deaths by stroke and the likelihood of future heart attacks! The damage to the vessels can largely be prevented by an adequate intake of magnesium and the vitamin B6 needed to utilize it. Several studies have shown that supplementing 500-700 mg magnesium per day can significantly reduce blood pressure. Estimates indicate that this could save at least half of those dying from heart attack and stroke!


When a person is suffering from sleep apnea, air cannot flow in or out of the nose or mouth. Oxygen is not taken in so carbon dioxide builds to dangerous levels in the blood. “It’s like pressing a pillow over someone’s face,” Friedlander said.


Some symptoms caused by apnea are:

            * Limb jerking, punching, and kicking during sleep

            * Depression, reduction in motivation

            * ADHD symptoms (hyperactivity)

            * Morning headaches, bloodshot eyes

            * Multiple trips to the bathroom during sleep time

            * Heartburn (Acid Reflux)

            * Waking up very tired (feeling exhausted) and thirsty

            * Weight gain and love handles in men over 35

            * Irritability

            * Memory problems

            * Poor ability to concentrate

            * Poor motor skills

            * Daytime fatigue

            * Excessive sleepiness during waking hours


“By examining blood chemistries, the data that began to unfold was fascinating and clearly earmarked the acidosis (SIC, actually alkalosis) and hypoxic state. Seizures were often brought under control by examining the electrolytic disturbance, and matching them to the child’s needs. Potassium bicarbonate, sodium bicarbonate, magnesium carbonate, and the like were used. (These normally alkaline minerals release the carbonate raising carbonic-acid levels, acidifying the system and raising CO2. CO2 acts as an anticonvulsant, and also reduces glucose metabolites, which accumulate around the foci of convulsion. Blood flow is increased to the brain. Petit mals have been stopped using magnesium carbonate—WSL.) Now, we began to understand why so many children responded to Buffered C (potassium bicarbonate, calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate), and why others needed a more specific buffer (in some children for example niacin was grossly depleted, and they required niacin bicarbonate). (Calcium carbonate tends to constipate, and may be useful in controlling diarrhea, or when magnesium is tending to loose bowels, but it acidifies the system—WSL.) Buffers and butyrates attenuate (lessens the effects of) abnormal nitrogen metabolism (protein digestion), however, children with ASD are unique in their presentations, and as we examine nitrogen retention/NO (nitric oxide), electrolyte stability, catalysts, and lipid status to determine disturbances in metabolism, it requires that we act upon these aberrations in an integrative manner from a cellular perspective, not as singular interventions.... We found that mineral endings contained in many multiples were worthless (magnesium oxide—a laxative), or irritating to the CNS (aspartates, excess can be excitatory), or to the urea cycle (picolinates raise uric acid or BUN, and disturb the urea cycle), but the children responded beautifully to alkaline salts such as Buffered C, to the carbonates, and to digestive support, including duodenum (naturally containing Secretin and other components of the small intestine—1 teaspoon after meals. Obtain from —WSL.), and pancreas (available in porcine, bovine, or bovine derivatives—1 to 2 capsules after meals—WSL)”—Patricia Kane. There are three problems with the carbonate forms: 1) Like the other inorganic forms, it’s the most poorly absorbed (only 5-10%); and 2) It overacidifies a system that is consuming a highly acidic diet; and 3) Unlike the other inorganic forms, calcium carbonate requires (and binds) the most stomach acids. That’s why TUMS™ are sold.


Though most children with Autism may show low CO2 and an alkaline pH, some may have high CO2, low oxygen, and low pH. Further, while most people can tolerate a wide range of CO2, others cannot, and a small excess can trigger anxiety and panic attacks. An adult serving of 200 mg 5-HTP (children 100 mg) may alleviate the anxiety and panic. Results should be apparent within two hours or less.


“I found...that many, many of these children are in negative nitrogen balance. Their BUN-to-creatinine ratios are very high”—Dr. Mary Megson. Low creatinine, BUN, and uric acid are markers of a lack of nitrogen. Nitrogen retention is dependent upon dietary consumption of nitrogen-rich foods (proteins), along with lipid consumption (fats), electrolyte stability, and mineral density and balance. Those with organic acidemias or aminoacidemias will often exhibit this same protein intolerance. Those with elevations of BUN are deficient in lipids and mineral base (check for dehydration).


Purines are key building blocks for the synthesis of DNA and RNA, and are involved in a variety of other cellular processes. “Purine autism” was first characterized in the 1970s by Mary Coleman who noted elevated levels of uric acid in the urine of some patients. Uric acid is the end product of purine metabolism, and is elevated in other diseases of purine metabolism such as Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome. Recent studies at UCSD suggest that some of the autistic patients with elevated urate levels also have evidence of abnormally high rates of intracellular purine synthesis further indicating that they have a purine metabolism defect. A few of these patients have been treated with dietary restrictions of fatty proteins and an analog of uridine for several years, with improvements observed in cognitive performance and muscular function. Repligen Corp now holds the patent to uridine treatment for this condition.


High uric acid may indicate high homocysteine requiring vitamins B6, B12, folic acid, and possibly TMG. High homocysteine is also an indication of Hypothyroidism that inhibits B-vitamin absorption (Broda Barnes 1976, and Cleveland Clinic 1999). It is of interest to note that recent studies (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) show that even when folate and B-vitamins were adequate, a deficiency of choline substantially impaired the body’s ability to regulate high homocysteine levels. When choline is ingested, some is converted to betaine, and betaine (TMG) regulates homocysteine by converting it back to Methionine. This would suggest that when MTHFR problems exist, adequate Choline or possibly TMG supplementation would provide a second pathway to improve methylation. In fact, the MTHFR deficient, having impaired availability of methyl groups from mTHF, utilize (and consequently deplete) choline and betaine (TMG) to maintain homocysteine remethylation. A lack of choline reduces acetylcholine and depresses cognitive function as well as unbalancing acetylcholine/dopamine ratios. Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) is a key gene in one-carbon metabolism and, indirectly, in all methylation reactions. Several laboratories have noted that the C667T polymorphism (Ala to Val), which reduces enzymatic activity, is inversely associated with occurrence of colorectal cancer and acute lymphocyte leukemia. Low intake of folate, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, or methionine was associated with increased risk for cancer among those with the MTHFR TT genotype. MTHFR variants are also implicated in Cardiovascular Disease (CVD). Additionally, in 78% of those supplementing folic acid, there was unmetabolized folic acid in their blood. In those low in vitamin B12, but high in folic acid, there was a risk of cognitive impairment. Researchers concluded, “It might be better to use the metabolically active L-methylfolate (MetafolinTM) instead of folic acid, and it might be best to always combine vitamin B12 (as methylcobalamin) with any type of folate supplementation.”


Exciting new research has shown that almost every organ, every gland, and every immune cell in the body has vitamin D receptor sites. Clinical experience has shown activation of these receptor sites facilitates calcium utilization for maximum alkalinization. Vitamin D receptors are also a part of the MTHFR problems. Vitamin D is one of the major controllers of which gene it turned on or off. Get in the sun! If no sun, then supplement vitamin D3.


Mothers with this MTHFR block will likely have high levels of SAH and homocysteine, while their kids will be low is SAMe, that is, undermethylated. Epigenetically, undermethylation turns unwanted genes on whereas, in those properly methylated, the genes will be turned off. So, if there is an active gene that is undesirable, turn it off! 


Dr. Stephen Sinatra, MD, reports that an estimated 30% of Americans (40% of adults) have the genetic abnormality of MTHFR, and that this can cause too little homocysteine as well as too much! Medical studies have shown that the conversion of folic acid into L-Methylfolate is frequently disrupted not only by genetic factors, but also by age-related problems, medications, and metabolic obstacles. This is not just a heart disease problem, but families having this genetic fault will suffer a multitude of variations of disease as a result. People who have GERD or asthma, or are sensitive to red wines (headache) often have low homocysteine. The homocysteine normal range should be 7-10 umol/L. A lesser level will tend to produce excess sulfites, sulfates, and ammonia. Individualls with low homocysteine typically have high sulfate in the urine. You can check this with a dipstick “Sulfate Test” from Holistic Health International (www. for $55.00.  Use L-methylfolate rather than folic acid.


Do the Iodine Test and support the thyroid as outlined herein. Copper deficient rats also showed high uric acid, higher sugar levels, and weakened immune systems. The amount of urea excreted depends on hydration of the patient. If dehydrated (and most of our kids are), then low tubular flow in the kidneys will allow more urinary filtrate so more urea is absorbed leading to a higher serum level. Additionally, elevated uric acid, white blood count, and CPK enzymes in a patient’s lab work may indicate yeast-induced psychosis, but not all patients reacting to yeast will be suffering from an overgrowth large enough to show up in lab tests. The amino acid ornithine is an effective supplement for removing uric acid as is celery seed.  A pleasurable way is to eat a bowl of cherries every day! It doesn’t matter the type. An adult needs about 22 cherries a day. Don’t like cherries? Try a bowl of strawberries.


“When we blocked or lowered uric acid, we were able to largely prevent or reverse features of metabolic syndrome,” Dr. Richard Johnson, professor of nephrology and chief of nephrology, hypertension, and transplantation at the university’s College of Medicine, said in a prepared statement. “We were able to significantly reduce weight gain, we were able to significantly reduce the rise in the triglycerides in the blood, the [rats’] insulin resistance was less, and the blood pressure fell.” High amounts of urea in the blood indicate poor cardiac output, leading to weakened kidney function.


Dr. Ted Page reported a more puzzling form with low uric acid and a high amount of an enzyme, nucleotidase, in the cells of skin samples. Children with a high level of heavy metals have a low amount of uric acid. URIC ACID LOW? This is always seen in people with CHRONIC INFECTIONS, including lyme. A uric acid reading of less than 3.0 is an indicator for heavy metal toxicity. This probably means that child has impaired ability to produce purines that are converted to uric acid in the body, so the low uric acid may indicate an inability to release purine. Additionally, those with deep suppression of uric acid may have difficulty with sulfation (sulfite to sulfate) in the conversion of xanthine (excess of which is highly inflammatory, especially to blood vessels) to uric acid, a molybdenum dependent step. A supplement of moly may help, but in particular, avoid homogenized milk that is high in xanthine – Dr. Stephen Sinatra, MD.  


Purine is needed for energy production, and adequate protein is needed for muscle and growth. There is a school of thought that tells us we ought not to eat much protein, as it is “hard on the kidneys”. Except for the instances we have discussed, unhealthy swelling or dropsy that accompanies so many diseases (especially those of heart or kidneys) may well be an indication of too little protein intake. A kidney-diseased patient should take more protein, not less, in order to replace the nitrogen being lost through the kidneys. Each should eat the amount of protein indicated by his metabolic type. 


Purine is involved with all energy reactions in the body. This is another reason why toxic metals can cause muscle weakness because they are inhibiting energy production by the body. This abnormality may indicate we have another therapeutic treatment for autism, through the supplementation of purine (eat dark meats). Treatment with pyrimidine nucleotides or nucleosides has resulted in a marked improvement in symptoms. The sugar, Ribose was also therapeutically beneficial, but to a lesser degree. Avoid copper if uric acid is significantly suppressed (BodyBio Corp. note).


