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Tolerance Lost - Dr. Andrew Moulden

Vol 1/3 – 1 of 16 Moulden   [12:53]

Tolerance Lost,, Dr. Andrew Moulden, BA, MA, MD, PHD

Volume 1 “The Problem”

This DVD, as you know, has been designed to describe in physiology across multiple areas of medicine how the brain and the body has been damaged by the processes that lead to what we now consider a type of stroke in the body when small end blood vessels are temporarily and sometimes permanently blocked off when the blood starts to sludge.

Blood will sludge in small blood vessels as a consequence of many things including infectious diseases, including changes in viruses and some vaccines that you may receive and more particularly some of the heavy metals, specifically aluminum in vaccines is very contributory to the things that we will discuss in these videos. [1:18]

The slide right behind me here right now. This is basically the big problem in the world that we have. We are trying to control across the planet infectious diseases. And by doing so we realize as physicians and public health care practitioners that the only way you can control an infectious disease in the population is to get something that we call “herd immunity”.

Herd ImmunityAnd “herd immunity” is a concept that means if you have a hundred cows on a farm and you want to control an infectious disease in that cattle farm, the only way you will do that with vaccinations is if you get 95% of that cattle on that farm immunized. So infectious disease control using vaccinations will only work to protect the herd if you get 95% of that herd immunized. [02:15]

So the only way that vaccines will work as a public health measure is that they need a very high degree of uptake. And we see that generally meaning you need 95% uptake, meaning that the population as a whole, you must get 95% of the population immunized with a particular virus or bacteria or a vaccination in order to assure the rest of the herd will benefit from the herd immunity. Now that means, we have a mandatory universal one-size-fits-all vaccination program that is put in place to try to achieve herd immunity but at the expense to be able to consider us all to be able to handle the same biologically active injections in our bodies. And that, unfortunately, as we will see in these videos, is not always the case. [3:08]

Young baby we are trying to protectSo right here, basically, is a young baby and this is who we are trying to protect with the vaccines that we are currently deploying them. The pharmaceutical industry, there are various corporations involved in promoting the vaccination programs. And it’s become an industry in and of itself. So much so that the vaccines and creating the vaccines has become such a lucrative market that to a certain extent, in many respects, the desire to find new products to give to the people, population - the vaccinations has exceeded the rational for genuine need for many of the products out on the market these days. And this is also contributing to the problem that we now consider with too many vaccines, too soon, for individuals with no real appreciation of who can handle what, when, and why. Shakles on individual's feet

This next slide here basically depicts the story in the situation we have risen in - shackles on an individual’s feet. In many places, especially in the United States, many states have mandatory vaccination laws. In fact in some areas, parents are actually being charged with child abuse for refusing to have a child vaccinated for legitimate concerns.

Now when the state mandates that each individual must have a vaccination in order to participate in society – this is the state imposing its will on the individual and as you will find out here some of the information that they’ve based their concerns upon… is based on trying to achieve herd immunity, but also, unfortunately, the scientific evidence to demonstrate that these vaccines, as we are currently deploying them, are actually quite harmful, in many respects, in many individuals across the board. And without that knowledge, we have unfortunately a society and with good intentions caused the greatest harm to mankind in the history of recorded history. And this is what we will see. [5:27]

Background Training

My area of expertise is in this slide here, very briefly  - how I arrived at the point that I am currently at now, to discuss areas of the brain and behavior. My undergraduate degree was a Bachelor’s degree was in biological psychology. I went on and did a masters degree was in Child Development and did a thesis in looking at language development in children [Laurentian University].

Background TrainingFrom there I went on to a PhD in clinical- neuropsychology. I did a sub-specialization during that PhD in cognitive neuroscience, the ability to look at how the brain, accesses, retrieves, and stores information. As part of that training as well, my PhD thesis was in neurophysiology, electrophysiology which is looking at the electrical recordings you can get from the top surface of the skull and figuring out where activity in the brain is happening to generate those. [University of Ottawa]. And in  my PhD comprehensive exams were on acquired brain injuries and post concussion syndrome. Now that wasn’t really enough training at that point, because I still realized even after that training that my clinical work in clinical neuropsychology that I still couldn’t make sense of the behavior ___  disorders I was seeing. And I decided to go back to undergrad and take a medical degree at McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada. And from there my training was primarily trying to understand and explain – why do we get ill – why do we become sick. And that was my sole purpose for going to medical school.

Mini-strokes in childrenAnd from there I went on to residency training in psychiatry and neuropsychiatry and did most of my clerkship and residency training electives in neurology. And then, lo, and behold, I came into the clinical world for the first time armed with all this knowledge and there I began seeing, right before my very eyes, with the eclectic training that I had received, I could now see with my own eyes children and adults exhibiting the equivalent of strokes.  In the neurological exams I was able now to do and I recognized that these neurological problems that I was seeing can only come from damage to the small-end blood vessels going to the brain. And with that knowledge, I also began to recognize that I was seeing these damages that were not there before an individual was vaccinated, and showing up shortly thereafter, and these individuals and children were having various problems with losing their language and becoming withdrawn and exhibiting stereotypical behaviors and basically receiving a diagnosis of autism down the road. And it became A goes to B, B goes to C, and then the whole mechanism of injury emerged over the period of the last several years, which puts us where we are at, right now. [8:38]

Someone has to be wrong

Autism's False ProfitsSo how is this happening in the body? Because you have to be able to prove proof causation for the federal circuit courts to appreciate that there is a problem and if there is a problem in terms of the vaccines we have polarized society you have one group that says  there is no problem at all. Some experts say our children can handle 10,000 vaccines by the time they are five years of age because they are all killed, attenuated, or weakened. And many say you can’t even handle one. So we do have a plethora of ill and damaged children.


3.5m paid out in vaccine damagesAutism has raised exponentially, learning disabilities have risen exponentially, Sudden Infant Death is a prevalent concern in society. Asperger’s Syndrome, pervasive developmental disabilities, and now with the new Gardasil vaccine out there, we have over 20 deaths in healthy teen girls. And over 12,000 adverse reactions and so somebody has to be wrong here. We must be missing the boat somewhere. And so, it is not all coincidental.

