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Overcoming Diarrhea

Some Additional Aids to Overcoming Diarrhea

  1. Buttermilk and bananas: buttermilk stops diarrhea caused by certain harmful bacteria, and bananas alone are well proven to soothe the bowel and reduce diarrhea. One can give small babies nothing but mashed bananas. Give 2–3 ounce feedings, eight or ten times per day. The banana pulp may be incorporated with 1–1/2 ounces of buttermilk for each pound of body weight for the first 48 hours; afterward, the banana may be mixed with any accepted infant formula. The diarrhea should subside in about four days. Prevent the return by incorporating buttermilk and bananas into the youngster’s diet.
  2. Yogurt, unsweetened, non–pasteurized (use only that guaranteeing live bacteria), preferably from goat’s milk. Yogurt is known to aid in controlling both constipation and diarrhea. It helps maintain a predominance of symbiotic bacteria in the gut. Yogurt is great for babies too. It is good to use a probiotic supplement too. Use one with Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum, as the later tends to diminish Candida albicans, Clostridia, and Streptococci populations, and is able to colonize the lower intestine more effectively than L-acidophilus. They are more resistant to antibiotics. Some supplements incorporate other types that are also helpful. The inclusion of fructooligosaccharide will ensure that the Bifido Bifidus have the advantage, and can squeeze out the harmful competition.
  3. Whey concentrate: Whey promotes a healthful bacteria population in the gut. That is why methods 1 and 2 work. A recent method of concentrating the immunoglobulins in whey makes this help more readily available, and more effective. Use of it before traveling largely prevents “Traveler’s Trots” caused mainly by E. Coli bacteria. It is effective also in eliminating the condition. It can be used to relieve diarrhea in babies. Ethical Nutrients® provides the Active Immunoglobulin Concentrate “Inner Strength™” for this purpose. It is also a nutritious protein supplement. One fighting mercury poisoning needs to remember that whey also supplies Cystine, a sulfur-bearing amino acid, which, with selenium, stimulates glutathione peroxidase production in the cells. Incidentally, to prevent E. Coli poisoning from hamburger meat, add a tablespoon of prune puree to a pound of meat (Dr. David Williams, MD).
  4. Hydrochloric acid: E. Coli and other bacteria can’t survive in a stomach with strong hydrochloric acid (HCl) present. To improve digestion and protect against the “Trots”, take three or four tablets of HCl with each meal. See my ExeBook, Self–help to Good Health, 50 Chapters, over 1000 pages, $29.95US for more on HCl. A drink with a very strong mixture of lemon or limejuice will protect also. Make it as strong as you can tolerate to provide sufficient acidity to kill bacteria. A strong drink of apple cider vinegar will work too.
  5. Garlic: Garlic is a most healthful food and superior treatment for everything from ulcers to gut inflammation of all descriptions It restores a balance of bacteria/fungi in the intestine, soothes the whole digestive tract, prevents formation and absorption of harmful toxins into the system, and stops diarrhea; even that from diphtheria, parasites, scarlet fever, and tuberculosis. Use a clove or two of fresh garlic a day, depending on severity of symptoms. Alternatively, use Kyolic Aged Garlic that is deodorized. For mild cases, take two capsules twice daily. For more severe problems, take two capsules three to five times daily. At these higher doses, you may begin to smell the garlic.
  6. Garlic aids in lowering blood pressure. It demonstrates antibiotic powers comparable to penicillin. Documented cures for tuberculosis have been reported. It is said to be a preventive of polio, pneumonia, diphtheria, typhus, and tuberculosis. It is an expectorant, useful in all respiratory infections, especially those with a dry hacking cough, as in bronchitis, colds, and asthma. It is an excellent nerve tonic, and a destroyer of pin, round, and thread worms. Roundworms cause many attacks of asthma. Roundworms (hookworms, whipworms, pinworms); tapeworm (dipylidium caninum) can cause the child to vomit, throw up, regurgitate, and expel. In large quantities, garlic is antagonistic to vitamin E when taken at the same meal. Take the succinate (dry) form of vitamin E, or take the garlic at a different time. In some instances, you may need to discontinue the garlic to realize the full benefit of vitamin E (in control of angina pectoris). A good source of garlic and onion and other vine–ripened, phytochemical rich foods is Phyt•Aloe®, and for children, Manna•Bears™, by Mannatech™. Manna•Bears’™ gummy bear consistency is a pectin gel, a soluble fiber that binds strontium 90 (atomic fallout) and lead enabling their removal. Pectin is of great benefit in bowel problems as well.
  7. Carob and Slippery Elm: Two tablespoons of 100%, raw, carob flour and a dash of the herb, Slippery Elm (both available at the health food store), stirred into a glass of milk, sweet or sour, provides a tasteful and nourishing way to control too–frequent bowel movements. Heat the milk to boiling before mixing if a greater effect is needed. To regulate the bowel, these should be taken daily until the bowel is normal, and then in reduced amount every other day or so. One can mix these with cereal and milk if desired. Slippery elm (available in capsule) is very effective alone. Carob at 5% total food intake (mixed with formula or cereal) has been twice as effective for children and infants as conventional medical treatment. Do not continue for too long; lest you constipate the child.     
  8. Bring a cup of milk to a boil and drink it warm. Add unsweetened cocoa if desired.

Pages 221-223


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