High uracil readings with normal or slightly elevated thymine may indicate a lack of folic acid needed to convert uracil to thymine. A deficiency of molybdenum would likely be associated with abnormally low levels of uric acid in the blood and high sulfate in the urine. Supplementation of sulfur in any form will tend to deplete moly. When BUN, Creatinine, and Uric acid are low, there is a need for organic poultry and seafood, particularly for the fatty ones. Eat dark meat not white, fatty fish, not dry. Additionally, inhibition of guanase activity could reduce the availability of endogenous xanthine, but would also reduce uric acid formation. A supplement of xanthine may help in this instance. As previously stated, the amount of urea excreted depends on hydration of the patient, if over-hydration occurs there will be high tubular flow rate in the kidneys and less urate is reabsorbed; so, serum level will be low.


Through its conversion into carbonic acid, carbon dioxide is the most vital player in the maintaining of the body’s acid-base balance (actually buffering movement in pH). Lowering carbon dioxide in the lungs by hyperventilation shifts the body’s pH towards alkalinity, which slows the rate of activity of all body ferments, enzymes, and vitamins. Another major cause of alkalosis is the glutathione deficiency that is pervasive in Autism and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Low glutathione causes an elevation in citrate, which in turn lowers a substance (2,3 DPG) that controls the release of oxygen from hemoglobin. Our blood can be full of oxygen, but without enough of this substance it cannot break free and get into the cells. This causes oxygen deprivation in the tissues (hypoxia) that makes the body switch over to anaerobic metabolism, which can be painful. This shift in the rate of metabolic-regulator activity disturbs the normal flow of metabolic processes and leads to the death of the cell. The lowering of carbon dioxide in the nerve cells heightens the threshold of its excitability, alerting all branches of the nervous system and rendering it extraordinarily sensitive to outside stimuli. This hypersensitivity to light, sound, touch, taste, smell, heat, or cold leads to irritability, sleeplessness, stress problems, unfounded anxiety, fears, allergic reactions, and inordinate stress. Concurrent with this, the breathing center in the brain is further stimulated causing a further loss of carbon dioxide with increased alkalinity. A vicious cycle has commenced. The detrimental influence of the rapid, deep breathing on the organism is a direct result of the creation of a carbon-dioxide deficit. It is clear that a deepening of the breathing does not necessarily mean an increase in oxygen uptake. On the contrary, it can mean a decrease in oxygenation, which leads to hypoxia, an alkaline imbalance, and cell spasming. “You are hyperventilating if breathing is predominantly thoracic (chest); if little use is made of the diaphragm (abdominal movement is minimal); if breathing is punctuated by frequent sighs; if sighing has an effortless quality with a marked forward and upward movement of the sternum but little lateral expansion.”—Dr. Robert Fried.


Those with migrating nerve or joint pain, insomnia, or morning stiffness that improves as you move around may well be one of the rare individuals who is too alkaline. Obtain a pH test strip for measuring urine and measure both urine and saliva pH (do saliva between and during meals). A saliva pH (between meals) of more than 7.5 would pinpoint your problem. Lower your systemic (saliva) pH to 6.5 to 7.0 for relief of these and many other symptoms (Dr. David Williams, MD, Newsletter). Those too acid (below 6.5) will suffer a wide range of other symptoms that can be corrected by raising the saliva pH. Addition of digestive enzymes, vitamin D3, and eating a couple of Brazil nuts each day (or 200 mcg of selenium supplement) will banish many other pains.


Details of this testing are found in my electronic book “Self-help to Good Health”, (50 Chapters, over 1000 Pages, $29.95 US) in the Chapter “Digestion and Utilization”. Saliva pH when not eating should be 6.5 to 7.0. While eating, it should rise one full number, 7.5 to 8.0. An excessively acid condition would likely signal a too high CO2 or an intake of too many carbonated minerals. The lungs are not getting the carbon dioxide out and the needed oxygen in. The opposite would be true for an excessively alkaline condition—there is too little CO2, or too little glutathione, and the cells will be starving for oxygen. Electrolyte levels, particularly of calcium (or perhaps more accurately, of vitamins D and K to utilize the calcium), also control the pH. Some think the best time for checking urine pH is mid morning and late afternoon before the evening meal. Others prefer the second urine of the morning. A word of warning: in using sodium bicarbonate excessively, potassium can be excreted producing a potassium deficiency that can cause heart palpitations. Use of too much carbonate can cause the system to become overly acid. Dr. Carl Reich considers these saliva pH values taken between meals to mean: 4.5-6.0 you have a disease, 6.0-6.5 you are developing a disease, 6.5-7.4 you are in a healthy range (The Calcium Factor by Robert R. Barefoot and Carl J. Reich, M. D). Buffers tend to stabilize the pH by acting chemically to resist changes in pH. The most important of these compounds in the blood are bicarbonates, albumin, globulin, and hemoglobin (gives off hydrogen ions).


If suffering hyperammonemia, or over alkalinity of any cause, calm the child’s breathing in whatever manner you can in order to raise CO2 levels, and use these carbonate buffers to restore CO2 and body acidity. One quick way to restore acidity is to drink a teaspoon of raw, unfiltered, apple-cider vinegar (diluted in water) every hour or so until desired acidity is restored. Deep breathing can be used consciously, and perhaps unconsciously, to make more alkaline an already acid system. As Dr. Fried states, the over breathing may be “the body’s best adjustment to its present needs.” If the acidity were that of excess lactic acid, consciously hyperventilating would likely make the condition worse.


Use these methods also to stop severe allergic reactions. The average asthmatic, for example, over-breathes 3-5 times the recommended amount, sometimes more. If you think someone’s having an allergic reaction, and you don’t have those bicarbonate buffers, try half a teaspoon or a teaspoon of baking soda in a half-glass of water. Sometimes, that will stop a reaction within 10 to 15 minutes. Three commercial, bicarbonate products AlkaAid™, Alka-Seltzer Gold™, and AlkaLime™ can be used. This is very effective, not only in stopping reactions, but if you take it before you eat a food to which you are sensitive, you can sometimes prevent a reaction. If you’re going to dinner, and you’re not quite sure what they’re going to serve, you certainly should try to take that in advance. Supporting the thyroid will increase carbon dioxide production.


Remember, taking a high amount of potassium may be most valuable, but it tends to deplete vitamin B12, as does high amounts of vitamin C, and using sodium bicarbonate excessively can excrete potassium producing a potassium deficiency that can cause heart palpitations and reduce HCl production. Conversely, drinking a large glass of orange juice every day (for potassium), as advocated by the American Cancer Society, may eventually drain all your magnesium making you very ill. Under no circumstances take more than 4 ounces of juice (adults)! Many have found bee pollen, or perhaps more so, honeycomb, from local honey farms to be highly effective in relieving environmental allergy. Start with very small amounts, and slowly increase amounts until the allergy is overcome.


Butyrate (butyric acid) will aid in removal of ammonia and is essential to the health and function of the large intestines. Though there are food sources (butter and parsnips), it is mostly produced by beneficial bacteria. Highly-fermentable fibers like resistant starch, oat bran, and pectin are transformed by colonic bacteria into short-chain fatty acids including butyrate. One study found that resistant starch consistently produces more butyrate than other types of dietary fiber. Fermented Kombucha “tea” includes butyric acid as a result of the fermentation. It supports the integrity of colonic mucosa by acting as primary fuel for the colonic epithelium. Several studies have reported a correlation between a low level of stool butyrate and a higher incidence of colon cancer, and one animal study supplying a very high level of butyrate eliminated early-stage colon cancer. Butyrate is a natural histone deacetylase inhibitor, and thus has anticancer activity. Butyrate has been shown to modulate local electrolyte flux, thereby mediating diarrhea. High amounts reduce inflammation and cut DNA damage in half. Sodium butyrate (NaB) increased lifespan in experimental animals. Colonic bacteria normally produce it, if there is plenty of fiber, but when these bacteria are disrupted, this supplement will support colon health as you rebuild colon flora. Evidence of adequacy will be a formed and floating stool.


ButyrEn™ (butyric acid) by Allergy Research Group/Nutricology, Inc (800-782-4274) is a short-chain, fatty-acid, dietary supplement, an enteric-coated formulation of calcium and magnesium salts of butyric acid. Ecological Formulas (800) 654-4432 supplies a fluid butyrate. Alpha ketoglutarate clears ammonia, and butyrate clears ammonia, spores, and nitrogen. Butyrate and another short-chain fatty acid, caprylic acid, are frequently used as anti-Candida agents. Liver and gallbladder congestion are major issues in states of toxicity. To insure that your gallbladder bile flow is functional add magnesium taurate or L-taurine, glycine, and butyric acid. The oral use of butyrate, a short 4-carbon-chain-fatty acid, is of striking benefit (Fusunyan et al 1998, Segain et al 1983, Yin et al 2001) in mobilizing renegade fats, lowering TNF(a), sequestering ammonia, and clearing biotoxins. An increased amount of niacinamide will be helpful for it aids in release of toxins stored in fats. Sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and drugs deplete niacin. Vitamins E, C, selenium, CoQ10, phosphatidylcholine, and low dose Alpha Lipoic Acid all support the liver. Nevertheless, “Though butyrate works, arginine, ornithine, magnesium, and manganese are far superior and proper in the detoxification of ammonia” —Mark Schauss of Carbonbased Labs.


As indicated, the undigested protein turns into ammonia and goes to the brain. Kane recommends that one hour after every meal, when the body is supposed to be producing its own bicarbonate, the carbonate buffers be given (carbonates give off CO2 when neutralizing hydrochloric acid), along with a big glass of carbonated (CO2) Seltzer water (this load of CO2 will acidify the system, but it will also convert the carbonates to bicarbonates that are alkaline—WSL). I feel this is too soon for it will stop protein digestion and defeat the purpose of intervention. Studies of stomach content have shown that for up to an hour after eating, the stomach produces no acid, but digests carbohydrate. Though dumping takes place in small lots over time, it seems to me that 2 1/2 or 3 hours after eating would coincide with dumping acid chyme, and serve the purpose better. A child with these problems will consume mostly carbohydrates. All those carbs cause high glucose which produces more insulin than is healthful, and that interferes with fatty acid metabolism and protein utilization, and produces insulin resistant cells, tending to overweight and diabetes. Overweight children with high levels of insulin in their blood are also likely to have high levels of homocysteine, a substance that appears to raise the risk of heart disease, stroke, and birth defects, as well as possibly other adverse effects as well. In addition, these children and adolescents appear to have lower levels of folate, a vitamin that can lower homocysteine levels. These children may have high albumin—which is the substance that transports toxins out of the body. High albumin means high levels of toxins are presently being transported.


“Albumin binds organic acids and neutralizes their toxic effect to some extent. A low serum albumin is a significant risk factor that results in a more serious clinical episode in patients with organic acidemias. The administration of Valproic acid (Depakene™), or salicylates, should be carefully evaluated in cases of suspected organic acidemias, since these drugs also bind to albumin and diminish the protective effect of albumin in neutralizing toxic organic acids. Swedish developmental biologist Rodier has found that Valproic acid, a common anti-seizure drug known to induce autism, causes brain damage in rodents, and precisely in the places expected, based on what’s known about autism. Anytime you are taking Valproic Acid, you must supplement L-carnitine (Carnitor™) and folic acid to avoid the deadly consequences of their deficiency. It may be wise not to supplement more than one milligram of folic acid without your doctor’s advice for it may reduce the drug’s effectiveness and induce seizures. Indicative of the possible harm from Valpoic Acid is this: folic acid is already lacking in the alcoholic, those with chronic disease, the anorexic, the premature infant, the elderly, the pregnant, and in those suffering hyperthyroidism, neoplasia, hemolytic (chemical poisoning) anemias, and psoriasis! Eat your greens! Adding an oil dressing raises folate intake ten fold, but negligible amounts were absorbed without any fat! The study leader said, “A substantially greater absorption of carotenoids was also observed when salads were consumed with full-fat than with reduced-fat salad dressing.” Including avocadoes was equally as effective as oil (8.5-13 times more nutrients absorbed!).