So this is anecdotal evidence but what I am going to show you over these DVD’s, is you will see for yourself for the very first time how these vaccines have been causing damages, why they are actually causing damages for everybody to a varying degree and what we need to do to prevent these damages from occurring in the future. [10:14]

[Video shows: White blood cells roll along inside blood vessel walls.]

White blood cells roll along inside blood vessel walls[Video shows: Red blood cells are smaller than white blood cells]

 [Video shows: Hyperstimulation of the non-specific immune system, by foreign substances (like vaccines), causes many white blood cells to roll along vessel walls]

 [Video shows: Too many white blood cells can impair blood flow, causing ischemia]

[Video shows: Hyperstimulated white blood cells can block smaller red blood cell access to tiny capillaries causing impaired oxygen delivery]

[Video shows: White blood cell rolling inside blood vessel] [11:25]

And now with the knowledge you will receive from the videos, you will observe and you will understand what’s been going on, we now a rational means to try and recover those who have been harmed in very profound and subtle ways from this one-size-fits-all universal vaccination program that we’ve put ________.

Dr. Bernard Rimland[Video shows: Dr. Bernard Rimland, Autism pioneer: 1928-2006] [11:47]

CBS never aired this footageOK, he is going to bring the camera on the audience, I hope. And please, if you are the parent of an autistic child, please stand up. [Looks like audience may be over 500 people and most of them stand up]  If your child is one of those who became autistic after receiving a vaccination and you believe, you are confident, that it was the vaccine that caused your child’s autism, please raise your hand. [Most of audience raises hands.] If you can document with videotapes or photographs or whatever that your child was normal and became autistic after the vaccine, wave your arms. [Most of audience waves their arms.] OK.  Did you get that? Let’s hope this gets on TVs. Thank you, very much.  

[Video shows: CBS never aired this footage…] [12:48]


Vol 1/3 – 2 of 16 Moulden   [9:00]


Three Historical Figures

Three Historical FiguresThis slide show shows three historical figures that are important. Right here is Christopher Columbus. Interesting having historically that when you come up with new theories or things that go against the popular notions or the grain, or the Zeitgeist, the sign of the times, you are usually frowned upon and you’re looked upon as kinda crazy and you’re kinda ostracized from the larger population that thinks a certain way.

Well, Columbus really thought the world was round and though laughed at and scorned, eventually society came around to the point of OK, the world is round and let’s move on.

These vaccine issues being safe or unsafe are going to fall in the same boat and to a certain extent, myself and many other people, I’m sure many parents feel this way, kinda like __ with Christopher Columbus and this time in history, because we see a serious problem with how the vaccination programs are currently being implemented and the damages we are seeing in these children. And the system that actually implements these and puts the vaccines on us doesn’t see this problem.

And, uh, so we have to go around the world and come back and say: Look, ladies and gentlemen, there’s your evidence, the world is round, the vaccines are unsafe. And we’ll achieve that, and these DVDs will help you be able to express what you now know to others. And in time, the world will say vaccines are unsafe, we made a mistake back then and move on. [1:36]Three critical processes

The individual in the middle here, Dr. Rudolf Virchow, very, very critical. Dr. Virchow is credited historically medicine for discovering … pulmonary embolism or clots formed on part of the leg that go up and go to a lung and cause some damage here. But Dr. Virchow was very, very prominent in his prospective of damage in blood flow and blood vessels of the body and clotting is critical to much human disease as it turns out and specifically to this entire epidemic of neuro-developmental disorders as a function of vaccinations.

And Dr. Virchow can best be understood in terms of a triangle that he actually used to describe three points of three critical processes that can lead to damage to the blood supply where the blood vessels lead into clotting or the fancy word in medicine that we use is called coagulation. And one of those is alterations in normal blood flow, we call this in medicine stasis, it’s the classic version of that if you’re sitting on a plane for too long, it, by example, the vessels to the back of the leg are blocked off, your bloodflow does not flow through those legs. You can get a clot forming there and people get off the plane and a clot breaks off and goes into the lung and you have a pulmonary embolism.

Stasis can be in large vessels like the vessels of the leg. It can be in medium to large vessels like the carotid arteries right here in the neck. Or it can be the tiniest, tiniest vessels that we cannot see or appreciate. In fact, all of us, everybody, everyday, many times a day if not every time during the day for every second of the day, your body is constantly having these small micro-vessel tiny blood clots in many vessel territories in your body. But your body has means by which to deal with these things to keep the blood flow smooth and we call that laminar and continuously going, and be able to turn off these blood clotting processes. But it does happen.

Virchow's TriadAnd stasis or interference with the forward progression of blood flow is one of the contributing factors that can lead to damage in the body and we call that clotting. And when it leads to clotting and blocking a blood supply in oxygen. We call lack of oxygen to tissue ischemia. And to the brain we call it a stroke when there’s not enough oxygen there. And you can have a stroke to any organ in your body. A heart attack by a blockage of a blood vessel to the heart. That’s a stroke to the heart. To the bowel, you can have strokes to the blood supply to the large intestine and small intestine. We call that, another fancy word, mesenteric ischemia. Ischemia is lack of oxygen to tissue. You can have it to the kidneys. You can have it to the liver. You can have it to the skin. You can have it anywhere in your body where body parts are dependent on blood flow. And every body part requires blood flow and oxygenation as a condition of maintaining life and doing functions that maintains health and wellness.

Stasis is important. The other part of her child’s triad injuries to the inside lining of blood vessels, we call that vascular endothelium. Vascular is a fancy word. It means blood vessels. And endothelium is a fancy word we use to describe the cells that line all the insides of blood vessels. Because blood vessels are not one solitude. They are made up with individual cells nice and tightly together like this. And they all come together side by side and form a complete conduit through which the blood products and the fluid within which the blood products flow get transported through as it goes through the body.

But injuries to the inside lining of those blood vessel walls, we call that endothelial damage or damaged to the vascular endothelium. And when that’s damaged it can also lead to clotting or coagulation.

Vaccine induced white blood cell rolling in a blood vessel: HyperstimulationAnd finally, the last part of the third part of the triad, that for a child described for contributing factors for clotting in the blood and blood vessels leading to ischemia and other illnesses is alterations in the constitution of the blood. We call this hyper, meaning too much, coagualable. Coagulable is a medical word meaning clotting.  So hyper, too much, clotting in the body. And we call it hyper coagulable states.

