Contrary to popular belief, sunbathing actually helps heal cancer of the skin while sunblock increases cancer risk. ...
Lack of Sunshine Causes One Million Deaths a Year
If vitamin D3 levels among populations worldwide were increased, 600,000 cases of breast and colorectal cancers could be prevented each year, according to researchers from the Moores Cancer Center at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD). This includes nearly 150,000 cases of cancer that could be prevented in the United States alone. The researchers estimate that 250,000 cases of colorectal cancer and 350,000 cases of breast cancer could be prevented worldwide by increasing intake of vitamin D3, particularly in countries north of the equator. The study examines the dose-response relationship between vitamin D and cancer, and is the first to use satellite measurements of sun and cloud cover in countries where blood serum levels of vitamin D3 were also taken. more
According to the National Cancer Institute, lifetime exposure to sunlight may reduce your risk of some of the most common types of cancer. In an analysis of death certificates from 24 states over an 11-year period, the NCI researchers found that people who lived in the sunniest parts of the country, and those exposed to the most sunlight through their jobs, had significantly lower rates of breast and colon cancer than matched controls.
Why one should not be dissuaded from enjoying the Sun for optimal health It has been frequently reported that those who are regularly exposed to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) due to their occupation have a reduced risk of developing melanoma [Garland et al., 1990; Kennedy et al., 2004]. The reasons appear to be twofold: 1 - they develop a tan that blocks the penetration of UVR so it can't produce the free radicals that can lead to melanoma; and 2 - they produce lots of vitamin D. Both links have just been demonstrated in an excellent study by investigators studying 497 people with melanoma in and around Philadelphia and San Francisco [Millen et al., 2004]. ...
In a televised interview, Dr. Lorraine Day, MD, reported that rats fed a healthy diet developed no cases of skin cancer when exposed to the sun, while 25% of those fed the standard American did develop cancerous lesions. The difference between the two diets is likely to be the quality of the fats, as will be come more apparent shortly. ...
Sunscreen found to generate harmful compounds that promote skin cancer A team of researchers from the University of California has found that sunscreen can do more harm than good once it soaks into the skin, where it actually promotes the harmful compounds it is meant to protect against....
Sunbathing does not cause cancer of the skin nor wrinkles nor drying of the skin. Healthy people do not get skin cancer - unhealthy people do. Sunbathing helps heal those with cancer by building up the body's vital energies and increasing the oxygen in the tissues. Sunbathing helps heal cancer of the skin, wrinkles and drying of the skin. Unfortunately, those who develop skin cancer and/or wrinkles and also coincidentally sunbathe have had many unhealthful habits that cause their skin cancer, wrinkles and drying of their skin.
Chronic sunburn on skin containing free radicals leads to skin cancer. Repeated sunburning, not suntanning itself, causes skin cancer, wrote Dr. Michael Gray. Sunlight may change free radicals, dietary fat from animal sources, cholesterol from animal sources and deranged antioxidants brought to the skin from the eating of cooked foods into carcinogenic substances. Antioxidant vitamins C and E are reduced or deranged by cooking. Furthermore, fats and oils applied to the skin in suntan lotions and other cosmetics are sources of free radicals which can lead to skin cancer.
Dr. Zane Kime wrote that suntan lotions should not be used because they can cause cancer. Sunscreen may actually increase the risk of cancer, so proposed California researchers in a paper published in January, 1993 in the Annals of Epidemiology.
Gray also wrote that those who smoke tobacco and marijuana and expose them-selves to sunlight tend to get skin cancer.
Cancer is common in those who over-consume coffee and teas which contain toxic caffeine and tannic acid, and expose themselves to sunlight , wrote Dr. Becker and D. Alexander.
Immuno-suppressant drugs may contribute to skin cancer as well as x-rays and chemotherapy. We may be able to reduce our cancer deaths by inducing a partial or complete immunity by exposure of suitable skin areas to sunlight, wrote Dr. Frank Apperly. ...
Sunbathing helped heal the skin cancer of Dr. Harland G. Call. His skin cancer was diagnosed by two M.D.s, one of whom was a surgeon who recommended surgical removal. Call employed sunbathing of the effected area, Within a short time, the skin cancer disappeared, after which he reported back to the M.D. who had recommended surgical removal. When the M.D. examined him, he confirmed that the skin cancer had disappeared without surgical removal.
A man had recurrent skin cancer. His doctor recommended surgery. The cancerous man rejected the surgery. Instead he followed the advice of Dr. John Ott to sunbathe without his glasses and after five months his skin cancer completely disappeared. Sunlight treatments reduced malignant cancer growths 50% in animal experiments in Russia, writes A.P. Zabaluyeva.
Sunlight helps the body heal wounds and injuries and overcome virtually any illness. Dr. Carl Hoffminster wrote that soldiers in World War II healed and survived much better when their open wounds and broken bones were exposed to sunlight.
Sunbathing helps strengthen muscles. Dr. Zane Kime wrote: Tuberculosis patients being treated by sunbathing have been observed to have well-developed muscles with very little fat, even though they have not exercised for months. He also reported that a study on the effects of sunlight on a group at a health resort showed that the group that was getting more sunshine with their exercise had improved almost twice as much as the group that avoided sunshine as revealed by their electrocardiograms. Kime also wrote, The Romans made use of the sun in training their gladiators, for they knew that sunlight seemed to strengthen and enlarge the muscles. Cancer of the breast, prostate reproductive organs and colon may be caused by not exposing these vital organs to the sun and air. Anything that blocks sunshine from penetrating the skin will reduce the amount of Vitamin D that the body makes. People with lower levels of Vitamin D are at greater risk for colon cancer, writes the Lancet.