“Lactic acid may be elevated in a wide range of conditions including the pyruvate dehydrogenase, pyruvate carboxylase, 6 diphosphatase, and phosphenol-pyruvate carboxykinase, and dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase deficiencies, glycogen storage disease type I, fructose 1, and respiratory chain deficiencies”—Wm. Shaw. At least the pyruvate dehydrogenase is dependent on vitamin B1 that may be lacking. Additionally, vigorous exercise, bacterial overgrowth of intestines, shock, anemia, and an absence of sufficient oxygen will elevate lactic acid. Excess lactic acid will eventually result in the death of the cell. A possible link of metal toxicity to chronic fatigue is via metal binding to the sulfhydryl-containing antioxidant, lipoic acid, making lipoic acid unavailable for its vital role in the energy-producing tricarboxylic acid (citric acid, Krebs) cycle. A deficiency of lipoic acid results in reduced muscle mass, brain atrophy, failure to thrive, and increased lactic acid accumulation. An enzyme complex that contains lipoic acid, niacin, and thiamine breaks down the pyruvate. If pyruvate were high, I would supplement these nutrients. Intracellular levels of glutathione increased as much as 50% with administration of lipoic acid.


When the mitochondrial respiratory chain (Krebs or citric acid cycle) is blocked, metabolites that are normally processed by its enzymes may build up in the cells and cause problems. When glutathione levels are compromised, the mitochondrial respiratory chain is a vulnerable target and cell death ensues. Both L-carnitine and acetyl-L-carnitine can by-pass the defect in Complex I that is seen in Parkinson’s and Huntington’s diseases. Richard Kelley from Kennedy Krieger in his presentation at Mitochondria Interest Group Minisymposium in March of 2000 stated, “When identified below the age of two years, affected children often respond to therapy designed to augment Complex I activity (supplement carnitine, niacin, and or NADH—ENADA™—WSL). We propose that, like the basal ganglia, areas of the brain important in language development and personal, social interaction are especially vulnerable in the first two years to injury mediated by defects of mitochondrial energy metabolism, and that early and careful evaluation of autistic children for these more subtle mitochondrial disturbances may rescue them from more severe brain injury.” He also pointed out, “Although we find a variety of autistic phenotypes to have associated mitochondrial abnormalities, the most common is nonspecific PDD, typically a form that manifests language and cognitive regression or stagnation during the second year.” ENADA™, riboflavin, niacin, thiamine, alpha lipoic acid, carnitine, CoQ10, and vitamin K all improve mitochondrial energy production. Additionally, IV glutathione and Hyperbaric oxygen is restoring function to those with Parkinson’s!


While we are considering cognitive stagnation, be aware that rats and kids without adequate stimulation (impoverished mentally), that is, few toys, little interplay with parents, such as playing with and reading to them, or withdrawal that is typical of an autistic child, will suffer cognitive stagnation and memory impairment such as seen in old age. Like muscles, neurons that are not used stagnate. A brain that is receiving regular, high levels of stimulation grows more neurons. This is why ABA (Canadian IBI) works so well. Nevertheless, cognitive stimulation will be minimally effective without supplying missing biochemicals as suggested herein. The mentally impoverished rats supplemented with a precursor to phosphatidylcholine (CDP-choline) retained more normal memory and cognitive functions according to MIT researchers. Other researchers report that “healthy” elderly adults showed a four-fold increase in growth hormone, and an increase in brain levels of key neurotransmitters acetylcholine, dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. CDP Choline – Cytidine Diphosphate Choline is an active lipotrope of choline that restores brain levels of Phosphatidylserine, Phosphatidylcholine and Sphingomyelin that are crucial to the function of neurons and the myelin sheath that protects them.


Aluminum interferes with the citric acid cycle (inhibits alpha-ketoglutarate and results in toxic levels of ammonia), and thereby reduces energy production from foods. This has been shown to influence mood and energy levels. High aluminum levels were found to be related to encephalopathies and dementia. Recent studies suggest that aluminum contributes to neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, senile and presenile dementia, clumsiness of movements, staggering when walking, and inability to pronounce words properly. Early symptoms may include fatigue, headache, and symptoms of phosphate depletion. Aluminum, as obtained from antacids, can bind pepsin and weaken protein digestion. It also has astringent qualities, and thus can dry the tissues and mucous linings and contribute to constipation. Regular use of aluminum-containing deodorants may contribute to the clogging of underarm lymphatics and then to breast problems such as cystic disease. The effect of aluminum in contributing to Alzheimer’s is offset by adequate magnesium that is universally lacking in the American diet. Further, it is theorized that supplementing 500 mg magnesium per day would cut heart disease by 50%!


Acute aluminum poisoning has been associated with constipation, colicky pain, anorexia, nausea and gastrointestinal irritation, skin problems, and lack of energy. Slower and longer-term increases in body aluminum may create muscle twitching, numbness, paralysis, and fatty degeneration of the liver and kidneys. It is worse with reduced renal function. Aluminum may reduce the absorption of selenium and phosphorus from the gastrointestinal tract. The loss of bone matrix from aluminum toxicity can lead to osteomalacia, a softening of the bone. Skin rashes have occurred with local irritation from aluminum antiperspirants. To detoxify aluminum take a two or three teaspoons of apple cider vinegar (malic acid—also used in the mitochondria) each day. This can be as salad dressing or drank with the morning glass of water. Taken before meals it enhances digestion. Also supplement selenium, magnesium, melatonin, and silica (silicon, now found increasingly as filler in supplements).


Dr. Paul Bragg, ND, Ph.D., brought 3 “mentally retarded” children into his home and gave them two teaspoons of pure, Apple Cider Vinegar with a heaping teaspoon of raw honey and a potassium rich diet. After 3 weeks they became more mentally alert, and in one year they were able to join school again with children of their own age! Similar results were had with mentally retarded adults and with senile adults. This may be served two or three times a day.


Pyruvate is a chemical derived from glucose that’s normally shipped into the mitochondria. A mitochondrion is a bean-shaped organelle that resides in the cytoplasm of every cell. These vary in number from 200 of these tiny “boilers” to 10,000 per cell (expanding in number to meet the need)! One of the more unsung heroes of cellular life, the mitochondria use Pyruvate and fatty-acid metabolism and electron transport to provide energy for cells. Researchers studying this enterprising organelle have discovered that in 95 percent of the cases of stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, and ALS there are elevated levels of free radicals and crashed mitochondria.


Pyruvate is processed further so that the respiratory chain can harvest its potential energy. However, when the respiratory chain (electron transport) is blocked, pyruvate accumulates outside the mitochondria, and when too much pyruvate has accumulated, the cells start to convert it to lactic acid. “Many patients with mitochondrial disease have lactic acidosis—lactate in the blood,” neuroscientist Eric Schon of Columbia University in New York says. “And there’s decent evidence that the lactate isn’t just a sign of faulty mitochondria, but that the lactate itself is bad—especially in the brain, but probably also in the muscle. If this is true, then holding that lactate down would help the patient.” There is a frequent association of lactic acidosis and carnitine deficiency in autistic patients, which suggests excessive nitric oxide production in mitochondria (Lombard, 1998; Chugani et al, 1999). Sport by Mannatech™ can aid in removing excess lactic acid, whether in sports, or in autism; however, supplementing small amounts of alpha lipoic acid (several times a day), NADH, and CoQ10 may enable the mitochondria to use the pyruvate. Children with inborn errors of pyruvate metabolism showed symptomatic improvement with a supplement of Alpha Lipoic Acid. A deficiency of carnitine decreases the activity of Cytochrome c oxidase (Complex IV), NADH dehydrogenase (Complex I), and succinate dehydrogenase that regulate three of the five steps in the process by which cells oxidize food to energy in the mitochondria. Supplementing acetyl-L-carnitine restores the function of the antioxidant enzyme cytochrome c oxidase to optimal levels.   


Additionally, tartaric and citramalic acids, often elevated in autistic children and in sufferers of fibromyalgia, apparently as a byproduct of yeast overgrowth, can interfere with mitochondrial function. These acids are analogs of malic acid and as such, they inhibit the enzyme, fumarase, that is important in the production of malic acid needed in the Krebs Cycle in its production of energy. The proper function of the Krebs Cycle depends on a continuing supply of malic acid. The very toxic Tartaric and the Citramalic acids block the availability of malic acid in the mitochondria. Supplementing with malic acid (pure Apple Cider Vinegar and/or magnesium malate) brought favorable improvement in the disorder, fibromyalgia.  Enquire at your healthfood store. A tasty, chewable magnesium, 200 mg (malate, citrate, and gluconate chelate), is available through your doctor from Anabolic Labs at (800) 445-6849 reference number 370015. 


Cellular energy production itself produces free radicals that can damage cell structures, including the mitochondria, and ultimately lead to various diseases if the body’s natural antioxidant capacity is inadequate. Acetyl L-carnitine and Alpha Lipoic Acid are both endogenous (naturally present in the body) antioxidants that have been shown to restore mitochondrial function and reduce free radical damage. (Hagen TM et al., 1998; Lyckesfeldt J et al., 1998) Together with NADH and coenzyme Q10, they work to maintain the function of the mitochondria. Elevated levels of free radicals from immune activation produced by dietary intake of food substances identified as pathogens (allergens) in the autist contribute significantly to the production of toxic and neurotoxic substances. Mitochondria are vulnerable to a wide array of endogenous and exogenous factors that appear to be linked by excessive nitric oxide production. Strategies to augment mitochondrial function, either by decreasing production of endogenous toxic metabolites, reducing nitric oxide production, or stimulating mitochondrial enzyme activity may be beneficial in the treatment of autism. To accomplish the strategies to augment the mitochondrial function requires that the dietary pathogens be identified and eliminated, the nitrogen containing amino acids be regulated, and the metabolism be functioning at optimal levels with healed mucosal linings and the recognized essential nutrients present and available.


The volume of hydrochloric acid needed for digestion may be as important as its strength (acidity). It must register a pH of 3 or below for pepsinogen to be converted to pepsin—needed to dissolve proteins into polypeptides in the first step of reducing protein to amino acids that the body can use. In today’s crazy world, even children do not produce enough HCl to digest their foods properly! It seems that autistic children in particular have a preponderant number who are lacking HCl. One test identified 52% lacking.


Conditions associated with the depressed secretion of hydrochloric acid include infancy, aging, elevated levels of prostaglandin E2, cannabis use, billiard disease, allergies, autoimmune phenomenon, disorders in calcium metabolism, Vitiligo, and the signs and symptoms associated with fat-soluble vitamin deficiencies (A, E, D, K, Fas). Fatigue, vague epigastric distresses after meals, reflux, chronic excessive intestinal gas, constipation, belching, abdominal distention, coated tongue, nausea, vomiting, morning diarrhea, and frequent appearance of undigested food in stools all signal that HCl secretion may be impaired.