Many things can put you in a hyper coagulable states. And by example, birth control pills in girls can lead to a hyper coagulable state. Smoking can lead to a hypercoagulable state. Cancer leads to a hypercoagulable state. And various anomalies in terms of the factors that are involved in the normal clotting and coagulation pathways can also lead to problems leading to hypercoagulable states. Many of these things we call fancy words like protein C, protein S, antithrombin, vonwillobrand factor. These are all factors involved in other triggering, clotting, or participating in clotting or in some respects, participating in turning clotting off.

So these three areas are critical to the clotting process. And clotting process and coagulation is the simple explanation and we’ll see exactly why. I’ll show you all the evidence for it in the clinical skills as well as in looking to see for yourself.

As we show you the videos of live recordings of blood flowing through vessels as well as showing you it getting sludged up and not forward flowing in everything from rats to gerbils to salamanders to cats, dogs, humans. And you’ll see that this problem is across the board and there are multiple triggers to it. And there is one key area that we will get to, and you will understand how this is happening. How simple it is – we can actually change our environment, change our lifestyle and actually change our likelihood of going down this hypercoagulable state and blood sludging and Autism spectrum whether it is from vaccinations or other factors in the environment. [7:40]

So, Sir Isaac Newton the last individual on this slide. Sir Isaac Newton holds a very prominent piece in the history of science, but more specifically, his contribution to this area which is not really recognized today in contemporary medicine. But Sir Isaac Newton beyond describing the laws of thermodynamics and his other contributions to science, he basically has his name attached to the whole area of fluid flow which we call non-Newtonian fluid dynamics. And non-Newtonian fluid dynamics describes the way certain solutions flow, like the blood, which does not follow the classic rules of how fluids flow based on its thickness. And we call it viscosity. So Sir Isaac Newton’s contribution here and how he fits into this whole puzzle of the autism problem we have today and the vaccine damage we have today, is basically the models and the mathematics behind which we actually chart and predict, as best we can, what will flow through what, and what will not. [8:57]

Vol 1/3 – 3 of 16 Moulden   [6:33]


Rolling cells and ischemia

White blood cells are bigger than red blood cells and cannot bend through small "pipes"White blood cells are biggerOkay, so now here, we have to see what happens inside the blood vessels when the immune system gets stimulated. These series of slides here showing blood flow – you see the little white dots in each of the slides. Those are actually white blood cells and the white blood cells are actually physically bigger than the smaller red blood cells which carry oxygen.

So flowing through the fluid, the plasma, which is the water, the electrically charged water, actually, in which things like red blood cells which carry oxygen, white blood cells which respond to the immune system to foreign things in the body, and the tiniest cells in there the platelets which participate in the first wave to go and create the first steps towards clots being formed to fix damage to the inside lining of the blood vessels.

These white cells here when they get stimulated by kinda sniffing out foreign material either inside the walls of the blood vessels, along the linings of the blood vessel walls, along the epithelium, or viruses or bacteria or damaged tissue or heavy metals or toxins or pathogens or fungus or parasites that are outside the blood supply in the tissue. The white blood cells which are normally flowing smoothly along the inside of the blood vessel walls when they come to an area that is calling them to that area because of the inflammation or damaged tissue stick down and roll along the inside of the blood vessel wall lining, as you see here. As they are doing that, the blood vessel endothelium kinda spouts up its own little Velcro that helps participate to grab on to the white blood cells as they roll to the area. And they can slow down and stop. [1:54]Hyperstimulation

Now, the critical point here is that the forward rolling of the white blood cells along the inside blood vessel walls is propelled entirely by the force of the blood pressure and the blood flow through the area. So a problem can emerge that if you decrease the blood flow through small blood vessels, in this rolling function of the white blood cells on the inside lining of the blood vessel walls can become stagnant, and they will not have the pressure behind them to keep them going forward. And you get kinda like a traffic jam which can contribute to some of the problems we see leading to autism from vaccinations. [2:32]Clumping

This slide here is basically when I first came across, coming out of medical school, the patients I was seeing, and went back to the medical literature and try to make sense of what I was seeing in terms of the facial structure and the facial asymmetries that can only be accounted for by stroke in the medical histories of the patients I was seeing. I had a few schizophrenia patients. I have several autistic children and a few children who had these neurological damages I saw in the facial structures becoming asymmetrical could only be accounted for by strokes. [3:07]

AggregateAnd I went back to the literature in trying to figure out what’s going on here. How is this happening? And sure enough, that all lead to my writing a manuscript back in 2001 which is right here. The picture that you see on the manuscript here, the manuscript was called the microvascular hypoxia low oxygen account for neurodevelopmental disorders and psychosis because those were the patients I was seeing.

I submitted that manuscript to the college of physicians and surgeons of Ontario out of concern for public safety, that I was quite concerned that what I was seeing that we may not be doing things completely right at this pointing history. As few as 10 WBCs

Fresh out of medical school, basically did what I thought I should do is bring something I concerns to not only to the immediate supervisors that I had at the time because I was a junior in the ranks of medicine. However, I had all this background training before getting there on brain and behavior disorders. So I did my due diligence but unfortunately like Christopher Columbus, you’re scorned at because that is such a crazy notion, Dr. Moulden. I heard that. You’d think that schizophrenia or autism and vaccines are dangerous and causing strokes. So I wrote it all and gave it to them, unfortunately, they weren't very receptive of it. [4:39]

Stroke damage in children seen in facesAnd back in 2001, the sign of the times back then was not even looking as we are today, this problem we now see truly exists with these vaccinations as they are currently implemented.

So that was back in 2001 and unfortunately, in the end, to where we are now today in the knowledge that I am sharing with you now, it turns out, unfortunately, that actually correct. These are microvessel blockages of blood supply. This is lack of oxygen to tissue. These are equivalent to strokes to the brain and to the bowel and to the liver and the kidneys. And we cannot see it. [5:18]

And the thing is unless you see it and you understand it and you can walk away with your own understanding and be able to say that to somebody else and say it with conviction, that you now have seen, you understand, you are aware, then you can impart that to someone else. Because to change the system that we are all stuck in, including the physicians, it takes awareness of society, as a whole. And awareness can only maintain a foothold and grounding in your conviction to what you say and what you believe as if you can see it yourself, understand it yourself, and come to your own conclusions.

