
The need to dominate. Impatience, anger. I am safe and secure. I am at peace with myself and with others. http://www.scribd.com/doc/122099/Heal-Your-Body

Uric acid is nearly insoluble in water, alcohol, and ether, but soluble in solutions of alkaline salts. In other words, it becomes soluble in alkaline water. Arthritis and gout are caused by uric acid deposited between the joints, non-dissolved due to the low alkalinity of an older person's blood. Drinking acid free alkaline water will gradually elevate one's blood pH and the gout will disappear naturally. (More about this acid free alkaline water later) When one is going through any diet program, doctors tell him to drink 8 glasses of water a day. They know the disposal is through urine, but they don't tell you what kind of water to drink. Since all waste products are acidic, the best kind of water is acid free alkaline water. Drinking 4 glasses of this alkaline water is much more effective than 8 glasses of regular, bottled water or filtered tap water. There are devices called water ionizers that split alkaline minerals and acid minerals in regular tap water by electrical means. A quality water ionizer takes in regular tap water which has both acid and alkaline minerals in it and has a typical pH value of 7. The system then releases water with a pH value of 9 or higher with all the alkaline minerals from the original tap water. At the same time it releases acidic water with a pH value of 5 or lower with all the acid minerals in the original tap water. Since this alkaline water has twice as many alkaline minerals as the original water but NO acid minerals, it is more than twice as potent as the original water. Inside our body, it will neutralize only acidic elements and discharge them safely out of the body. Drinking 8 glasses of regular water can leach out acidic wastes as well as some valuable alkaline minerals such as potassium. That's why doctors test your blood when you are going through a serious diet program. With this alkaline water there is no worry about losing potassium from your system. http://www.ionizers.org/antiaging.html

Natural Gout Treatment - Alkaline Water As A Natural Gout Remedy I discussed the value of drinking water in natural gout treatment in earlier articles. Of course all types of water are not equal, for example hard water is better than soft because of its additional mineral content and distilled water is acidic. Probably the best of all waters for natural gout treatment is alkaline water, also called ionized water. The reason is that alkaline water has a higher pH value than other kinds. Alkaline water is water with more oxygen, in this case OH-, not O2. Drinking it makes the body more alkaline. In this state, the body is likely to excrete more uric acid. Reducing uric acid levels to below 6.0 mg/dL (men), slightly less in women, is the target of most forms of gout treatment whether drug medications or natural remedies. Alkaline water is also an antioxidant which squelches free radicals. MAKING ALKALINE WATER Most people are not able to buy alkaline water at their local supermarket or grocery store. You have to make it yourself. It 's not difficult. Basically you can either add alkaline drops to regular water or you can have a water ionizer do it for you. Alkaline drops can be purchased via the Internet and delivered to you, search alkaline water drops, or alkaline drops. Ionizers are easily installed to your faucet (tap). Most people will not need a plumber or next door neighbour. The ionizers of course cost more, but the water they produce is cheaper over time, say the manufacturers of one leading brand, than buying bottled water of various kinds. So it will pay in the end to think long term and fork out more cash. For a quality ionizer expect to pay from US$769 to US$2,495 for a top-of-the-range-model. (These are U.S. prices. Prices will vary in other countries). You also need to replace the ionizer 's biostone filter about every nine months. Filters cost from US$55 to US$85. The ionizer may last up to 20 years. IONIZERS ARE BETTER THAN DROPS As well as being cheaper than drops, ionizers can be adjusted to produce a water pH of a specific value more accurately. Set it to pH 8.5 or pH 9.0 for example. They can also produce purified water and leave you with acidic water, which has its uses. Moreover, the best water ionizers adjust for the overall quality of water supply input. By so doing, they produce a correct pH level, irrespective of water supply quality, water pressure and flow rate. After a period of drinking alkaline water your body pH should rise. How will you know? Saliva pH can be tested with pH test strips (search pH test strips or pH stix). Your saliva pH is a good indication of your body 's pH levels. Make sure you follow the manufacturer 's instructions for using them carefully. Record numbers and watch for trend changes over time. A few tests are not enough. ALKALINE WATER TESTIMONIALS Testimonials from delighted former gout sufferers can be found in many places on the Internet. Unfortunately they are not everything for every gout sufferer because gout is a complicated, still not wholly understood disease, and because what works for one sufferer may not work for others. Moreover, however sincerely meant, and truthfully stated, testimonials may not be accurate in the long term because gout can go into remission and lie low for a long period before flaring up again. On the other hand there are testimonials from people who have not had a gout attack for 1-2 years or more, and this probably indicates a cure has been achieved. Testimonials from gout sufferers, (one is a doctor), about the value of alkaline water can be read at http://www.ionizers.org/alkalife-testimonials.html and at http://www.waterionizer.org/site/898596/page/443030#33 Hopefully these indicate that the theory has indeed shaken hands with the practice, and the rejoicing is happily justified. Most gout sufferers hope for a natural remedy for gout. Taking account of pH is part of natural gout treatment. http://www.content4reprint.com/health/alternative-medicine/natural-gout-treatment-a-alkaline-water-as-a-natural-gout-remedy.htm