Sunlight helps people overcome winter depression. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) hits around 100,000 people and develops into severe depression as daylight decreases in the winter. If SAD sufferers get out and get some sunlight during winter, they will relieve their depression, writes Dr. Keki Sidhwa.
Dr. Herbert Shelton - "Gazing directly into the sun actually improves sight and aids in overcoming disease".
Dr. Jacob Liberman. - Sunglasses block healing ultra-violet light and thus contribute to the increased incidence of blindness and eye disease in this country"
Sunlight For Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis)
Sunlight Exposure Beneficial In Multiple Sclerosis
Let the Sun Shine In (Especially When Pregnant)
Lack of Light causes high blood pressure
A new review of the medical literature indicates that omega-3 fatty acids can protect the skin from the inflammatory response caused after sun exposure and that these fish-derived nutrients can reduce the risk of non-melanoma skin cancer.
Researchers at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston Texas analyzed human and animal studies conducted over the past 15 years on the effect of fish oil or fish consumption on sun damage and sun exposure. Their findings indicated omega-3 fatty acids have an important role to play in reducing the damaging effects of sunburn.
In experimental animal studies, the reviewers noted, there is direct evidence that dietary omega-3 fatty acids inhibit the cancerous changes that occur after ultraviolet radiation, including decreasing tumor growth and reducing tumors’ ability to multiply. However, equivalent levels of omega-6 fatty acids increase the cancerous changes that occur after exposure to ultraviolet radiation. In mice and in human skin exposed to ultraviolet B radiation, dietary omega-3 fatty acids dramatically reduce levels of prostaglandin E synthase type 2 (PGE(2)), an inflammatory messenger chemical that suppresses immune response to pre-cancerous cell changes. Dietary omega-6 fatty acids increase levels of PGE(2). In humans, omega-3 fatty acids also increase the time it takes to become sunburned, the review concluded.
The review authors also outlined the negative effects of omega-6 fatty acids, which, when consumed in large quantities act as pro-inflammatory substances. Omega-6 fatty acids are found in margarine, vegetable oils such as corn oil, safflower oil, and salad dressing. Americans consume omega-6 fatty acids in amounts 20 to 40 times too high compared to their omega-3 intake. There are a number of good fish oils on the market, but one of the best new ways to get omega-3 polyunsaturated fats is from krill oil.
In toto, there is strong circumstantial evidence from both experimental and clinical studies to support a role for omega-3 FA in the prevention of non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC). In experimental animal studies there is direct evidence that dietary omega-3 FA inhibits ultraviolet radiation (UVR) carcinogenic expression, with regard to both increased tumor latent period and reduced tumor multiplicity. Equivalent levels of omega-6 FA increase UVR carcinogenic expression. Dietary omega-3 FA dramatically reduces the plasma and cutaneous pro-inflammatory and immunosuppressive PGE(2) levels in mice. Dietary omega-6 FA increases prostaglandin E synthase type 2 (PGE(2)) level. Dietary omega-3 FA significantly reduces the inflammatory response and sustains, or enhances, the delayed type hypersensitivity immune response in mice when compared to an equivalent dietary level of omega-6 FA. Supplementary omega-3 FA significantly increases the UVR-mediated erythema threshold in humans. Supplementary omega-3 FA significantly reduces the level of pro-inflammatory and immunosuppressive PGE(2) levels in Ultraviolet B-irradiated human skin.
Black HS, Rhodes LE. The potential of omega-3 fatty acids in the prevention of non-melanoma skin cancer. Cancer Detect Prev. 2006;30(3):224-32.
Omega 3 but not omega 6 fatty acids inhibit AP-1 activity and cell transformation in JB6 cells Guangming Liu, Douglas M. Bibus, Ann M. Bode, Wei-Ya Ma, Ralph T. Holman, and Zigang Dong*
Hormel Institute, University of Minnesota, Austin, MN 55912
Contributed by Ralph T. Holman, April 20, 2001
Epidemiological and animal-based
investigations have indicated that the development of skin cancer is in
part associated with poor dietary practices. Lipid
content and subsequently the derived fatty acid composition of
the diet are believed to play a major role in the development
of tumorigenesis. Omega 3 ( 3)
fatty acids, including docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and
eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), can effectively reduce the risk of
skin cancer whereas omega 6 (
fatty acids such as arachidonic acid (AA) reportedly promote
Nearly all cases of melanoma occur in areas where the sun don't shine, such as on your torso and the backs of your legs. ... The more sun you get, the less likely you are to get melanoma!... Sunlight DOES age your skin...
Skin cancer comes in three flavors: basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma. Sun exposure actually does cause the first two types. But it so happens they're almost never life-threatening.
Melanoma is more common in Ohio than in Florida... In Australia... office workers have a higher incidence of melanoma than lifeguards...
From The Biggest Medical Lie Of the Last 50 William Campbell Douglass II, M.D. The Douglass Report, P.O. Box 925 Frederick, MD 21705-9913 -[This guy puts out one of the better health newsletters. - bfg]