Chyme leaves the stomach in small dumps. When the chyme leaving the stomach is sufficiently acid, the duodenum triggers the secretion into the blood of Secretin from S-cells in the small intestine walls. HCl is the only known stimulus of Secretin. Secretin is also formed in the portions of the intestines that lie beyond the duodenum, and the humoral effect of Secretin is exerted not only on the pancreas but also on the intestinal glands and the liver (in augmenting the secretion of bile). Zinc appears to influence the bioavailability of Secretin as well as the availability of HCl. The amount of Secretin released is dependent on the volume and pH of the chyme. This release of Secretin does three things immediately. It signals the stomach to: 1) shut down HCl production (indicating that infusions should not be administered immediately after a meal, and that signs of an acid stomach after the stomach is empty may be due to a lack of Secretin output), 2) to release bicarbonate of soda in precisely the right amounts to neutralize the acid, and 3) to release pancreatic enzymes to continue the digestion of the food. The Secretin passes throughout the system, even into the brain, where it affects many body functions. Slowed emptying time of the stomach, reduced gastrointestinal symptoms, and—in many—dramatic improvements in behavior, as manifested in improved eye contact, alertness, and expansion of expressive language, are documented in many of those receiving infusions of Secretin.


Secondarily, Secretin generates a signal to the gallbladder to send down appropriate amounts of bile to aid the digestion of the sensed amount of fat present. The body has many “backup” or secondary systems to function under varied conditions. When fat and protein enter the duodenum, apparently even in the absence of sufficient acid to trigger Secretin production, cholecystokinin (CCK) is secreted from the walls of the duodenum, which signals both the pancreas and the gallbladder to do their thing. That is why we can exist without HCl, though not well, for HCl/pepsin has not broken down the protein in the stomach, and vitamin B12 is not being assimilated. Similarly, if food is not thoroughly chewed, some carbohydrate digestion will still take place in the small intestine due to the pancreatic enzyme Amylase (that is often deficient in Autism).


Vitamin B12 is essential for myelinogenesis in the developing central nervous system, a process that is not complete until around the age of 10 years. B12 deficiency may, therefore, be a contributory factor in the developmental regression. The primary sources of vitamin B12, which is essential for brain development, are animal products like meat, dairy products, and eggs. Since Vegan mothers eat little or no animal products, too little vitamin B12 is transmitted to their children through breast milk, according to Dr. Maria Elena Jefferds. Similarly, children who refuse meat, dairy, and eggs, or who lack HCl will lack this vital vitamin. Curiously, blood levels of vitamin B12 may appear normal, yet the brain will be lacking. This can cause severe mental deterioration. Many find methylcobalamin shots more effective than oral or sublingual, and this is benefiting those with autism.


As with Secretin, CCK does many things throughout the body. This peptide is found in neurons of the peripheral nervous system, including those in the gut, and in the brain, but little in the spinal cord. The highest concentrations are found in the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, thalamus, amygdala, and hypothalamus. There are two receptors identified: CCKA found abundantly in the pancreatic acinar cells, and CCKB, that functions also as gastrin receptors. That is the predominant form found in the brain where CCK produces satiety. Both Secretin and CCK have a direct gut/brain connection. It would appear that gastrin, a hormone produced by the G-cells of the lower stomach, but secreted not into the stomach but into the blood stream, may have widespread effects also as it uses CCKB receptors.


“Many forms of CCK are active but the octapeptide form of CCK, which is a chain of eight amino acids, is able to promote the same degree of signal at the CCKB receptor regardless of whether sulfate has attached to it or not. On the other hand, the CCKA receptor is a thousand times more responsive to sulfated octapeptide than it is to the octapeptide’s unsulfated form. In a condition of low sulfate (PST—poor sulfoxidation), CCK’s maturation might be affected, and the delivery of its signal at the CCKA receptor would be unreliable. When one looks at the function of the CCKA receptor, the possible relevance to autism begins to become clear. Though it is clear there are some regions where the CCKA receptor does not regulate the production of the neurotransmitter serotonin, it clearly does have effects in the hypothalamus, and it is also clear that CCK has very powerful effects on serotonin in other regions where the receptor has not been differentiated. It may consequently have effects on serotonin’s metabolite, melatonin, in the pineal gland. (Serotonin, through its effect on CCKB, produces satiety—WSL.) The CCKA receptor powerfully regulates another neurotransmitter, dopamine, and also intrinsic factor, a substance in the digestive system that allows the body to absorb vitamin B12. When B12 is lacking, it will result in elevations in methylmalonic acid in the urine, which was found to be consistently elevated in the children in Wakefield’s recent study...The CCKA receptor also governs the release of and regulates the release of the hormone oxytocin, dubbed the ‘social hormone’. CCK also helps to regulate another hormone: motilin”—Susan Owens. “Thus, a lack of sulfation will greatly diminish available pancreatic enzymes necessary to digestion, and adversely affect all these neurotransmitter functions (see the information on sulfation deficit, and PST below). Opioid peptides inhibit oxytocin release, and thereby promote the preferential secretion of vasopressin when it is of functional importance to maintain homeostasis during dehydration and hemorrhage. Both neuromodulators and neurohormones coexist in the same neuron”—Susan Owens.


The significance of this is seen in a recent study:  patients who inhaled the hormone oxytocin paid more attention to expressions when looking at pictures of faces and were more likely to understand social cues in a game simulation, the researchers said in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Angela Sirigu of the Center of Cognitive Neuroscience in Lyon, who led the study, said the hormone has a therapeutic potential in adults as well as in children with autism. While it would be nice to have an oxytocin “puffer”, it seems more productive to work with improving CCK and the sulfation aspects.


CCK is dependent upon an adequate supply of the amino acid phenylalanine. Secretin and other hormones are also dependent upon adequate amino acid substrates. “Available pools of these sulfhydryl amino acids can be depleted by the metal-induced, high turnover of glutathione (GSH). Persistent candidiasis/dysbiosis associated with mercury (Hg) burden can compromise the absorption of aromatic amino acids such as phenylalanine, tyrosine, and tryptophan, which are precursors to dopamine/norepinephrine and serotonin, respectively” (Quig, unpublished). Due to poor digestion, and the poor eating habits of these children, amino acid concentrates often must be supplemented. Lewis Laboratories’ Brewer’s yeast, or desiccated liver, or pure amino acid supplements must be supplied. Seazyme™, a specially predigested concentrate of white fish, is a good way to go since it is absorbed by those too weak to digest regular protein.


When supplementing pure amino acids, do not take phenylalanine, tyrosine, and tryptophan together as they compete. Be aware that elevations of phenylalanine and dopamine (produced by phenylalanine and tyrosine) have been associated with several known behavioral disorders including schizophrenia and seizures as well as headaches.  Do not drink diet drinks with their high phenylalanine and aspartate content. Additionally, be aware that dopamine and norepinephrine, produced by metabolism of phenylalanine in the brain, play an important role in controlling the release of several pituitary hormones (vasopressin, prolactin, oxytocin, luteinizing hormone, growth hormone, and thyroid stimulating hormone). Supplementing phenylalanine or tyrosine prevents reduction of norepinephrine levels that is induced by stress. These amino acids are themselves depleted by stress. Many clinical studies, and a large body of anecdotal evidence, indicate that tyrosine may prove to be a vital substance in alleviating depression and the irritating symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. It also controls familial tremors. Tyrosine is vitally important because it is a precursor to Thyroxin (Triiodo tyrosine), dopamine, adrenaline, and noradrenaline. Thyroxin (T4) is, of course, a primary thyroid hormone, a lack of which leads to a series of conditions including excess weight gain, cold hands and feet, and decreased basal metabolism. The catecholamines adrenaline and noradrenaline are critical. Science magazine reports that tyrosine lowers blood pressure by increasing norepinephrine metabolites that, through a feedback, shuts down an overreactive sympathetic nervous system (as does magnesium and glycine).


Further, remember that magnesium raises the threshold for seizures, greatly reducing the chance of seizures and of migraine headaches. Throughout this paper, I have stressed the great need for magnesium supplementation. This need is all the more evident when we realize that a USDA survey found only 25% of us receive even the pitifully inadequate RDA amounts, while 39% received less than 70% of RDA! Furthermore, we know that stress (and you and your kid are stressed to the max) greatly increases magnesium excretion, as does many medications and many chronic diseases such as heart failure, lung diseases, MS, diabetes, and other neurodegenerative diseases.


When treated with oxytocin, which neutralizes the effects of stress, within one week, autistic children become much more relaxed. Within the next week, the child will start to remember social events. Oxytocin controls the memory of social events, and autistic kids can’t remember social interactions that they had only hours before. Oxytocin is also instrumental in the ability to read facial expressions. Autistic children can’t do this. It can also help reduce stimming, which typically disappears when oxytocin levels are restored. They show better eye contact and better language expression. The protocol for using oxytocin is quite complex. – Dr. Jorge Flechas, MD. Unless Dr. Flechas has trained your doctor, a negative response to oxytocin may result from inappropriate administration. Nevertheless, it is better to restore the body’s ability to naturally excrete oxytocin as discussed above.


If the fat is not digested because of insufficient bile or a lack of the pancreatic enzyme lipase, or there is a deficiency of lipotrophic agents (primarily vitamin B-complex) there will develop a fatty-acid deficiency affecting the amino acid balance, and a deficiency of the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K contributing to many of the “autistic” symptoms, and causing heart problems in adults. The already dysfunctional immune system will be further compromised. Vitamin E deficiency can be seen in people unable to absorb fat properly. Such conditions include pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas), cystic fibrosis, and biliary diseases (illnesses of the gallbladder and biliary ducts). Symptoms of vitamin E deficiency include muscle weakness, loss of muscle mass, abnormal eye movements, impaired vision, and an unsteady gait. Eventually, kidney and liver function may be compromised. Other vitamin E deficiency symptoms: fatigue, severe menstrual cramps, menopausal hot flashes, depression, sweating, fear, nervousness, difficulty becoming pregnant, lack of sex drive, low sperm count, dry skin, dry scalp, split ends of hair, wounds that fail to heal cleanly, breathlessness, stabbing pains around the heart after exercise (Angina), and swelling of feet, legs, and ankles after sitting. In addition, severe vitamin E deficiency can be associated with serial miscarriages and premature delivery in pregnant women.


Parents using over-the-counter CCK, as an oral dietary supplement for their children with autism or PDD, have reported beneficial effects similar to those of Secretin. High doses suppress the appetite leading to the product being marketed as a weight-loss treatment under the name Bodyonics®. CCK is available from GNC stores (800) 797-8828. For use in children, 1/8 to ¼ of a 100 mg capsule of the CCK product is taken following each meal exactly one hour after the first bite of food. The dosing and the timing of administration are critical, and it should only be used under a physician’s supervision. Over dosage has caused panic attacks, nausea, uric acid and appetite suppression. When given at the beginning of the meal, pancreatic enzyme secretion begins before the food reaches the small intestine and may cause rectal burning. Being a beef extract, it can cause allergic reactions for those sensitive to beef—Biological Treatments for Autism and PDD by Wm. Shaw.


Scientific studies show that gingerol, one of the primary pungent principles of ginger, helps counter liver toxicity by increasing bile secretion and enhancing Phase I liver enzymes. Ginger has potent anti-microbial and anti-oxidant (food preservative) qualities as well. A recent study, furthering ginger’s reputation as a stomachic, shows that acetone and methanol extracts of ginger strongly inhibits gastric ulceration. Several studies published in the last two decades have confirmed the traditional claims for use as an anti-vomiting or anti-motion sickness agent. Additionally, it prevents dangerous blood clotting and reduces inflammation. It can be taken as a tasty tea, or in capsules. It also produces nitric oxide, so those with low smooth muscle tone may not wish to use it.