Vitamin C - You probably have a Vitamin C supplement in your cupboard for keeping your immune system healthy. However, did you know that doctors are not prescribing Vitamin C tablets for gout attacks? It is believed that ascorbic acid actually aids the body in flushing out uric acid. We suggest starting at 1 gram per day and increasing it weekly until you reach 4 grams. Natural Remedies Health Blog

Some evidence suggests that vitamin C may help to reduce uric acid levels. In one well-designed study, 184 people took either vitamin C supplements (500 milligrams per day) or a placebo. Cherries are a popular home remedy for gout. The amount usually recommended is anywhere between half a cup and one pound of cherries a day. They are either eaten or blended and then diluted with water to make a juice. Cherry extracts are also available at some health food store. ...Ten women consumed two servings (280 grams) of Bing cherries after an overnight fast. Three hours after eating the cherries, there was a significant decrease in uric acid levels. There was also a decrease, although not statistically significant, in inflammation. Another study involving 47,150 men with gout also found that intake of meat and seafood were associated with an increased risk of gout. Total protein intake and consumption of purine-rich vegetables, such as asparagus, were not associated with an increased risk. Dairy was associated with a decreased risk. http://altmedicine.about.com/od/gout/a/goutremedy.htm

Most gout victims are male. In fact nearly 90 percent of people who suffer from gout are men over the age of thirty. But women are not immune, particularly if they are taking medications, such as those for hypertension that can predispose them to the condition. http://alternative-medicine-and-health.com/conditions/gout.htm

Topaz is a powerful stone in the way that quartz is. It is a balancing and calming stone that balances emotions, releases tension, balances emotions, and can bring joy. Topaz is also believed to bring success and good fortune, and synchronicity. It is also used for protection, particularly protection from the evil eye and greed. It also is said to bring creativity, individuality, true love, and hope. Spiritually it brings in spiritual love and peace. Physically, topaz aids with gout, blood disorders, hemorrhages, poor appetite, tissue regeneration, tuberculosis, aging (reverses), endocrine system. http://www.crystalsandjewelry.com/metaphysicalproperties_t.html

Devil's Claw This edible herb (found in health food stores in dried, powder, or tablet form) provides pain relief similar to cortisone as the root acts mainly as an anti-inflammatory. Clinical research indicates that devil's claw may be of benefit in the treatment of gout as in addition to relieving joint pain, it also reduces serum cholesterol and uric acid levels. http://www.vitalhealthinstitute.com/gout/index1.php