And by doing so telling other people, sharing it with them, eventually we’ll reach a critical mass where we’ll say, OK, so the world is round and we will go about our business. But between now and then the damages will keep occurring, on atrocious numbers globally and there will be no resources put out there to help because no one thinks there’s a problem to be helped at this point. [6:28]

Vol 1/3 – 4 of 16 Moulden   [2:53]


Circle of Willis

Circle of WillisThe fancy little structure back there as well with the arms out there like that is called the circle of Willis. That is the actual blood supply coming up to the brain and the main pipes that come off of the aorta, going up through the carotid arteries. I becomes a little circle and spreads out to various parts of the brain. It kinda looks like a person saying “I don’t know.”  And… we don’t know. But, hopefully, after these videos you watch, you will know.

Now this is a very important part of history as well. I’m going to read the slides to you verbatim as what it says.

How many vaccine will your child get?“During the 1970s and 1980s, the federal government established goals for improving vaccination rates. To achieve high vaccination rates (97%), the government implemented nationwide vaccine initiatives, which included offering federal grants to states and encouraging strict enforcement (state mandates for forced vaccination). During this time period, the number of mandated vaccines gradually increased (from 8 in 1980 to 22 in 2000) as vaccination became a requirement for a much younger population (the majority of all 30 childhood vaccines are administered before the age of 18 months). Only after these developments did autism cross class lines. Today autism is widespread in all socioeconomic groups.”

Gardasil adverse reactions… and now over 30 vaccines by the year 2000. And as these vaccines became more and more a requirement in the younger population in higher numbers, we’ve also seen this steady incline in the rate and incidences of illnesses and chronic disorders like asthma (1 child in 9), like autism (1 child in 150 – more like 1 child in 87), like attention deficit disorders which is 15% of the childhood population, sudden infant death – 1 to 2% of children. And now all these Gardasil adverse reactions. And about one military vet in four, from the two Gulf wars, who have either died and developed every possible chronic illness that you can think of. And you sit there and scratch your head, how can all these different disorders of all these different organs in the body and all these different times occur after a vaccination series. How can you possibly explain all that by a vaccine?

And as you’ll find out, blood flow and the key word you will learn through these video series is zeta potential. And we’re going to learn more about that as we go along because blood flow and zeta potential are the cause of most if not 90% of all vaccine injuries including the cause of autism that’s acquired these days.


Vol 1/3 – 5 of 16 Moulden   [8:16]

The Vaccine Injury Act

Graph of lawsuitsThis slide is very important, as well. And because of the graphic you see there behind me, it goes to the timeline from 1970 to 1997 on the bottom of the slide. And the blue bars going up there are showing you the number of cases that were brought for civil suits against the vaccine manufacturers, from the one side to the middle to 1986. You can see the number of vaccine lawsuits filed against the pharmaceutical industries were increasing yearly. National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act

But a very remarkable thing happened in 1986, is that the vaccine manufacturers said “Look, clearly if the public health departments. This is happening in the United States. Look, we are getting sued in civil litigation for all kinds of adverse effects from these vaccines and it is not profitable for us anymore. So we’re not going to give you any more vaccines unless you give us some law that say we can never be sued.”

And the public health department and the medical professionals at that time were all concerned. Their arms were twisted behind their backs. If we don’t have vaccines, we are going to have outbreaks of all these infectious diseases. Polio is going to come back. We’re going to have measles and we’re gonna have mumps, diphtheria, and tetanus, and whooping cough, and we need to do something here.

AluminumSo in response to that threat of no vaccines, the legislators at that time passed in the United States, Public Health law 66990 which remains active to this day.  This is the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. And the act was designed in a way to protect the vaccine manufacturers from frivolous claims by people that are claiming that their loved ones have been harmed by vaccinations as well as to ensure that the public health departments had access to vaccinations to prevent infectious diseases and maintain their herd immunity. [2:09]

Well, this was a turning point in history where things went from the greater good to the greater calamity. And profiteering overtook rational sound medical decision making because from eight vaccines because from eight vaccines in one’s youth in the era leading up to this point where a lot of these vaccine civil suits were going to. Once the laws were in place, public health law 66990 says that unless you can show that your child or you had some serious adverse event within three days of a vaccine then anything that happens after that, they are not causally related, you cannot sue the vaccine manufacturer, you cannot sue the doctor, but here you can go into the vaccine injury courts which are a special court put out there, that is paid for by every vaccine sold. In fact 75 cents for each vaccine sold goes as a tax to create these federal circuit courts that will hear claims for people saying I was harmed or adversely affected by a particular vaccination. [3:11]

This was a point that was intended to do a lot of good at the time to prevent frivolous litigation to the vaccine manufacturers and pharmaceutical companies and to maintain herd immunity. But unfortunately the outcome of that was in effect, what we did is that we gave all the vaccine manufacturers who were being successfully sued up to that point in time for causing things like learning disabilities, infant sudden death, and adverse reactions, and Guillaume Barr syndrome, and paralysis, and a whole range of adverse events from vaccinations.

After those laws went in place, it was basically giving a product manufacturer a safety escape clause to an entire industry. And when you do that to any industry, if there is no accountability for creating a product that can harm people, and you can never be sued for your product being not completely up to par, causing some damage sometimes or causing a lot of damage. If the manufacturers, unfortunately, this is how the world works, do not have any accountability or responsibility or can never be held accountable for a bad product, what incentive do they have to go out there and spend five or six billion dollars doing their due diligence to ensure that whatever they create is safe before it gets out there to market? If you can never be sued, why spend five or six billion dollars in product safety development - create a product, get it out there, market it very fast, and reap your benefits from sales of that product, and deal with the costs of any damages down the road. As long as your profit margins are higher than what it costs you.

And this public health law 66990 achieved just that, which is why the vaccines have gone from eight by the time they are five years of age to now over thirty vaccines by the time children are five years of age beginning within hours of birth. And from the first five years of life, children and infants have received over a hundred and fifty different foreign antigens in their body from the vaccine schedules we are currently giving them, and high frequency, and high repetition in a one-size-fits-all model laced with things like formaldehyde, latex, and other foreign substances in particular the aluminum that the vaccine manufacturers use as an adjuvant to help boost the immunological response. Well, aluminum is the worst thing you can do to anything in the body because aluminum lowers zeta potential and causes microvessel coagulation. Aluminum combined with many other features including dietary regimes and inherited genetics to a certain extent, diet as well, the amount of water you’re drinking, your state of health and hydration at the time… multiple other factors all conspire to lead to an increased risk of blood clotting.