If the stool floats, is light tan or gray in color, bulky, shiny, and foul smelling, then fat is not being digested and a supplement of magnesium taurate or L-taurine and L-glycine, and possibly ginger are needed. If these do not correct the problem soon, then a supplement of ox bile or of bile salts is needed. I’ll say more on that later. It is of interest to note that lipase is present in good amounts in raw meat, but not at all in cooked meat, and cooking destroys all enzymes found in raw food. To compensate for our cooked-food diet, we must use a digestive enzyme supplement. I recommend Kirkman’s EnZym-Complete™ or Metagenic’s SpectraZyme™, or Hn-Zyme Prime™/Peptizyde AFP™ by Houston, Inc, or Mannatech’s GI-Zyme™. Houston’s AFP has no fruit-source enzymes that are troublesome for some children. Houston also has a product called No-fenol™ that seems helpful in breaking down fiber and complex carbohydrates of plants. This should release more nutrients and diminish food for Yeast and other pathogens.


Felsenfeld, et al, found pancreatic enzymes useful in restoring proper intestinal flora and in the nutritional management of gastrointestinal bacterial overgrowth problems which come from increases in bacteria such as Clostridia, Bacteroides, Pseudomonceae, and the Enterobacteriaceae, such as E. Coli and Klebsiella. Many of these organisms can be recognized as those bacteria involved in protein putrefaction and the so-called toxic bowel syndrome. Bowel flora mass depends on high intakes of starch, therefore, the “London Ankylosing Spondylitis  (AS) diet”, consisting of a low intake of starch (no bread, cakes, potatoes, and pasta) has been used in the treatment of AS patients at the Middlesex Hospital with relative success since 1982. AS is adjudged to be caused by or to be aggravated by Klebsiella. It is of interest to note that most diseased patients have elevated levels of specific antibodies to Klebsiella microorganisms. The general theory is proposed that HIGH STARCH eaters may develop two types of diseases, depending on their HLA-status: Those that are HLA-B27 POSITIVE will develop AS and those that are HLA-B27 NEGATIVE will develop Crohn’s disease. They will definitely develop insulin resistance and probably diabetes! In one study, use of azeotropically (a type of distillation) processed pancreatin hastened the return of the altered intestinal flora to their pre-infection levels and restored gastrointestinal ecology. Additionally, vitamin B12, folic acid, and zinc were better absorbed and utilized.


Pancreatic function was significantly reduced in patients with hypothyroidism compared with healthy subjects. Treatment with thyroxin restored the pancreatic function to normal. In two additional hypothyroid patients studied by means of duodenal intubation, pancreatic secretion of both bicarbonate and enzymes was found to be significantly decreased. It was concluded that the thyroid gland plays an essential role in maintaining the functional integrity of the exocrine pancreas in humans (Gullo et al, 1991). Hypothyroidism is also associated with anorexia, anxiety, fears, and aggressiveness in the young. Constipation and low HCl are also frequent problems. Sometimes the reduced ability to concentrate and short-term memory loss of hypothyroidism looks like attention deficit disorder (ADD) or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). A new study published in the July issue of the American Journal of Gastroenterology by Dr. Vincenzo Toscano and colleagues at the Universita La Sapienza in Rome indicates that adolescent patients with celiac disease have elevated levels of anti-thyroid and anti-pancreatic autoantibodies.


Infants born to women with underactive thyroid were at increased risk of cardiac problems even if the mothers were on medication. (SynthroidR medication does not correct the nutrient lack, the excess fluoride or copper, or the mercury and lead poisoning that induced the hypothyroidism!) There was increased risk of other problems, mostly intellectual or developmental, in children as a result of hypothyroid (underactive thyroid) pregnancies. Moms with hypothyroidism were more likely than those with hyperthyroidism to have babies with defects. Do the Iodine and Morning Temperature Test for both you and your children and support the thyroid function as outlined later.  A simple urine test for iodine being excreted would be even better. The median concentration (of a deficient population) is 145 mcg/L.  Unless you test well above that figure, supplement iodine. Fifteen percent are likely to have less than 50 mcg/L! I, Willis, had Zero! An ultra-conservative figure of 500 mcg/L has been set as “excessive” iodine. Ideal amounts would be well above that (Orthoiodo supplementation: Iodine Sufficiency of the Whole Human Body by Guy E. Abraham, MD, et al., The Original Internist, Dec 2002. Commonly difficult problems for which iodine therapy has been called a panacea are fibrocystic breasts, polycystic ovary syndrome, hypo- and hyperthyroid (with or without goiter), brain fog, constipation, obesity, diabetes (resolving problems without insulin), hypertension (high blood pressure), and some heart problems, notably, irreversible arrhythmias like atrial fibrillations. The iodine/iodide loading test is much more accurate than the skin test, and it is now available from two laboratories:


FFP Laboratories, 80 Doctors Dr., Suite 3, Hendersonville, NC 28292, Phone: 887-900-5556 / Fax: 828-684-3253


Doctor’s Data Inc, 3755 Illinois Avenue, St. Charles, IL 60174, Phone: 800-323-2784 / Fax: 630-587-7860


It was shown in an in vivo experiment that treatment of rats with thyroid hormone increased hypothalamic oxytocin (OT) mRNA levels, the pituitary OT content, as well as OT levels in blood. The results reveal thyroid hormone as a physiological regulator of OT gene expression, which stimulates OT promoter activity directly through interaction with a thyroid hormone-response element in the OT gene. (Adan et al, 1992) Thyroid hormones affect oxytocin gene expression in hypothalamic neurons (Dellovade et al, 1999).


Leslie Brothers of the California Institute of Technology found that when connections to and from the amygdala and the cortex were severed, monkeys in the wild lost all sense of how to respond emotionally to other monkeys, and isolated themselves, even as ASD children often do. Other researchers observed that there was a remarkable, family resemblance between social bonding and narcotic addiction—from the initial attachment-dependence phase to the eventual tolerance-withdrawal phases. It became clear that when animals were given very tiny doses of opiates, they were not distressed by social isolation, and they became comparatively unsocial (even though they could exhibit increases in certain social activities such as rough-and-tumble play). When given an opiate antagonist, such as naltrexone, to block opiate receptors, they were more disturbed by social isolation, and they became more eager for gentle and friendly social contact. A double blind study using naltrexone produced significant reduction in autistic symptomology among the 56% most responsive to opioid effects. The behavioral improvements (increased endorphin levels) were accompanied by alterations in the distribution of the major lymphocyte subsets, with a significant increase in the T-helper-inducers and a significant reduction of the T-cytotoxic-suppressors and a normalization of the CD4/CD8 ratio (boosting immune function).


Low dose naltrexone (LDN) is becoming popular with DAN! Doctors. This enhancing of the immune system function may be a negative effect for those with an “Autoimmune” condition where T-cells are already overactive and Suppressor cells underactive. Additionally, LDN acts upon receptor sites throughout the body, not just in the brain. What are the long-term effects? It also comes with a long list of side effects that the child cannot express, though the low dose may lessen the frequency and severity of those. In my humble opinion, LDN should not take the place of gluten/casein free diet. Nevertheless, for you Mom’s, Dad’s, and Grandparents, this may be of value. Dr. Julian Whitker, MD has found LDN to be a tremendous benefit to two lymphoderma patients (cancer patients whose lymph nodes had been removed), greatly reducing swelling and pain (Health and Healing Newlsetter, July 2007) and Dr. Burton Berkson, MD, and others, have used it successfully on many other cancers. It is being used with good results for MS, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, Crohn’s disease and other autoimmune disorders, and AIDS. See other information under the Section “Mercury Poisoned”, and visit 


Clinical signs that may attend high urinary opiates are aphasia or poor language development;
constipation or constipation mixed with wet stools; strong growth and gain or excess weight for stature; marked perseveration and rigidity; and marked lack of social connectedness. Opioid peptides are known to adversely affect neuronal development in the central nervous system, to affect perception, sleep, pain, cognition, and immune function, and to create perseverative behaviors.


Other studies have found that mercury causes increased levels of the CD8 T-cytotoxic-suppressors. It’s not a far step to imagine that these opiate effects on social behavior might reflect something that is happening in childhood disorders such as autism. “When we focused on the data, it was clear that only the animals given opiates became unsocial with less pain sensitive (dysautonomia)”, researchers said. Thus, it seemed more compelling to suggest that some kids with autism might also have too much opioid activity in their brain. This was especially attractive since there were experimental drugs, such as naltrexone, that could reduce such brain activities. Still, some of the kids, perhaps the insecure/anxious ones, may have too little opioid activity.


“The digestive actions (of motilin—WSL) can be suppressed...when there is a high level of histamine from an allergic reaction or from an immune attack against parasites, and...when there are low levels of serotonin in the gut. Lowered gut levels of serotonin might occur if bacteria were squandering available tryptophan in order to produce the precursor to indolyl acryloyl glycine (IAG). IAG is very often extremely elevated in urinary profiles of those with autism. (It usually returns to normal when the lactobacillus acidophilus is restored to the gut—Wm. Shaw). Motilin also appears to be very influenced by opiates. This regulatory influence could have significance in a syndrome in which excess opiates from dietary sources (gluten and casein) have been frequently described; and in which inflammation is frequently seen, because inflammation would induce the expression of endogenous opiates, such as interferon-alpha. These influences upon motilin’s digestive activity may account for the variable digestive difficulties that are commonly described in autism”—Susan Owens.


Motilin is reported to be elevated in the plasma of some autistics. “Motilin has similar effects to morphine on the reflex involved with urination (and may cause difficulty in potty training—WSL). Acute elevations in plasma motilin seem to follow on the heels of immune activation in the gut and in other GAG-rich areas such as the lungs. It could become elevated in plasma due to a regulatory effect of low bicarbonate released from the pancreas. This could happen if Secretin levels were unusually low, or when CCK is not fully sulfated. Since Secretin seems to stimulate the release of sulfated glucosaminoglycans (GAGs) from some epithelial tissue, this interplay of intestinal hormones may furnish more reasons why Secretin has recently been found beneficial to those with autism. Motilin is also an important neurotransmitter found in abundance in the areas of the brain suspected of having problems in autism. It is a major neurotransmitter in Purkinje cells in the cerebellum, where the most conspicuous problems in brain morphology in autism have been described”—Susan Owens.


Colostrum is very high in motilin (that may promote diarrhea), and may be helpful in the above respects as well as in its antibacterial properties. Colostrum is, however, at least in mother’s milk, high in casein, so those on casein-free diets should verify there is none in the commercial colostrum of cow’s milk. In one independent testing of several brands, only Kirkman Lab’s Colostrum Gold™ was casein free. Casein is often hidden in dextrose, maltose, modified food starch, caramel color, barley malt syrup, calcium caseinate, etc. As to potty training, one Mom reports that AIT enabled her son to know when he needed to go.