  GOUT IN BOTH FEET (Emotional Freedom Technique) This next case study demonstrates the power of EFT to help a purely “physical” problem. It also illustrates the fact that we often know, at some level, what is really at the root of our pain. Bob had a very painful case gout in his left foot and was just recovering from gout in his right foot when I met him. Medications and other treatments had produced a slight improvement, but the gout wasn't going away. After chatting for a few minutes about EFT, Bob rated his pain for me. Sitting down he gave it an 8 on a scale of 1 to 10, but he said it would probably be a "10" if he were to put any weight on it. (He was using a walking stick to get around without hurting his foot.) We started by tapping on the pain itself, and the swelling, just to see what would happen. We used the following Set Ups: “Even though my foot hurts I deeply and completely accept myself…” “Even though I have this pain in my foot…” “Even though my foot is swollen…” We made very little progress with these Set Up statements. Bob said the tapping felt good, and he felt maybe a little relaxation in his foot. He rated the pain at about a 6 or 7. We did a couple more rounds, but the pain did not decrease noticeably. I had already suspected that we would need to address some deeper issues than the obvious presenting symptoms. For those with hypnotherapy training or who have read Louise Hay’s book Heal Your Body, you know that a problem with the feet can represent fear of moving forward, or fear of the future. I asked Bob if he had any clues as to a potential emotional cause for his gout. Bob was very open minded about pursuing an emotional or mind-body connection, but we didn't get anywhere for the next few minutes. So I asked Bob to fill-in-the-blank on the following statement to draw out his unconscious knowledge. “If I get over this gout then I will have to ______________” ??? As soon as I got to the blank, Bob grinned and blurted out “I’ll have to go back to work!” An "aha" moment! I had a strong intuition that the job had everything to do with the gout. So I asked for any reason why he would want to miss work, and he gave me a rundown of his current work situation. Bob worked at a very successful and fast growing company that always seemed to be short on employees, owing to the constant increase in new customers. Being a supervisor and minority owner in the company, he felt tremendous pressure to take up the slack so that customers would get good service. For Bob that meant 10 — 12 hour days and working some Saturdays as well. (He is an artist and novelist to boot, and 12 hour days leave little time for a second career.) Bob had worked this grueling schedule for a long time and saw no end in site. As long as the company kept growing, they would always be short on employees, and Bob would seldom, if ever, get a day off or a vacation. As he told this story, I didn’t have to connect the dots for him, he could see an obvious connection between gout and having some time off of work. When he had had gout in his other foot, he had missed about four days of work, and now he was missing several more. So now we had a lot to tap on. We used a number of Set Up phrases for the next 20 minutes or so, but for the sake of brevity I will summarize the procedure below. Here are some of the statements which we used: “Even though I feel like I will never get a break from work….” “Even though I see no end in site to my heavy workload…” “Even though I feel guilty taking time off from work, because I own part of the company, and I feel responsible for its success…” “Even though I think things will fall apart if I don’t take up the slack…” “Even though I feel guilty asking the company to hire more help…” and so on… I periodically asked for a rating on Bob’s pain. Both the pain and the swelling came down considerably while we tapped, and Bob reported feeling “whooshes” and “zings” of energy flowing from his feet out his head during some of the rounds. His foot grew noticeably smaller before our very eyes. We ran out of time, though, and had to wrap things up with Bob’s pain still at about a 1 or 2. We had made progress in finding an emotional root for the gout, and Bob could continue to use EFT on his own if he chose to do so. A few days later he reported that the gout pain had continued to subside and he had returned to work the next Monday (we had tapped on a Saturday). More importantly, he informed his boss that he was going to work a more reasonable schedule in the future. He had no guilt about asking for this change. His attitude toward work had shifted considerably during our session of tapping. The success stories above represent only a fraction of what the Emotional Freedom Techniques can do. The tapping process can literally be applied to ANY issue in your life! http://www.joyfulmission.com/articles/article/1975190/26249.htm http://www.emofree.com/Cases/goutsetupemphasis.htm