Who will be held accountable?The bottom line is here, giving a product manufacturer an escape clause with no accountability was a huge error, that exists to this day, and it leaves no incentive on the manufacturers to do their due diligence. Unfortunately, it was a good idea back in 1986 when it came in but now, where it is at now, because of the numbers of vaccines that have come on the market, because of the amount of monies involved in sales around the world that they’re mandated, the pharmaceutical industry, much like the medical industry, and much like you as parents and consumers of these products, we’re all in a catch-22. We are so far into this that we can’t get out of it because getting out of it means admitting that there is a problem. Admitting there’s a problem, especially admitting there’s a global problem with all these vaccines across the board for everybody means that someone is going to be accountable financially for a very profound epidemic. And I mean epidemic of all these illnesses and diseases and disorders, spanning the entire range of neurodevelopment disorders, and bowel disorders, and kidney disorders, and neurological disorders, and liver disorders and bone marrow disorders, and immune system disorders across the board.

All these things are all related including now dementia even in many of the elderly population which is now one person in thirteen over the sixty-five. One in five or six over the age of 85.

These things are causally related to these vaccinations and someone would have to be held accountable for that. And the only people who should be held accountable is the people who have profited off of it. We’ve made a mistake.


Tolerance Lost Vol 1/3 – 6 of 16   [7:55]

Catch 22 Medical Political Problem

So we’re in a catch 22, because admitting there’s a problem means that you’re basically going to hold accountable one of the most powerful industries on this planet next to the petroleum industry and that’s the pharmaceutical industry. There’s no malice here. There’s no ill will. There’s no vendetta. Ladies and gentlemen, the fact is we’ve done something very wrong here, and until we wake up and recognize it and admit we have to find some equitable means of moving forward that it won’t stop. And when the damages being caused outstrip the ability to go help fix the damage that has been caused by factors of a thousand to one then you’ll never catch up to stopping this from going on because you’ll always have more patients coming in that you can never help in any way. [0:52]

Dr. Shiv Chopra

Q: When were you and Margaret Hayden and Monsieur Lambert dismissed?

A: On July 14, 2004 because after or even before we were called before the Senate. I had received a gag order but I cannot speak anywhere, about any subject without the permission of court, and so I challenged that. And Margaret Hayden also received an instruction not to speak about any measure to anybody anywhere. So two of us challenged this under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms in the federal court. And we won. In September 2000 we won. The courts ruled not only did we have the right to blow the whistle, we actually had the obligation as public service officials to blow the whistle in matters relating to public health and safety. So it was our duty to have done what we did.

Q: But if you were carrying out your duty, why were you fired in 2004, four years after that ruling?

A: Three of us, all three of us were fired simultaneously on the same day. While all three of us were on stress leave because they were now pressuring us to pass other drugs of questionable safety. And we were seeing pressure on us as coming from the pretty council of Canada, which means a series of prime ministers, ministers, deputy minister, the whole pretty council. They were being lobbied by the companies and they were pressuring us to pass drugs of questionable safety. That was the issue. And so, once the federal court decision came then the decision was made to get rid of me and whoever stands by me. And ultimately four of us were left. At one time two hundred scientists from Health Canada wrote that what Health Canada was doing was dangerous. It should not be done. It would jeopardize public safety. Nobody paid any attention. Millions of dollars are being spent to keep us fired. Or at least delay a conclusion to it. Meanwhile the drugs that we did not recommend to be approved have all been approved and the public is now being very heavily in health damages according to them through food. If all this continues, if our water is contaminated, water table has fallen, if our food supply is contaminated with hormones, antibiotics, antimicrobial resistance cancer, all these things are happening. I think time has come the people took this matter in their own hands. They wrote their own legislation that challenge the parliament. They are going to have to put a stop to it. If it doesn’t work, I’m certain it will become like Ugandian salt mines. People will bring a stop to it because it has gone too far.

There are problems. This is Dr. Shiv Chopra here in Canada. Dr. Chopra for forty years was our food and drug safety advisor in Health Canada in Ottawa and Canada. And unfortunately, he as well for the past forty years has whistle blown on many things that society puts out there and he recognizes that, unfortunately, much of this system has been subverted by corporate interests who are more intent on maximizing profits rather than concern for public safety.

Quite literally, word for word, his quotes are… the mentality is the public good be damned. And so Dr. Chopra has said things: silicon breast implants not safe – he got overruled on that, several antibiotics including Revelor and Vitro were not safe – they overruled on that, and he said, and he looked at the original data that came in for licensure. And it’s written right here in the back of his book called Corrupt to the Core, referring to our Health Canada. He said I’m warning about the myth of the safe and effective use of vaccinations. It is a myth.

The fact that you can give vaccinations to an entire population and you don’t see adverse events for three or four days or you don’t see greater significant differences in instances of autism between group A and group B, doesn’t not mean that the vaccines are not causally related. [5:47]

It simply means that the designs of your studies may not be adequate enough. The frequency of adverse events may not be frequent enough or that the confounding events that you cannot control for in your experimental design, and this is a core problem. There are multiple features and things in the environment including even the way we are actually cleaning our water in treatment plants which also uses aluminum. There are many things out here that leads to an additive effect. And all these adverse additive effects including the vaccinations as they are currently constituted leads to this problem of sludging of the blood and all human disease.

That covers the entire range of pathology from infancy to adulthood and this has been known since the early 1930’s and all the evidence you will see with your own eyes in these videos. 

Dr. Chopra, unfortunately, by whistle blowing was fired from Health Canada along with three other food and drug safety advisors because basically the system felt it was easier to get rid of these individuals than to deal with them on a day to day basis because, by and large, it’s an unfortunate reality in every society that in order to maximize profits in the name of fair competition. The corporations, by and large, have usurped the much of the safety checks and balances in society. And if they want something done, they get it done. And vaccines is something that they get done. A new product comes out, it is out to the market quick, market, market, market, and anything blocking their way there. It’s kinda like a football game. We are kinda like the small A-league team and you’ve got an NFL team which is the big vaccine manufacturers, and they will flatten the entire playing field. And they will level the playing field and turn it all to their advantage. And unfortunately, advantage for that side is financial and profit, and the disadvantage for our side is our health and wellness. [7:48]

Tolerance Lost Vol 1/3 – 7 of 16   [7:25]

Astronomical Numbers

So this next series of slides basically go through the increasing incidence and prevalence of neurodevelopmental disorders over the past ten – twenty years.