What are GAGs? They are molecules of long, unbranched polysaccharides (mucopolysaccharides) containing a repeating disaccharide unit. The disaccharide units contain either of two modified sugars—N-acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc), or N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc), and an uronic acid such as glucuronate or iduronate. GalNAc and GlcNAc are two of eight known to be necessary polysaccharides. They are lacking in the diet and should be supplemented. GAGs are extremely vital to your health and immune function, and require vital sulfate and adequate manganese to be properly formed. IGF-1 increases the incorporation of sulfate in glycosaminoglycans. IGF-1 is known to be low in zinc deficiency seriously affecting the vital sulfation of GAGS. A study published in the March 31, 2004 issue of the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition DHEA (the "youth hormone") is also directly related to magnesium deficiency. Magnesium Oil can deliver all of the magnesium you need to restore DHEA levels and to help you look and feel younger. Recent tests show that there are cellular receptors specific to DHEA. In addition, DHEA significantly increased the expression of endothelial nitric oxide synthase, the enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of arginine to nitric oxide in the endothelial cells of the blood vessels, thus aiding in the vasodilation and lowered blood pressure. It appears that arginine and DHEA should be taken together. Arginine must also be taken in time release or be taken 4 times a day, one serving being at bedtime. Otherwise, NO production will be sporadic, and HGH is formed during sleep. Cortisol is the antagonist of DHEA (and vice versa), so, those under high stress must supplement DHEA. DHEA (the "youth hormone") is also directly related to magnesium deficiency. Magnesium Oil can deliver all of the magnesium you need to restore DHEA levels and to help you look and feel younger. Recent tests show that there are cellular receptors specific to DHEA. In addition, DHEA significantly increased the expression of endothelial nitric oxide synthase, the enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of arginine to nitric oxide in the endothelial cells of the blood vessels, thus aiding in the vasodilation and lowered blood pressure. It appears that arginine and DHEA should be taken together. Arginine must also be taken in time release or be taken 4 times a day, one serving being at bedtime. Otherwise, NO production will be sporadic, and HGH is formed during sleep. Cortisol is the antagonist of DHEA (and vice versa), so, those under high stress must supplement DHEA. reports that high intakes of skimmed milk, but not meat, increase serum IGF-I in eight-year-old boys. Use care here for excess IGF-I is a key factor in the growth and proliferation of every human cancer.


The specific GAGs of physiological significance are hyaluronic acid, dermatan sulfate, chondroitin sulfate, heparin, heparan sulfate, and keratan sulfate. Excitotoxic effects of ammonia are augmented by increased synthesis of nitric oxide (NO), which is associated with N-Methyl-D-Aspartate (NMDA-excitatory) receptor activation and/or increased synaptic transport of arginine. High levels of NO are a consequence of excitotoxin damage. Excess NO has been shown to inhibit sulfation of GAGs. 


The pancreas secretes many enzymes, including amylase (starch digesting) lipase (fat digesting), protease (protein digesting) lactase (milk digesting), and peptidase. The peptidases will breakdown the peptides of milk and gluten that, if undigested, may pass through a damaged “Leaky Gut”, and become responsible for many of the problems seen in the autistic. Mercury, however, inhibits the peptidase—dipeptidyl peptidase IV—that cleaves, among other substances, casomorphin during the digestive process (Puschel et al, 1982). Mercury, then, is a major contributor to the opioid problem. Curiously, gelatin in that favorite of kids, Jell-O™, is now said to inhibit this enzyme, and should be eliminated from the diet. The enzyme is dependent on zinc that is universally lacking in these kids, so a zinc supplement would help. Candida, antibiotics, vaccines, and pesticides all deactivate DPP-IV—Dr. Wm. Shaw. Of 36 vaccinees, 10 were demonstrated to be allergic to gelatin—Allergic Reactions to Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccinations, by Anna Marie Patja, MD, Soli Makinen-Kilujen, Ph.D., Irja Davidkin, Ph.D., Mikko Paunio, MD, Ph.D., and Heikki Peltola, MD, Ph.D. The allergic response these opioid-forming peptides cause makes the gut all the more permeable. One study of delinquent boys (Schauss, 1980) found that they drank an average of 64 ounces of milk daily! This is an allergic addiction. The control group of non-delinquent boys drank less than half that amount. Milk doesn’t always “do the body good”. Beta-casomorphine-7 is a morphine-like compound that results in neural dysfunction, as well as being a direct histamine releaser in humans and inducing skin reactions. Additionally, milk increases the bioavailability of Mercury.


The rapid turnover of the epithelial cells of the gut (3 to 6 days) demands high nutritional levels, especially of the sulfates, that are not being adequately supplied. A low level dysfunction called “dysbiosis” develops within the gut. Ordinarily unvirulent organisms (yeasts, fungi, and bacteria) begin to alter the metabolic and immune responses of the body. The immune system may react to and destroy normal gut flora. Contributing to this may be a low-grade, measles infection in the gut from vaccines, and chronic infection from common pathogens such as Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), Cytomegalovirus (CMV), and/or Human Herpes Virus 6 (HHV-6). The liver is overburdened, creating a flood of free radicals that damage the liver and create toxic bile that can damage the pancreas. Restoring the beneficial bacteria that line the intestinal tract may help to prevent the body’s immune system from causing inflammation in the gut. Researchers found that these bacteria are actually able to control the immune system of the host. Additionally, these viruses can be controlled by taking massive doses of vitamin C and A for several days, in conjunction with exercise. Chromium, manganese, selenium, and zinc will benefit.


I have spoken of the value of vitamin C, but when dealing with viruses these snips should be noted: “Vitamin C response when taken by mouth is not predictable. Wright and Lilienfeld (1936 19) reported that the scorbutic state could develop even though the patient was taking large doses of vitamin C by mouth. In the opinion of Musser (1945 20) poor absorption and equally poor storage are cardinal factors in leading to vitamin C deficiencies. It was our privilege to observe this mechanism in one of our daughters several years ago. She had contracted chickenpox. Vitamin C was started on this child when the macules first put in their appearance. In spite of the fact that she was given 24 grams every 24 hours, there was no interruption in the progress of the disease. Itching was intense. One gram administered intravenously stopped the itch within 30 minutes, and she went on to peaceful sleep for the next eight hours. Although feeling fine, a second injection was given at this time, following which there were no new macules, and recovery was fast and uneventful. In the past few years, we have noted that in chicken-pox when massive injections (of vitamin C) are employed there [are] no repeating waves of macules, and the usual seven to nine days required for crusting is reduced to less than twenty-four hours. Large doses parenterally are effective when oral administration fails (Youmans 1945 3).” 


“In this experiment it was found that 1000 mg vitamin C every four hours, by mouth, would modify the (viral) attack. Smaller doses allowed the disease to progress. When 1000 mg was given every two hours, all evidence of the infection cleared in 48 hours. If the vitamin was then discontinued for a similar period (48 hours), the above syndrome returned. We observed this pattern for thirty days at which time the vitamin C was given 1000 mg every 2 hours around the clock for four days. This time the picture cleared and did not return. These little girls did not develop the measles rash during the above experiment and although exposed many times since, still maintain this “immunity.” Late cases were given the vitamin by needle. The results proved to be even more dramatic. Given by injection the same complete control of the measles syndrome was in evidence in 24- and 36-hour periods, depending entirely on the amount employed and the frequency of the administration. Aborting of these cases before the development of the rash apparently gives no interference to the development of immunity. Recent progress on the rapidity of growth (development) of the virus bodies by means of the electronic microscope makes intelligent the failure experienced by earlier workers when employing vitamin C on the virus organism (or bodies). Unless the virus is completely destroyed, as demonstrated in the experiments with the measles virus, the infection will again manifest itself after a short incubation period. Small, single daily doses do not even modify the course of the infection.”


Shenk and his colleagues have shown that a COX-2 Inhibitor can stop CMV from replicating in infected cells. The drug does this by blocking production of cyclooxygenase-2, an enzyme better known as COX-2. Normally, COX-2 helps to manufacture the pro-inflammatory prostaglandin E2 (PgE2), an eicosanoid that triggers fever and inflammation. Some viruses apparently commandeer PgE2 to help them multiply. Shenk showed that fibroblasts (from human foreskins) infected with CMV made 50 times more PgE2 than normal. The cells stopped making PgE2 altogether, however, as soon as they were exposed to the COX-2 Inhibitor. Virus production by the cells dropped 100-fold! This should be effective against all lipid-enveloped viruses. Additionally, this from another researcher: “We found that the inhibition of COX antagonizes Vesicular Stomatitis Virus (VSV) propagation both in vitro and in vivo. In addition, aspirin and Celecoxib (COX Inhibitor) both prevented the disruption of the blood brain barrier in VSV-infected mice. In vitro experiments showed that the effect of COX inhibition was at least partially mediated by increased production of Nitric Oxide (NO), a molecule known to inhibit VSV replication—Chen N, Warner JL, Reiss CS, Department of Biology, New York University.


Actually, PgE2 suppresses the immune system by inhibiting the activation of NK cells. Another group of “bad” eicosanoids, lipoxins, inhibit the action of NK cells as well. This is vital new information, but we don’t need these drugs with all of their side effects (Vioxx™ was just removed from the market - Sept 2004 - for causing heart problems!) to accomplish the reduction of Prostaglandin E2. Balancing fatty acid production will do this, and arginine and other nutrients will increase NO. A supplement of Bromelain also greatly reduces PgE2. See the Section “Managing Fatty Acids” following. Additionally, vitamin A, monolaurin, and lactoferrin inhibit the growth of CMV.


It has been observed that those children whose autism appears at or around the time of birth may have a problem with casein and show diarrhea, eczema, and ear infection from an early age. These have 10 times normal IAG and high peptides; whereas those who show regression into autism at about two years of age following MMR and introduction to a wheat-based diet, have particular difficulties with gluten. These would likely not have high IAG, but do have high peptides. Both gluten and casein may need to be removed, but this may give priority in beginning the program. Wheat gluten is 43% glutamate, the milk casein is 23% glutamate, and gelatin protein is 12% glutamate. Soymilk has a high content of glutamate, and additional glutamate is often added in form of hydrolyzed vegetable protein. Glutamate is an excitotoxin under many circumstances.


A test devised by Susan Bryson of York University in Toronto gives an early measure of autism. She measures a child’s ability to shift focus from one stimulus to another. First, one light is turned on, and then as a second light is turned on and the first is shut off. All children will shift their focus from the first to the second light. In the second part of the test, the first light is left on as the second is turned on. Normal children will disengage from the first to the second light, but autistic children cannot make that shift. In contrast, a severely retarded 6-month-old can refocus its gaze with no problem.


It is worthy of note that over 80% of the children with acute otitis media improve without antibiotic therapy within a week. That compares with 93% recovery during the first week with antibiotic treatment, according to a study released by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). “Watchful waiting” is suggested as preferred treatment. This will prevent the damage to the gut, Candida overgrowth, and if made accepted practice, it will greatly reduce bacterial resistance to antibiotics. Strachah of Britain found that 1/3 of cases of otitis media could be attributed to second-hand cigarette smoke. Cantekin found that recurrence after antibiotics was 2 to 6 times greater than for those not using antibiotics! Van Buchem proved that the results of treatment and no treatment were virtually the same! Left to heal itself, the immune system will be the stronger. Otitis is often a clinical sign of vitamin A deficiency in children and antibiotics should never be used until vitamin A supplementation has had a chance to restore the immune function according to Dr. Richard A. Kunin, MD. To enable the body to throw off the infection quickly, supplement vitamin A (cod-liver oil) and use Echinacea extract in juice three times a day. It is totally nontoxic, but do not use if allergic to daisies. Put a drop of garlic and mullein oil in the ear also (but not if there is an ear tube in). If you must use antibiotic, request injections to avoid killing gut bacteria. Failing that, take one of the natural antifungal listed herein, and take yogurt or a probiotic supplement. Homeopathy offers an alternative to antibiotics. In one German study, after one year, 70.7% treated with homeopathy had no relapses compared to 56.5% treated with antibiotics.