Gout and stress I don't know about you but sometimes I believe that during raised mental and emotional times that I have had a bout of Gout appear. Generally only smaller attacks, but I don't think it is coincidence. Stress generally is suppressed with a few extra drinks of alcohol and sometimes a few extra feeds of bad food to make one feel better. My blood pressure would also rise, so would my anger or my sadness. Now with a raised emotional state in any form also raises the Uric acid levels. The Number one enemy of Gout.. I have found out that in times of emotional strain we burn up our levels of Pantothenic acid which is a form of Vitamin B ( B5 ). This acid is required in the excretion process of Uric acid, so a depleted Pantothenic Acid level leads to a potential Gout attack. Uric acid crystals associated with Gout also activate the NALP3 Inflammasome. ( Cryopyrin ). Part of the Protein family which also includes NALP1, NALP2,and NALP 3. The reason I mention these inflammasomes is that these protein families can sense stress. These inflammasomes form and drive any hereditary autoinflammatorysyndromes such as Gout an Pseudogout. MSU crystals have been identified after the release of uric acid dying cells which can then activate the NALP family. Monosodium urate ( MSU)and calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystals (CPPD ) both enhance the engagement of NALP3 Inflammasone. Sorry its confusing but there is not much out there that is nontechnical to show Gout and Stress are related. Now there are a few schools of thought here with regards to "If Gout and Stress " are actually related. One says this is not associated at all others seem to regards that stress is a major factor. You have to be the judge of this because only you know how your body functions, but I believe you have to be more aware of how your body works with regards to Gout and you need to look deeply or keep a record of when your attacks occur. Because after all the way to maintain Gout is by learning what triggers it in the first place. We are all different in what triggers a Gouty attack. I believe that Stress has brought on my bouts from time to time, so when I am stressing out at work then I drink plenty of fluids and occasionally take a multi vitamin with Vitamin B5 in it. www.gout-aware.com/Gout-and-stress.html

Gout Treatment Program Gout cannot be treated without ensuring that your kidneys are provided with plenty of fluid. I recommend that at least 4 cups of Rosehips Tea (either hot, or left to go cold) are taken daily. (rosehips are a source of vitamin C) Herbs: The herbal mix includes:- Rosehips, Alfalfa, Celery, Juniper, Liquorice, and Buchu along with the Bach Flowers Mimulus, Vine and Wild Oat. The herbal mixture along with the tea will assist in quickly resolving the Gout. http://www.herbal-treatment.net/pain_herbal_treatment.html

  Hyperuricemia is the presence of high levels of uric acid in the blood. The upper end of the normal range is 530 micromol/L (6 mg/dL) for women and and 619 micromol/L (7 mg/dL) for men. [1] Hyperuricemia is caused either by accelated generation of uric acid through purine metabolism or by impaired excretion in the kidney, or by high levels of fructose in the diet.[2][3] Humans lack urate oxidase, an enzyme which degrades uric acid. Increased levels predispose for gout and (if very high) ren ... http://goldbamboo.com/topic-t1371-2resources.html See "The double danger of high fructose corn syrup"

Health: Rise In Gout Blamed On Fructose In Soft Drinks


Virgin Coconut Oil is very good for people with heart problems (VCO protects heart and artery from bacteria, virus and free radical), uric acid, gout, hypertension, diabetes (MCFA in VCO acts to produce more insulin to change glucose become energy quickly), obesity (through insulin mechanism, VCO in blood will be bring to heart and burning it. then body temperature will increase and needs more energy then take spare fats which is kept our body), lung problems and hypertension. It's one thing to hear about the healing virtues of coconut oil from someone you don't know. It's another to hear about the popular Conrado de Quiros' experience. No, his gout did not disappear, but he finds it less painful to walk.  

Gout—Aspirin- or sodium salicylate-containing medicine may make the gout worse and reduce the benefit of the medicines used for gout http://www.drugs.com/cons/neo-citran-nutrasweet.html

I have been taking Gout Cure for a few years. I can eat what I want and drink alcohol without worrying. The only time I had a problem is when I took a cold medicine that contained acetaminophen. [This site has a product that you can buy that looks fairly decent.- bfg] http://www.goutcure.com/testimonials.html Another gout product: HealthnFitToday.com/GoutCleanse 

