Digestive Problems

"You can cure your heartburn and acid indigestion - in 48 hours!

...the vast majority of digestive problems are caused by too little stomach acid - not too much. After 30 years of curing tens of thousands of people with chronic acid indigestion using supplements to increase stomach acid - we know this to be true. Expensive prescription acid blockers, like so many of the pharmaceuticals sold today, treat the symptoms instead of the underlying cause of digestive disease. What makes acid blockers especially dangerous is the fact that by reducing your already low levels of stomach acid, these products may be setting you up for long-term health problems of a magnitude you can't begin to imagine....A Dutch study of more than 300,000 people proved that chronic use of antacids increases your risk for pneumonia."  Source: Dr. Bruce West's Health Alert, PO Box 402, Hotchkiss, CO 81419-9903; 1-800-944-6465 [Note from my niece who researched him on the Internet: "Apparently, it’s more accurate to say that he WAS a chiropractor, since he no longer has a license." Licensee Name:WEST BRUCE License Type:Chiropractor License Number:11036 License Status:CANCELLED Definition Expiration Date:December 31, 1983 Issue Date:January 01, 1973 Address:P O BOX 222797 City:CARMEL State:CA Zip:93922 County:MONTEREY Actions:No - bfg]

"Could your stomach be robbing your memory?

If you're over 50, it's likely. Just as we perspire less over the years, out stomachs produce less acid. ...this 'minor' problem is an incredibly common cause of memory loss, hearing loss and many other diseases of aging, too."   Source: Dr. Jonathan Wright's Nutrition & Healing, Order Processing Center, P.O. Box 925, Frederick MD 21705-9913


 Impaired digestion (gastrointestinal distress)

Gastrointestinal distress includes increased stomach acid levels requiring acid inhibitors, and moderate to severe gastric inflammation with possible stomach lining erosion. Drinking sodas, especially on an empty stomach, can upset the fragile acid-alkaline balance of your stomach and other gastric lining, creating a continuous acid environment. This prolonged acid environment can lead to inflammation of your stomach and duodenal lining. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2009/02/10/10-Diseases-Linked-To-Soda.aspx



-- The underlying attitude or belief: You are living in a world hostile to your own needs and desires. Competition is always tough and mean. It’s a case of “tooth-and-claw, dog-eat-dog”. You have to fight in order to get and keep what you need for your survival. Everybody is against you.

-- Suspicion, doubt, hatred, antagonism, mistrust, and hostility are key words in finding the primary causes behind your troubles. Among the illnesses that may be traced to hostility and cross-purposes are these: anemia sore throat, pneumonia, hypertension, infections, bacterial diseases, indigestion, cancer.

- ANEMIA may reflect a person’s belief in the absence of cooperation, love, or consideration from the world.

-- A SORE THROAT may be the signal of hostility between a man and his boss, or a man and his wife.

-- PNEUMONIA sometimes results from a person’s long-standing, or sudden and intense belief that circumstances have conspired against him, that the things on which he could depend have turned against him.

-- INDIGESTION may be the body’s way of telling you to forget your anger, to release your suspicions, and to go on about your business in an alert but at the same time relaxed state of mind. From “The Secret of Instantaneous Healing” by Harry Douglas Smith


Obstruction and delay: The underlying attitude or belief: Someone or something has the power to block you, or to delay your getting what is good and right for you. -- Among the illnesses and difficulties that can be traced to obstruction and delay: indigestion, hardening of the arteries, poor circulation; coronary occlusion.

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HEALING TRUTH: -- There is no obstruction or delay in the Infinite. Because you are part of that Infinite, you need accept nothing of this in your own individual life. -- There is a resistless flow of power moving you toward your chosen goals, provided you do not obstruct or delay yourself by believing or fearing that something can happen to stop or disappoint you.

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THE HEALING ATTITUDE OR BELIEF: -- I am now moving freely and effortlessly toward my good. -- Nothing has the power to keep my good from me. -- Nothing can obstruct or delay my reaching that state or condition of life I choose. -- There is a resistless circulation of all good things through my life, and this resistless circulation includes my body and all its rightful functions. -- I am making easy, continuous progress toward everything in life I want.

From “The Secret of Instantaneous Healing” by Harry Douglas Smith  

Heart Retired Brigadier’s report on major problems of health-Heart:

- I had a heart attack in Febraury 1987. Angiography revealed 2-vessel disease. RCA, CTX fully blocked, and LCA clear. For more than 11 years, has been on medicines. I had Parkinson’s disease for the last 5 years and been on medicines. I started regular Oil Pulling on Feb 15, 1998 and completed 5 months. I do it only once everyday in the morning.

The results are -

Blood Pressure: There has been a distinct drop. Now it is generally 130/80.

Breathlessness - Disappeared. This means increased exercise tolerance

Insomnia: Now I have sound sleep. No longer getting up several times for going to the toilet

Snoring - Totally gone much to the satisfaction of other family members

Phlegm - It used to be a major problem. Now totally cured

Gums - Much healthier, red, and no longer bleeding

Teeth - Cleaner and healthier

Itching - Disappeared Blood clots near the ankles - 90-95% disappeared.

Skin, which used to be black, has become whitish (due to better blood circulation)

Blood vessels - Used to be bulging out prominently, especially on the back of the palms. Now the hands are smooth and arteries/veins have become soft.

Temperament - Now much more tolerant with 90% improvement

Involuntary tremors - The improvement is 40 %

Reduced limbs functioning - Especially in the right arm and leg, there is significant improvement, manifested by improved handwriting to about 60-70%

Swollen feet/ ankles - Swelling has reduced to the extent of 50-60%

Eyesight - Been using reading glasses for the past 25 years and am pleasantly surprised to manage playing bridge for the first time without spectacles

Vertigo - For the first time in my life, I had a few incidents. Investigation revealed very high blood sugar levels controlled by exercise and food control

Memory - There is much improvement in memory

General - Improved breathing, better blood circulation, better reflexes, better exercise tolerance, and cool temper and can easily walk with out fatigue

Medicines - Tapered down in a systematic manner, sleeping pills no longer needed, and Parkinson’s medicines not required The digestion is perfect.

Speed of writing, tying of turban and strength of right arm shows overall improvement. The shine and health of the skin is also improving.

Brig (Retd) T.S.Chowdary, (63years), Janakpuri, New Delhi http://oilpulling.com/diseasescured.htm