Recurring ear infections or inflammation produces fluid buildup in the inner ear. A magnesium deficiency has been found to result in fluid retention, even after the infection is controlled or eliminated. Fluid retention in the inner ear is a sign of increased magnesium need in children. Do not use antihistamines to “dry up” the ears for that has been shown to triple the time it took to drain the ear.


One way to temporarily address that undigested peptide/leaky gut problem is to remove the casein or gluten, and the allergens from the diet. I urge you to undertake that as early as possible (See www.Gf/ Food sensitivities that express themselves in severe symptoms, such as would be the case for autism, rarely are limited only to a relative few food categories, such as gluten and casein. I strongly encourage you to determine the full extent of relief and improvement your child can achieve through dietary intervention. It is essential to avoid not only gluten and casein containing foods, but every other problem food in your child’s diet. If the immune system is triggered by an allergen, the body is affected for a minimum of a week to ten days (or longer). So it’s necessary to be particularly strict at the start of the treatment, when the goal is to “cool down” the immune system. It has been shown that these opioids permanently increase the permeability of the blood-brain barrier opening the brain to heavy metal poisoning and other toxic damage. Antibodies to gluten of the IgA type have been observed to lead to cerebellar degeneration. Some have been puzzled at seeing these antibodies while on the Gf/Cf diet. Dr. Shattock found that it could take at least a year before the peptides of gluten and casein would no longer be excreted in the urine.


The cerebellum (the part of the brain responsible for coordination) and in particular the Purkinje cells (output neurons of the cerebellum) appear to be most susceptible to damage in patients with gluten ataxia, but other areas of the brain are not spared. “We were interested to determine the mechanism by which Purkinje cells are damaged in gluten ataxia,” commented Hadjivassiliou. Study results show that patients with gluten ataxia have antibodies against Purkinje cells and also that antibodies against gluten (antigliadin antibodies) cross-react with Purkinje cells.


It is especially important to have the child gluten-casein free during the teen years when his brain is being pruned of one-third of brain cells and synapses in the maturing of the brain. The opioids hinder this vital phase of development. In instituting a casein-free diet, one must supplement calcium (500 mg) and 1200 IU of vitamin D. Testing has found 2/3 of these children receiving less than the RDI of calcium.


Only about half of all Americans get the RDI of vitamin D, E, folic acid, and calcium, yet anticonvulsants lower levels of vitamins B6, D, and E, calcium, manganese, zinc, copper, folic acid, and carnitine! Valproic acid, in particular, depletes carnitine, alpha-ketoglutarate, and folic acid, and interferes with the conversion of vitamin B6 to P5P. Additionally, a high amount of vitamin A interferes with vitamin D absorption, creating a calcium problem. Don’t reduce vitamin A; but increase vitamin D that is woefully inadequate in the American scene.


Folic acid deficiency can be caused by use of Depakote™, Tegretol™, aspirin, Pepcid®, methotrexate, Dilantin™, Zantac®, oral contraceptives, and 21 other commonly used drugs. Folic acid deficiency symptoms include: harm to DNA that causes abnormal cellular development, especially in those with the most rapid rates of turnover (red cells, leukocytes, and epithelial cells of the stomach and gut, vagina, and uterine cervix). There will be birth defects (Spina Bifida, cleft lip and palate, small head, and possibly Down’s), cervical dysplasia, elevated homocysteine, headache, fatigue, hair loss, memory loss, anorexia, insomnia, diarrhea, nausea, and increased infections. Folic acid is necessary for the production of red blood cells, thus a deficiency can result in anemia leading to tiredness, weakness, diarrhea, and weight loss. Recently, low folic acid levels have been linked to depression (up to 38%), especially in the elderly, and to poorer antidepressant response to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Additionally, data from the famous Nurses’ Health Study, conducted at the Harvard Medical School, show that long-term supplementation with folic acid reduces the risk of colon cancer in women by an astounding 75%. Folate deficiency may cause darkening of the skin and mucous membranes, particularly at the dorsal surfaces of the fingers, toes, and creases of palms and soles. Distribution typically is patchy. Fortunately, the hyperpigmentation gradually should resolve after weeks or months of folate treatment. A modest temperature elevation (<102°F) is common in patients who are folate deficient, despite the absence of any infection.  Although the underlying mechanism is obscure, the temperature typically falls within 24-48 hours of folate treatment and returns to normal within a few days. An interesting thing about temperature is that many with subclinical Hypothyroidism run temperatures as low as 95 degrees Fahrenheit. An infectious fever in these might be represented by a normal 98.6! (Those with such low temperature will likely not become pregnant.) Nevertheless, supplementation of the general public with large amounts of folic acid will potentially harm many who are undermethylated (more than 50% of ASD children) according to Dr. Wm. Walsh. These should beware of prepared breakfast cereal that gives as much as 400 mcg in a 1-cup serving.  If there is a question about supplementing folate, ask the Lab for a “Neutrophilic Hypersegmentation Index”. If they do not have such to offer, have them draw blood and send it to Meridian Valley Labs, . The cost is only $35.00 US. The expected reading is Zero percent. Should it be more, even 95%, you must take 5 mg a day of folate until a Zero reading is achieved. This will take about 6 months. This formulation is available from


Epilepsy often ceases when the child is placed on a gluten-casein free diet! Additionally, remove him from all allergens. Supplements of copper, magnesium, vitamin B1, B6, niacin, vitamin E, selenium, Evening Primrose Oil, GABA, Taurine, and melatonin have been shown to be helpful in ameliorating epilepsy. Evening Primrose Oil has few side effects. It may cause an occasional headache, nausea if taken on an empty stomach, and diarrhea, if taken in high doses. Patients with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy probably should not use Evening Primrose 0il. One should note that a frequent cause of seizures is parasites, usually worms. One must always supplement vitamin B6 when supplementing high amounts of niacin to avoid raising homocysteine levels. A supplement of Dimethylglycine (DMG) has benefited many undermethylated children.


Clinical studies showed that children using anti-epileptic medication had reduced plasma levels of vitamin E; so doctors at the University of Toronto tested vitamin E on 24 children with epilepsy whose seizures could not be controlled by medication. The frequency of seizures was reduced by more than 60 percent in 10 of 12 children taking vitamin E supplements. (They took 400 IU per day for three months in addition to their regular medication – larger amounts would likely be more effective.) It should be noted that several studies show that alpha-tocopherol levels increase significantly when supplementing d-alpha-tocopherol, but gamma-tocopherol levels decrease significantly. It is the gamma tocopherol fraction that has been shown to be the critical factor in suppressing free radicals. Further, according to Dr. Marcus Laux, it neutralizes excess nitric oxides that cause inflammation. Gamma-tocopherol (the major form of vitamin E in American food, in contrast to alpha-tocopherol, which is the major form of vitamin E in supplement pills) blocks cyclo-oxygenase and reduces proinflammatory PGE2 & LTB4 formation [FASEB JOURNAL 17:816-822 (2003)]. This is why it is important to buy the mixed-tocopherols. Increasing incidence of allergies and seasonal asthmas has been attributed to increased levels of LTB4 caused by excessively high, dietary omega-6 intake relative to omega-3.


Vitamin E (mixed tocopherols) is a boon in helping prevent heart disease as it improves blood flow and angiogenesis is enhanced. Muscles function on 40% less oxygen! However, Japanese researchers, led by Kiyotaka Nakagawa from Tohoku University, looked at the ability of tocotrienols to prevent angiogenesis, associated with tumor growth, rheumatoid arthritis, and diabetic retinopathy. In vivo tests, using the mouse dorsal air sac (DAS) assay dietary supplementation of 10 mg tocotrienol-rich oil per day (equivalent to 4.4 mg tocotrienol per day), suppressed angiogenesis by 44%, compared to controls; and in the chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) assay, tocotrienol was found to inhibit new blood vessel formation while simultaneously increasing the area containing no blood vessels by 36% to 50%. 


For additional helps for seizures, see Dr. Donna Andrew’s website at She has epilepsy. However, she has not had a seizure in 25+ years. She taught her brain not to go into convulsions. This woman has dedicated her life to teaching others how to be seizure-free.


Have you been aware of food-related problems in your child? This would include, but would not be limited to, food allergies such as food-related asthma or rashes, food intolerance, food addictions, food sensitivities, food aversions such as being a very picky eater, or experiencing moderate to severe dietary limitations that are self-imposed. If your answer is ‘yes’ to one or more of these questions, then food allergies, intolerances, or sensitivities are more likely to be an underlying cause of the autism-related symptoms and seizures in your child. However, avoiding the foods that trigger your child’s symptoms is a very difficult, expensive stopgap unless the improved condition it brings is used to heal the digestion and the inflamed, leaky gut.


When the duodenum or upper intestine is damaged, as in celiac disease, Secretin production may be diminished or lacking. That may require administering Secretin even when adequate HCl is present, as well as going on a gluten-free diet, at least until the damaged gut is healed. I think that frequent transdermal application is more natural if Secretin is to be used. This would avoid the trauma of infusion, and the possibility of seizures following infusion that has been reported in rare instances. To administer Secretin without first testing for pancreatic enzymes in the stool would be counterproductive. “We have been measuring pancreatic enzymes in the stool for 8 years: chymotrypsin directly and amylase and lipase indirectly. About 15% of autistic spectrum patients were deficient therein; they were given capsules containing these 3 enzymes, plus 2 additional ones (bromelain and papain) in a neutral solution. This group improved initially and continued to do so as normal enzyme levels were attained.”—Dr. Hugh Fudenberg, MD. Repligen has found that 25% to 30% had abnormal values of chymotrypsin. Kids with low levels did not respond to Secretin infusion. Bromelain is also said to “digest” the outer shell around a developing tumor, allowing the immune cells to attack and destroy it. It stops the inflammatory prostaglandins (PgE2) without affecting the anti-inflammatory ones, thus lowers inflammation by 60% in a very short time. Remarkably, this gives it antiviral properties against CMV. Additionally, it reduces blood clotting and blood pressure, blocks development of varicose veins, reduces sinus problems, and bruises and sprains heal in 1/3 the usual time. It aids absorption of large molecule substances like glucosamine sulfate, recommended elsewhere.


“Autism” is of unknown cause, and most doctors will tell you there is no effective treatment, however, this failure of digestion, whether from HCl or Secretin deficiency, or a damaged gut causes most of their mental and physical symptoms! These symptoms of malnutrition can be ameliorated by nutritional intervention. As the nutritional status is improved, the immune function will be able to deal with the pathogens, especially if given the benefit of Ambrotose AO™ and Phyt•Aloe® by Mannatech™ in modulating and strengthening the immune function. See the statistics of malabsorption and other biochemical malfunction at end of this paper. Clinical studies are available on request.


Recent reports indicate that 84% of autistics have elevated oxalic acid. Sugar increases the amounts of calcium, oxalate, uric acid, and glycosaminoglycans in the urine. This report suggests another source: Oxalate accumulation from citrate by Aspergillus niger. I. Biosynthesis of oxalate from its ultimate precursor. Müller HM. Oxalates trap heavy metals in tissues and bone and contribute to forming kidney stones. The sharp crystals may damage joints, blood vessels, lungs, and possibly the brain. Thirty-six percent of autistic children had urinary values of oxalate higher than 90 mmol/mol creatinine consistent with a diagnosis of genetic hyperoxaluria. However, other organic acids associated with genetic diseases of oxalate metabolism were missing. This indicates that oxalate is high due to external sources, such as yeast/fungal overgrowth and excess sugar intake, which is likely the main cause of elevated oxalate in the urine of ASD children. An interesting symptom is a craving for salt. Salt supports the adrenals, suggesting a need to support the adrenals as suggested elsewhere in this paper.