Got Gout? Then Salt It Out! The good news is by simply eliminating mineral blocking foods and pharmaceuticals, adjusting your diet to include purine-rich vegetables and substituting table salt with high quality natural grey sea salt you can control your gout. Read on! A new study in the New England Journal of Medicine revealed a high intake of Purine-rich vegetables, such as peas, beans, mushrooms, cauliflower, asparagus and spinach did not lead to an increased risk of gout. Because these high protein vegetables are rich in magnesium and other vital minerals salts they also help eliminate toxins that cause inflammation. So what can you do? Fact: table salt can weaken your kidneys, liver and over all metabolism. However a lack of sodium, chloride and other trace minerals are necessary at the same time . . . so why the confusion? For more than 40 years Americans have been lied to about their diets, their body’s healing ability and the role of real medicine. Today I want to cover all three by clearing up the confusion on one important point. SALT! The current medical belief is that your body can function on NO salt at all, or on a restricted salt intake, causes more problems that it claims to solve. You can't function without salt. •    You can't digest food without salt. •    Your heart can't function. •    Your adrenal glands can't function. •    Your liver can't function. •    Your kidneys can't function. The chemical requirements of the human body demand that the salt levels in the blood be kept consistent. Without salt, there is no longer any exchange between the sodium on the outside of the cell, and the potassium on the inside, which means you die! Salt is a metabolic energizer! However, isolated, demineralised, refined table salt has been processed to the point that it is a dead chemical. In fact the sodium chloride in table salt accumulates inside your body causing inflammation, water retention and toxic build up of animal proteins . . . are you seeing the picture yet? Let me take you a little further so you have no doubt about this. There is good salt which you need to stay alive and there is bad salt which only does you harm. For example very cell in your body is bathed in a clear, mineral rich extracellular fluid. The amniotic fluid that surrounds the fetus in the womb is made from good salt. The closest fluid found in nature is sea water. We even find salt in our blood, sweat and bones making it easy to see why pure mineral rich salt is essential for good health. Refined salt is chemically cleaned and blasted with heat, changing its molecular structure . . . all you are left with is Sodium Chloride without the life force of the essential minerals and trace elements. Plus other additives such as dextrose and bleaching agents are then mixed in, creating an adulterated version of the once living substance. In fact your body loses energy just trying to use refined salt, disrupting your whole metabolism including fluid balance and elimination systems. In other words table salt makes it difficult, if not impossible for your body to eliminate the uric acid that causes your gout attacks . . . Here’s the clincher: Natural grey sea salt will actually eliminate the poisonous table salt chemicals from your body. That’s right you can simply take delicious, life giving natural salt to get rid of the main cause of your gout pain. But wait there’s more! Natural Salt Promotes the Excretion of Animal Proteins A further study showed some interesting results. All subjects in this study drank one-teaspoon of natural unrefined salt daily. After four weeks, the “protein excretion” in the urine significantly increased for eighty percent of the one-hundred-twenty-three subjects. This shows that the ionic energy of the natural salt has a natural antagonism towards the gout triggering proteins and supports the elimination of animal proteins that are so difficult to break down. Here are 7 benefits of natural grey sea salt: 1.    Helps to balance blood sugar levels that cause inflammation.  2.    Helps maintain overall energy levels. 3.    Helps sodium regulate your metabolism with 84 minerals. 4.    Helps remove acidity from your cells and is a strong alkalizer.  5.    Helps your body absorb nutrients. 6.    Helps your liver, kidneys and adrenal glands to function properly. 7.    Helps maintain the electrolyte balance inside and outside of cells and helps the cells communicate and function properly.  http://blog.cureyourgout.com/

While the IonCleanse Foot Bath is widely used to increase energy (both physical and mental energy), vitality, and stamina, it is also used to purge (through Ionic detoxification) the body of toxins, chemicals, radiation, pollution, synthetics, and other foreign material trapped in the skin layers that have blocked the body's systems of elimination. Its internal cleansing is believed by many to include parasite cleansing and liver detoxification, which results in less body fluid retention, reduced inflammation, improved memory, greater bladder control, a more balanced pH, a stronger immune system and significant pain relief, including pain from headaches, gout and arthritis. http://www.ocskin.net/detox_foot_bath.html

Detox foot pads: Can they ease pain caused by gout, arthritis and rheumatism? Yes! Users from around the world have received temporary pain relief. Pads are not a cure for maladies but can act as an efficient relief from pain caused by them. http://www.detox-foot-pad.com/#14