Pain & dehydration


From Water for Health, for Healing, for Life

by F. Batmangheldij M.D. (pages125-129).

Before dehydration hurts you irreversibly, when you’re plum-like cells become prune-like, your body will show its urgent need for water through different types of pain. These pains are the newly understood, drastic ways of showing dehydration.

After much clinical and scientific research, my understanding is that the early indicators of acid burns in the interior of the cells and potential genetic damage that can take place are different forms and intensities of pain. Depending on the degree of dehydration, as well as the extent and the location of acid buildup inside the cellswhen greater flow of water should have cleared the acid from that area—the classic pains of the body are produced. They are:

  1. Heartburn
  2. Dyspeptic pain
  3. Anginal pain
  4. Lower back pain
  5. Rheumatoid joint pain, including ankylosing spondylitis
  6. Migraine headaches
  7. Colitis pain
  8. Fibromyalgic pains
  9. Morning sickness during pregnancy
  10. Bulimia

Today, there are 110 million Americans who, at certain times, need pain medications to make life bearable. How pain that is not caused by injury or infection can be produced by dehydration is simple to understand. This very simple mechanism of pain production has eluded us in medicine ever since humankind looked for a way to deal with some of the devastating pains of the human body. The drug industry spends billions of dollars researching painkillers, and even more money advertising their particular brand of pain medication. I don’t believe the answer is in these medications, however. Dehydration can be cured by water, for free.

To understand the mechanism of pain production in the body, we first need to learn about the way the acid-alkaline balance in the body works. An acidic environment causes irritation of certain nerve endings in the body. When this irritation occurs, the brain is alerted about the chemical environmental change, which is translated and manifested as pain to the conscious mind. In other words, it is the acidity in the interior of the body that causes pain.

Normally, when blood that contains an ample amount of water circulates around the cells of the body, some of the water goes into the cells and brings out hydrogen molecules. Water washes the acidity out of the cell and makes the cell interior alkaline—an absolutely essential and normal state. For optimum health, the body should maintain an alkaline state—pH 7.4 is the desired level.

Why 7.4, and what is pH? The relationship between acid and alkaline is scientifically measured on a scale of 1 to 14. This scale is known as pH. From 1 to 7 on this scale is the acid range, 1 being more acid than 7. From 7 to 14 on the scale is the alkaline range; 7 is less alkaline than 14. On the pH scale, 7 is neutral, meaning optimum. Thus, pH 7.4 of the interior of the cell denotes its natural, slightly alkaline state. This state promotes health because it is the state that best suits the enzymes that function inside the cell: They achieve optimum efficiency at this pH. Adequate flow of water in and out of the cell keeps the cell interior in its health-maintaining alkaline state.

You have probably seen historic monuments and buildings with artistic statues and carved masonry that have been damaged by pigeons perching on them and smearing them with their droppings. Bird excrement is highly acidic and eats into the stone. In time, the statues and carvings lose their features and definition. The DNA in the nucleus inside the cells of the body is alkaline and, like stone buildings, is also sensitive to the corrosive effects of acidity.

In our bodies, the kidneys mop up excess hydrogen ions—which cause acidity—from the blood and excrete them through the urine that is formed. The more urine that is produced, the more easily the body keeps its interior alkaline. This is why clear urine is an indicator of an efficient acid-clearing mechanism, and dark yellow or orange urine is an ominous sign of impending acid burns in the interior of the body. People who consider having to pass urine more than two or three times a day inconvenient, and do not drink water so that they do not have to urinate more than they can help, are ignorant of how they are hurting their bodies.

The brain is better protected against acid buildup by the fact that it gets priority for delivery of water for all its needs. The rest of the body may not be so fortunate when dehydration establishes in the body and settles in one or another part for a long period of time. With persistent dehydration, however, the brain, too, becomes damaged from acidity in the cells—hence conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson’s disease.

From: Michael Bryan

To: Bob Butts

My story starts in August of 1995 when I began having pain in my head on a regular basis. The pain increased from 2 or 3 times a week to everyday by June of 1996. I started seeing doctors about it in March of 1996.