Society’s argued one side that this may be an increased awareness for diagnosing these problems more frequently. Well, that doesn’t make any sense because it makes no sense that an individual who could not speak, who would have seizures, who would engage in self-harming behaviors, but they would not be misdiagnosed in the past. And all of a sudden something profound has happened that all of a sudden we are diagnosing these problems more frequently, that doesn’t make sense.

And this slide behind me shows that very clearly. So this is from the United States Department of Education in reports to Congress. And we are looking at the incidence of autism and all the disabilities in the United States schools from 1991 to 2001-2002. And you see quite clearly that there is a 1700% increase in the incidence of autism. However, there’s only been a 30% in all the disabilities. So you think about that very clearly. If we’re actually… autism is not real… really increasing in numbers, all we’re doing is recognizing it more often, then if that is so then children who would have been diagnosed with other disabilities before, would no longer be diagnosed there. So we should see coincident with an increased rate of higher numbers of newly diagnosed autistic children, there should be a drop in all other disabilities.

But clearly, it’s not happening. This increase is real. And it’s not due to greater recognition. And you’ve probably heard this several times but I’ll repeat it, there is no such thing as a genetic epidemic. And other people say there is no epidemic, fair enough, there is no such thing as a genetic, all of a sudden, exponential increase in the incidence or prevalence of neurobehavior disorders. There’s no such thing. And it is not infectious from a genetic epidemic. This is an incredible increase in numbers. And the numbers are atrocious when you look across the board at all the illnesses.

More data as well coming here, showing the various states across the United States as well, showing absolute numbers of cases of diagnosed autism in 1992-1993 and towards 2002-2003. In the state of Illinois alone in the ten-year span period, five cases of autism are now 5,080 cases of autism. Unity has said that 20% of that is just error. That is a huge number. [2:49]

So, agreeable, the problem is real, the problem is new, the problem has emerged coincident with increasing, since the number of vaccines the children have been getting increased. So this is actually just showing that.

This slide basically shows, this is from my colleague, Dr. Bernard Rimland, who basically charted the increase on a case by case basis of autism in the United States, in the United Kingdom. These two arrows indicate when the MMR vaccines came on line, there seems to be an increase of these disorders. Now these statistics are argued tooth and nail, again across time showing increasing rates of autism in California from 1994 to 2002. It’s still going up. It’s exponential. It’s still going up this day. [3:40]

No matter where you look, no matter how you want to chart it, no matter what you want to do, you cannot get away from statistically significant increase in the incidence and prevalence of these disorders. It’s exponential. It’s not slowing down. There is no relent. It’s going up and it going to keep going up if we maintain the current course that we are actually following right now, which is the one-size-fits-all vaccination programs.

Other part of the problem. Now here’s a bigger problem that the world’s left to deal with, because it is not just autism as an adverse effect from these vaccinations as we’re doing it right now. Learning disabilities in general. You have problems with reading, with writing, with dyslexia, mathematics, specific learning disabilities including attention deficit disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorders, which now represents 12-15% of the childhood population and this is a problem you carry for life. And they are getting on Ritalin. People sell you products that make you sick and then sell you products to treat the adverse effects of the products they sold you that made you sick. It’s a win-win situation for somebody, and it’s a lose-lose for an individual. And it’s a complete wash for society as a while. [4:58]

These are the statistics extrapolated from the Middle East by looking at countries from Afghanistan to Egypt to Iran to Iraq, United Arab Emirates, Jordan – the numbers of the individuals there in those countries, the first column is the number of disabilities. The next column is the number of individuals in that society as a whole. These are astronomical numbers. Over 1.1 million children in Iran with learning disabilities alone. Same thing in Turkey. And that’s in a population of 68,000. And even in countries like Thailand with a population of 60 million people, they have 12 million children with varied forms of neurodevelopmental disorders.

This is a global problem. It’s a global epidemic. And it’s all caused by vaccines and microvascular strokes. And you’ll see that. [5:53]

It’s also a huge problem in terms of its costs to society. So estimates are that by 2010, this is from the American Autism Association… the blue part of this table shows the projected costs of autism per year by 2010, approximately 200 billion dollars per year in direct/indirect health care costs. Extrapolating the increasing rise, it’s been forecast to almost four billion dollars per year in the United States alone. [6:24]

This is a global problem. You translate those numbers onto a global scale, there’s nothing else more profound, at our interest rate now in contemporary society. Global problem. Children. Exponentially increasing. Life-long disabilities. And …. The dollar figures attached to it, there is nothing else in today’s society, in the history of mankind that we need to be focusing our attention on than this area right here and get this solved. It is decimating populations and generations and it is profiting nobody but those involved in healthcare. And this is about wellness care. And there is a way to help wellness achieve its benefits without these types of dollars and figures. [7:18]

Tolerance Lost Vol 1/3 – 8 of 16   [6:03]

2001 Chasing Rubella

This is basically where I started back in 2001. When I first started seeing the patients I was seeing on the wards, coming out of medical school, I thought this is rubella or German measles. Well, this is the work that came out of that, partly related to the manuscripts submitted to the college of physicians and surgeons in Ontario.

So for a few years, I thought I was just chasing German measles. But this didn’t stack up to the evidence, going back and forth to the patients, going back and forth to the medical literature, back and forth to multiple libraries, getting multiple articles, trying to put the whole puzzle together. I spent part of my time learning in these areas that I didn’t learn in medical school that I realized covered multiple different areas of knowledge that I had to go learn to try to make sense and figure out what’s going on here.

But by doing so and taking the time to do that, with the background training and years of education that I had in the brain behavior areas, now armed with the ability to go seek out the medical literature and self teach as you’re going along and problem solving and make predictions of what has to be true and not true to fit what you’re seeing before you have that knowledge. And when that happens to you a couple hundred times, you actually can advance predict that our knowledge of medicine in this area cannot be correct because it doesn’t fit with this clinical data. [1:21]

And you do that repetitively. It’s kinda like building a bridge, with each piece of knowledge you get eventually these two posts, you see this post aligns with that post. And autism and stroke, and all these pieces in between have to be fitted together. And this is kinda an analogy to the autism puzzle piece that we’re all trying to figure out.