Oxalate degradation by the anaerobic bacterium Oxalobacter formigenes is important for human health, helping to prevent hyperoxaluria and disorders such as the development of kidney stones by 70% (J Am Soc Nephrol 08;19:1197-1203)! Oxalate-degrading activity cannot be detected in the gut flora of some individuals, possibly because Oxalobacter is susceptible to commonly used antimicrobials. Observations confirm a direct association between antibiotic consumption and absence of O. formigenes. Absence of intestinal O. formigenes could represent a pathogenic factor in calcium-oxalate urolithiasis when antibiotics are prescribed generously. A single oral ingestion of O. formigenes by adult volunteers was, for the first time, shown to result in (i) reduced urinary oxalate excretion following administration of an oxalate load, (ii) the recovery of oxalate-degrading activity in feces, and (iii) prolonged retention of colonization.


Recently, a low oxalate diet was hailed as the new thing in autism. Researcher, Susan Owens, discovered that a low-oxalate diet markedly reduced symptoms of children with autism. The Low Oxalate Diet (LOD) was developed by the Vulvar Pain Foundation (VPF) to ameliorate the vulvar pain that was found by Dr. Clive Solomons to be linked to the presence of oxalates. Dr. Solomons discovered the role of oxalates in triggering pain, and made the assumption that the major source of oxalates was dietary. Over time, the VPF developed a diet low in oxalates, with the goal of reducing body stores of oxalates and, therefore, reducing pain. Dr. Solomons found, however, that, if the diet is very low in oxalates, the dieter would begin to produce oxalates endogenously (from within). Nevertheless, the VPF’s diet has been presented as a solution to some of the behavioral and health problems plaguing children with autism.


The diet recommends adding 1000 mg calcium citrate a day to bind oxalates in the gut. Much, but not all, of the oxalic acid in plants is already bound to calcium; thereby, making it insoluble. (Oxalic acid binds to cations, including calcium, zinc, sodium, potassium, and magnesium and may induce a deficiency of these vital nutrients.) Supplementing calcium citrate has a down side for citrate mineral forms are contraindicated in those of loose bowel for they are laxative. Calcium also “bulldozes” other minerals, such as zinc, indicating it is best to take zinc on an empty stomach as suggested elsewhere in this paper. Supplementing this amount of calcium without balancing it with magnesium and potassium, and possibly sodium, would be contraindicated. The calcium should be taken in no more than 500 mg servings. When vitamin C is used by the body, oxalate is produced. Therefore, if the physician has recommended reducing vitamin C supplements while on the LOD, this is not a good idea.


Adding sodium bicarbonate to a person on a high protein diet (that is known to acidify urine and sometimes lead to hypercalciuria - high level of calcium in urine) has been shown to greatly reduce calcium urinary excretion. The effect has been observed with 5.5 g of bicarbonate supplement received daily for two weeks. A recent study presented in the review of literature highlights that a bicarbonate-rich mineral water could be useful in the prevention of the recurrence of calcium oxalate and uric acid renal stones. Bicarbonates are best given 2.5- to 3-hours after eating. Ensuring adequate intake of vitamins D and K would facilitate proper disposition of calcium.


In my opinion, adding the Low Oxalate Diet (LOD) (to a gluten/casein/allergenic-restricted diet) is a poor method of addressing the problem of calcium-oxalate (CaOx) crystals. The things to eliminate are sugar (including the fructose of fruit juices and foods with high-fructose corn syrup) and excess salt, both of which increase oxalate in the urine. The LOD uses dietary manipulation and supplements of calcium and other citrate minerals to dissolve CaOx stones. Degradation of calcium-oxalate crystals results in the release of calcium, and because the child undoubtedly has low values of vitamins D and K and magnesium; unless these are supplemented, the calcium influx is unmanaged and causes additional damage to the nervous system. Additionally, magnesium can help dissolve calcium-phosphate kidney stones, and magnesium prevents the formation of calcium-oxalate kidney stones as they are associated with Mg deficiency. Harvard researchers found that taking magnesium and vitamin B6 can reduce calcium oxalate stone formation dramatically. The avoidance of oxalate/vitamin K-containing vegetables means that the child’s stores of vitamin K and other valuable nutrients will be depleted. Vitamin K appears to be capable of chelating the calcium from calcium-oxalate crystals, thus dissolving them and opening up the kidney tubules as another avenue for disposal of soluble oxalate.  The kidneys accumulate large amounts of vitamin K2 and secrete vitamin K-dependent proteins that inhibit the formation of calcium salts. Patients with kidney stones secrete this protein in its inactive form, which is between four and twenty times less effective than its active form at inhibiting the growth of calcium oxalate crystals, suggesting that vitamin K2 deficiency is a major cause of kidney stones.


A deficiency of vitamin B6 (and all these kids lack B6) will cause the human liver to manufacture oxalic acid. It is also a cofactor in an enzyme that degrades oxalate and has been shown to reduce oxalate production. I believe it is probable that the liver is also producing oxalic acid in response to a vitamin K deficiency. If this is true, then reducing dietary intake of oxalates will not solve the problem of endogenous production, but it could, in fact increase oxalate production (as Dr. Solomons discovered) since a low-oxalate diet excludes dietary sources of vitamin K (that prevents hardening of the arteries and strengthens bones), such as leafy greens. If a child is unable to regulate calcium due to a deficiency of vitamins D and K and magnesium, that child may display signs of glutamate toxicity and uncontrolled neuronal firing that manifest as the cluster of behavioral disorders called autism.


This influx of unmanaged calcium into circulation and then into the nervous system is, I believe, the reason that so many autistic children are exhibiting adverse responses to the LOD, including seizures, behavioral regression, hyperactivity, and depression. These symptoms do not indicate that oxalates have moved from storage into circulation for transport to the disposal sites (termed “oxalate dumping” on the TLO listserve), but rather reflect the deleterious effects of an influx of unmanaged calcium into the nervous system. This is why supplementing calcium citrate as recommended in the LOD is contraindicated. Some of the autistic children on the LOD begin to experience heavy nosebleeds, which could reflect an exacerbation of an existing vitamin K deficiency since on the LOD; vitamin K-containing vegetables have been removed. Nosebleed also suggests a loss of vitamin C known as scurvy.


Of interest is a study recently that shows that folates (prevents high homocysteine levels that contribute to heart problems), carotenoids (vitamin A source), and flavonoids (all from leafy greens) are not efficiently digested and utilized unless eaten with a source of high fat such as a full-fat, salad dressing. Apple cider vinegar and olive oil is recommended. It is not the fat, but the triggering of bile release that enhances absorption of these vital nutrients. Ensure that the liver is producing adequate bile. Is the stool showing adequate bile (medium brown color)? If not, the undigested fats will bind calcium reducing its ability to bind oxalates or to be absorbed into the blood stream.


Another means of disposal of oxalic acid is across the intestinal lumen into the GI tract, where intestinal bacteria degrade the acid. Aerobic degradation of oxalates leads to the formation of carbonate ions, which will react with calcium released during the consumption of calcium oxalate by bacteria. The transformation of oxalate into carbonates results in a pH-increase that allows calcium-carbonate precipitation (sic - formation). Studies on the oxalate-carbonate cycle show this production of calcium carbonate by oxalate-degrading bacteria. This would exacerbate an already alkaline child’s problems. However, oxalate-degrading bacteria, which includes Oxalobactor formigines and various forms of lactic-acid bacteria (that produce vitamins K and B-complex for us) are easily destroyed by antibiotics so the intestinal flora of most autistic children probably does not include these types of “good” bacteria. Additionally, dysbiosis, wherein acidophilus and bifidus bacteria are destroyed, will rob the body of its major source of vitamin K and B-complex. Therefore, if kidney-tubule efficiency is reduced due to the presence of CaOx crystals, and the intestines don’t contain the types of bacteria that can degrade oxalates, the autistic child will have difficulty disposing of the oxalic acid via either urine or stool, so it will remain in the body to form mineral crystals – unless enough vitamin B6 and magnesium are being supplied.


To eliminate vegetables from the diet that is already restricted would do more harm than good. There has to be a better way. Supplementing potassium and magnesium citrate capsules (citrus juices don’t work), with vitamin B6 and other supplements, will dissolve and prevent CaOx kidney stones. This would probably be preventive of other mischief oxalates are thought to cause. Remember that citrates are laxative.


So, first, aggressively address dysbiosis by eliminating sugar, including fruit juices known to feed Candida and increase oxalates in the urine. (Pure lemon juice is good.) Limit your intake of salt (unless there is a craving for it indicating a need for adrenal support, addressed elsewhere in this paper) and refined carbohydrates, increase fiber intake, and supplement needed nutrients, such as vitamins B6 (100 to 300 mg), D (2000 to 4000 IU), and K (to reduce endogenous production of oxalic acid), with 3000 mg vitamin C, 500 mg magnesium, and 1000 mg potassium citrate (to dissolve CaOx crystals), chondroitin sulfate (to prevent CaOx crystals), 10,000 IU vitamin A (adults), and increase water intake. N-acetylcysteine is a new therapy for calcium oxalate urolithiasis. I suggest Jarrow’s N-A-C Sustain, a time-released formula that takes account of the short half-life of NAC. If the stool is light-colored, supplement taurine to increase bile production and the digestion of fats and greens. Supplement a high-count probiotic (Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium lactis, and O. formigines to break down oxalates in the gut). Eliminate use of omega-6 cooking oils and foods high in inflammatory arachidonic acid (grain-fed animals and farmed tilapia and salmon) and take evening primrose oil and cod-liver oil to prevent inflammatory prostaglandins and reduce oxalate problems. Supplement vitamin E, selenium, and arginine shown to reduce oxalate problems. Supplementing magnesium orally may contribute to more uptake of oxalates from the intestines; so, transdermal creams, baths or footbaths of Epsom salts, baking soda, and sea salt will supply these vital nutrients needed to dissolve these stones and crystals and, thus, accelerate the process of draining oxalic acid from the body. Oxalic acid shares the same cellular transporters as sulfur, bicarbonate, and chloride; when the circulatory levels of these three substances are increased, they are more available for transportation into cells to replace the oxalic acid. This will bring more oxalic acid into circulation.


Vitamin K appears to be able to chelate the calcium from the CaOx salts, leaving behind oxalic acid that can be filtered through the kidneys or secreted across the intestinal membrane for disposal. If the child’s GI tract contains oxalate-degrading bacteria, the concentration of oxalates inside the GI tract will remain less than the concentration in the body, signaling the body to continue secreting oxalates across the intestinal membrane. Magnesium closes the calcium channels and will assist in controlling neuronal firing. The sulfate, bicarbonate, and chloride can all exchange with the oxalic acid inside cells, allowing the oxalic acid to leave the cell and be disposed of. The Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) will address the obvious imbalances in GI flora that have led to this situation, which include the absences of both O. formigenes and vitamin K-producing bacteria. Children experiencing setbacks on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, especially those consuming yogurt, may actually be manifesting the effects of a release of calcium (that is reabsorbed) from calcium/oxalate crystals. The lactic acid bacteria, L. acidophilus and S. thermophilus, the classic yogurt-making bacteria used in the SCD, have been found to degrade oxalates effectively.


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