I saw a total of 37 specialists over the 8 years that the pain continued. Most thought they could cure me with enough time, but each one finally gave up after trying everything they could think of with no change in the pain. One doctor actually tried to convince me that surgery was my only option. Luckily, I did not allow him to take that road.

I spent 6 weeks in a Pain Management Program where I learned to deal with the pain.

I explored a number of non-traditional healing techniques, as well – the most successful of which was NCR or Neural Cranial Restructuring (

However, not one doctor asked me how much water I drank each day.

Finally, after 8 years of suffering from what was basically undiagnosed chronic pain in the right mastoid area of my skull, I began to develop very severe heartburn that was actually worse than the head pain because it was so acute. I did a Google search for heart burn and found As I read the information there, I found that all I needed to do was drink more water to cure the heart burn. But, as I read further, I also read that pain in general could be caused by dehydration. I immediately thought to myself, “No, it couldn’t be THAT simple – could it?”

I actually didn’t start taking water more seriously yet, but I did order the book, Your Body’s Many Cries for Water.  It was the day that the book arrived and I had a chance to read parts of it that I decided to try it. So, I began drinking 2 qt. of water per day. After only 3 days, my pain was reduced by 75 percent! It took a total of 2 more weeks before the pain was completely gone. This occurred in June of 2003.

At that time, I was on 7 different narcotic medications, so I immediately began tapering them as fast as I could. It quickly became obvious that it wasn’t going to be as easy as I first thought. Now, it is 13 months later, and I’m finally down to just 2 medications, and those are down to just a minimum dosage. Those 2 medications are Oxycontin (30 mg. per day) and MSIR (Morphine Sulphate – Immediate Release, 45 mg. per day). I am very close now.

Beginning in August of 2003, I began to rock climb again. The following winter, I skied again for the first time in 6 years. Now, it is July of 2004, and I’m climbing more and slowly getting back to where I was before all this happened.

The moral of this story: Take Water Seriously! Until now, I have to be very honest that I never took water intake seriously. I also avoided salt on my food. This was a very dangerous combination, as I was later to find out. I have to thank Dr. Batmanghelidj and for giving me my life back – and Google for pointing me in that direction!

Michael Bryan

Boulder, CO

Date: Saturday, July 21, 2001

From: Bob Gresham []

To: Bob Butts

I wrote these notes some time ago, mainly to myself and family after hearing all these water stories in a period of about 10 days. I am a healthy 71-year-old architect who climbs stairs faster than most of the 20 and 30 year-olds in my office. Several are now drinking more water.

I was having a problem with one joint in my right hand that made hand shaking very painful. I as also having similar pain in 2 toes of my right foot. The second toe had a slight upward bend. The arches of both feet made it difficult to walk barefoot, even on carpet.

After my fortunate exposure to the water stories, I started only a partial regimen, probably about half my body weight in ounces. In only two weeks, the pain had disappeared, and now I rarely remember it. On one occasion, I noticed a slight hint of the hand pain which caused me to confess I had slipped on my water regimen. Back on water, the hint of pain went away in just a few days.

My health, other than above mentioned, has been unusually good. I have never had a major illness. I have not taken a prescription drug in at least 30 years. I did have a kidney stone that passed without a doctor, but now remember that it was in a period of low-water consumption. I am the only one in my office that went through the past 2 winters without a cold or flu. I also tease the staff about using the antiseptic hand soap that I feel kills good bacteria, as well as the bad.

Thanks for your good work,

Bob Gresham

Date: Wednesday, July 25, 2001

From: Bill Boyer []

To: Bob Butts

I found out about the Water Cure 2 months ago. Anyway, I believe Dr. B when he says dehydration causes pain. After 4 days, my back pain left. Before that, I could hardly get out of bed. I am 77 years old.


William Boyer

See also: The Natural Eloquence of Pain -- News Release from The National Association for Honesty in Medicine Fibromyalgia    John Prewett    About Leg Pain After Starting the Water Cure