And eventually, this bridge was built and the answers are in zeta and blood sludging called M.A.S.S. And initially, I thought I was chasing German measles, however, it turned out not to be so.

This is one of the first cases I saw. This is a young child being helped by her mother. You look at the corners of her cheeks of this young girl. She has the classic features there of a childhood disease. In this case German measles does that. Rubella does that. This was German measles or looked like German measles. And the mother was pregnant at this time. Unfortunately, rubella or German measles will cross the placenta and affect an unborn child. The unborn fetus can be adversely affected. In this case, this was another example of several other I had come across where here I had a mother who was pregnant who was exposed to German measles during of the time of her first trimester of pregnancy who ended up giving birth to a child who was later diagnosed with autism.

And this slide, here, as well, also showing this young girl, here, as well. Her name is baby C on the outside slide and on the inside slide.

In the middle part slide, you see another girl who also has rubella on the corner of her cheek and this is a child who comes from the dockets of the center of disease control. And you see the similarities between baby C and the classic features here. And this now put it together.

The final result is that the young boy at the bottom part here wearing a black t-shirt and baseball cap, that’s Norman. And he was actually in his mother’s womb when she was exposed to German measles in her first trimester of pregnancy and he developed autism early in his life. But the interesting thing about Norman is that, here he is here again, the slide of Norman as an adult. The slides from the younger years are not actually him. Norman had, what we call in medicine, transcortical motor aphasia, fancy words meaning he had impairments with his language. He could not speak, to some degree he could repeat things being said to him in simple forms but he could not produce any meaningful speech nor fluent productive speech and he had the ability to comprehend. Intact comprehension, intact repetition to a varying degree, no speech output. You can only create that behavior syndrome in the human brain by damaging small blood vessels.

And we realize that is because the areas for speech production are what we call watershed areas of the brain. And watershed is a key equitable term to understand here. Because watersheds are in all body parts. Watersheds are areas of blood supply to an area of tissue where you have two different mean blood vessels coming in the area to provide oxygen and blood flow to that area. But the watershed areas are the areas that’s between those vascular territories so if you block off blood flow to one of the blood vessels that the whole watershed area is an area most likely to be damaged because it doesn’t have collateral circulation coming in that same area to pick up the slack. [5:05]

So watersheds are critical to blood flow. They’re more susceptible to decreased blood flow and the damages you see like the transcortical motor aphasia in the young boy like Norman who had this history, this prenatal exposure to rubella was very interesting to me because you have to ask yourself the question as an inquisitive physician: how does a child at 1-1/2 to 2 years of age give the behavior profile of someone who has had a stroke?

And that is where the school, my work started back in 2001 with a bunch of cases like this because the neurological and neural behavioral profiles that I was seeing could only be accounted for by strokes based on the knowledge of the watershed vascular territories to the brain and the functions that they control. [5:59]

Tolerance Lost Vol 1/3 – 9 of 16   [7:20]

Angels Among Us

[female voice] Angels Among Us


There are angels among us if we could but see

How much they could tell us

If they could _____

But the silence is deafening

And hope flees away

For the angels among us

No dreams for the future

No rescue in sight

And no one had answers

Though try as they might

But the angels among us

Though trapped in their minds

They love us, they feel us,

They’re tender and kind

All the angels among us

Angels among us.

Angels among us.

But we fight the good fight

Every day of our lives

For autism calls us

The cure is in sight

And together we listen

Seek answers to find

For the angels among us

So we’ll take up the cause

And we’ll never sleep

For parents of angels

Get tired and weak

Who will join in this battle

For the gateways of God

The angels among us

Care for the angels among us

The angels among us


[another song]

When you do for those who cannot do for you

You cast your bread upon the waters

And you will find after many days

It all comes back to you

So give yourself away

Cast out with hope

For the harvest to come

Give yourself away

For you may never see

How God works in mystery

Give yourself away


When you serve the ones that you hold most dear

You find the things you need

When you share the loaf

When you dry the tears

The power of grace is free

So give yourself away

Cast out with hope

For the harvest to come

Give yourself away

Or you may never see

How God works His mysteries

So give yourself away

Give yourself away


When you sacrifice

And you shine His light

You make a dwelling place

And you fill your soul from the strength of God

He gives you strength to run your race

So give yourself away

Cast out with hope

For the harvest to come

Oh, give yourself away

Or you may never see

How God works mystery

Give yourself away


And at the throne of God

You will learn the truth

Of the love you tried to show

Of the seeds of hope you sowed

He has a record of the oceans that you cried

And the many times you tried to shine His light

When you gave yourself away

And you cast out with hope

For the harvest to come

Give yourself away

Or you may never see

How God works myster

Give yourself away

Cast out with hope

For the harvest to come

Give yourself away

Or you may never see

How God works in mystery

Give yourself away

Give yourself away

Give yourself away

Give yourself away

Tolerance Lost Vol 1/3 – 10 of 16  [5:16]

Congenital Rubella Strokes

Here is a slide from a child who died of congenital rubella syndrome, prenatal exposure to rubella. And this is actually a cross-section of your blood vessel. Blood vessels should be single lines of single cells lined in a row, lining the inside wall of the blood vessel. But in response to stimulation from inflammation and in the case of prenatal German measles this causes a type of immune intolerance that leads to these changes in blood vessels that we can see sometimes when the person actually dies. And this is from an autopsy case from a child who died from congenital rubella. And you see all the walls, here, of the blood vessels; they’re not single rows of cells. They’re multiple cells thick so they increased in number. To a certain extent, they’ve increased in size. So when these cells become increase in number (this is a blood vessel from the brain) and increased in size, they actually close off the actual blood vessel itself and it can stop any forward flow of blood flow past that blockage to areas distal to that. That creates a situation for a stroke.

