cures cluster and tension headaches, too... Doctors at the State University of New York watched in wonder, as headache victims tried this new treatment. People writhing in agony suddenly relaxed and reported complete relief of all pain, nausea and light sensitivity, in just 15 minutes or less! ...Three out of every 4 sufferers all reported the same response. It worked equally well for migraine, tension and cluster headaches, too! ...All the doctors used was a high dose of a very special kind of magnesium. This natural mineral relaxes blood vessels and muscles, and regulates neurotransmitters, diffusing headaches." - [found this site: - bfg]
Source: Bottom Line Books, P.O. Box 11400, Des Moines, IA 50381-1400 - flyer for book Health Breakthroughs 2007
that have been shown to reduce the frequency of migraine headaches." Source: Dr. Andrew Weil's Self Healing, P.O. Box 2057, Marion, OH 44306-8157@@ "The 3-Penny Migraine Cure, Liege, Belgium - ...all it consists of is a high dose of a very common B vitamin. One you can buy at any drugstore..."
Source: Alternatives, Mountain Home Publishing, P.O. Box 2000, Ranson, WV 25438-2000; 1-800-844-1462
[Vitamin B2 - Check out this site: It tells about that study and much more. - bfg]
It all started when one of Dr. Marvin Mansky's dental patients came down with a whopper of a migraine. But as soon as he put a little plastic device over two of her teeth - instantly, the headache practically vanished. Within two weeks, her migraines were history. Coincidence? Dr. Mansky suspected so, too. But in the interests of science, he started offering the device to other patients with migraines. Same result....the FDA...has approved this device for treatment of migraine and tension headaches. The device seems to work by preventing muscles in your head from stressing out and triggering migraines. Most people wear it only while sleeping and this seems to be all they need.
Source: Junk mail flyer for Bottom Line's Health Breakthroughs 2009, PO Box 11400, Des Moines, IA 50381-1400 [I found it on the Internet: see - bfg]
Anemia, Arthritis, Asthma, Attention deficit disorder, Back pain, Brain Fog, Canker sores, Celiac Disease, Chronic Diarrhea, Chronic Fatigue, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Colitis, Crohn's disease, Depression, Dermatitis, Type 1 Diabetes, Eczema, Fibromyalgia, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), Hair loss, Headaches, Heart disease, Heartburn, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis, Night Sweats, Osteoporosis, Psoriasis, Skin Rashes, Ulcers, And many other related conditions "A medical study examined gluten-sensitive patients who suffered from severe headaches. When patients were put on the program Dr. Lieberman recommends... 90% of Patients found relief from headaches." "Gluten sensitivity can prevent your body from absorbing calcium." -
Source: Rodale Books, 33 E Minor Street, Emmaus, PA 18098 - The Gluten Connection by Shari Lieberman, PhD, CNS