And that was how German measles was causing damage but the question was: Was it really German measles the virus that was causing this damage? Or was it some response in the body to a foreign stimulus like a virus. German measles just happens to be one of them that leads to this problem. And this closing of the blood vessels is critical, why it happens has been unknown to medicine but we now believe that we’ve got this nailed down. And it is also the cause of autism. [1:47]

This slide here is a picture of a young child who died from being exposed to German measles or congenital rubella. But look very carefully. Look at the corner of the mouth. The corner of the mouth is actually dropping down a little bit. It is drooping in the corner. That is what you see when you cause damage, a stroke, to specific areas of the brain that leads to this problem of impairment of the nerve that controls the lower half of the face. We call a seventh cranial nerve, or a seventh nerve of the brain, palsy, or weakness, or partial paralysis.

And the reason why that happens is that when you block off blood flow to areas of the brain controlling the tracks or providing oxygen, blood flow to tracks that come down from the motor areas of the top of the brain down through the middle part of the brain and out to control the muscles here. That if you cause lack of blood supply to any part of that whole track system there you will actually lose the nervous system input to this area and it becomes paralyzed and weak in subtle ways to profound ways. To acute ways to permanent ways.

And these children being exposed to German measles before vaccines came on line because this is back in the 1960s these children were actually having these problems. Looking at the brains, you see all these areas of those that died of small blood vessel strokes. And somehow the prenatal exposure to the virus was causing this problem and no one could really figure out why.

So we figured, well, our solution, here, if it is causing problems and damage to the brain or the body, killing them, well then let’s get a vaccine for it. We’ll vaccinate everyone for it and we’ll get rid of the problem that way. Assuming that the damages that we are seeing in the body and the brain were coming from the virus itself which as it turns out is an erroneous assumption and part of our problem of where we are today. [3:50]

It’s not the “bugs”

So it’s not the bugs that are causing these disorders of neurodevelopment and things in the autism spectrum, our Gulf War Syndrome, our Gardasil adverse reactions, our attention deficit disorder or learning disorders, or ADHD, or sudden infant death, or false accusations of shaken baby syndrome. What’s causing these problems is not so much the bugs any more as it is the body’s non-specific immune response to these foreign things placed in the body causing the exact same pathology in a different form that led to the strokes we saw in these children previously exposed to rubella.

We actually by design and intent, oh, by design, sorry, actually enhanced the actual process which is actually causing disease and pathology in the body, sludging of the blood, with the way we have concocted the vaccines right now in a one-size-fits-all program. We’ve actually recapitulated all these diseases from paralysis to polio to diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, measles, mumps, rubella, influenza – all these very virulent and very damaging viruses from the past, now is something we need to contend with because we’ve created the problem.

Tolerance Lost Vol 1/3 – 11 of 16  [9:46]

Ischemia autism to schizophrenia: Birds of a feather

So here we have this young child who has this drooping in the corner of the face. We see the stroke in the area of the brain that actually goes along with that. And the area of the brain that is actually being damaged to cause the lower drooping in the side corners of the mouth is called the posterior internal capsule. And the cross section of the brain in the slide, and the arrows pointing to the mouth as well as to the brain is basically showing you exactly where the lesion is to account for this drop in the corner of the mouth, up high in the brain.

Now this was leaving me in the situation of  - OK, I’ve got schizophrenic patients, I’ve got autistic children, and they all are showing similar features to suggest there’s a blood clotting/blood sludging problem. This is 2001-2002. And then when you come across literature going back at that time like this quote here from Stella Chess who looked at the rubella birth defect evaluation project out of New York University Medical Center in 1964, there was a large outbreak of German measles at that time and many children were harmed in the first trimester of pregnancy when the mother was exposed to German measles. And Stella Chess found that there was a large increase in the number of children with autism or autism spectrum developmental disorders who were prenatally exposed to rubella. And we found, the literature showing as well similar sort of prenatal exposures are predicted for future onset of schizophrenia as well. Ironically, or curiously, back around this time the journal for this type of information in the medical literature was the journal of autism and childhood schizophrenia. [1:45]

We actually separate schizophrenia from autism simply based on the clinical symptoms alone because both diseases and disorders we have no idea, well, we didn’t have any idea in medicine as to how they’re actually being caused. Multiple roads to get to the final end problem. The problem with many of these neurological and disorders of thinking and emotions and processing information and behavior that happens from the brain. The actual problems that you actually see clinically in terms of the symptoms, and we get clinical labels from collections of symptoms. We label the symptoms. We label disorders and diseases based on collections of these symptoms. And because symptoms are different from autism, for example, than from schizophrenia on certain core features then we consider them to be two separate illnesses and they respond differently to different medications.

But the bottom line is all of these disorders across the brain, behavior, emotions, processing information, they exist on a continuum from mild to moderate to severe. The degree and type of symptoms you have are not only a product of where in the brain this sludging process is occurring, it is also when in development it occurred, how long lasted for, whether you were pre-exposed, pre-set-up for it and it got worse with time, whether you’ve developed some sort of suppression to your immune system to prevent you from having adverse reaction and you lose that suppression. We call that loss of immune tolerance later on in life, and you end up having damage to the microvessels to the brain. We can see it happening in contemporary medical diagnostics. There’s no tools that we have had until now.

We will show you through these videos how we can now see this in real time. And as a good example of how powerful this is, not just with the neurological stuff now that we’ve called brainguard. In fact we are going to give you most of those measures. You will be able to see for yourself and go tell your friends and family. The goal is to look for this you see the eye turning in, the corner of the mouth going down, the eyelids becoming out of sync when they’re blinking. You can’t see it with your naked eye but put it to a camera, slow it down, you will. And this is not there before vaccine but there afterwards. And oh by the way you can go get this microscope looking at the corner of the eye and you can see the clotting actually happening. Wasn’t there the day before vaccines, is there now. And oh-oh, also developing autism or at risk for sudden death.

That’s where we’re at right now. We’re beyond the speculation. It’s proof-causation. And you will walk away from these videos with that information in your hand and in your pocket. And please share that with the world. Because the world needs to stand up here and start crying bloody murder to stop this from going on. [4:32]

Capillaries and oxygenation

This slide here is a big zoomed in look here. You have to appreciate in your body you have six hundred thousand miles of capillaries. And capillaries are the smallest, smallest end blood vessels. And this is a capillary here. And capillaries are so tiny that the red blood cells which carry oxygen to the tissue and drop it off, have to bend down and squeeze. And can only go through the capillaries in single file. Now keep in mind that the white blood cells are structurally bigger than the red blood cells and that gets important later on in this video series where we will show you why this is a problem in terms of causing the strokes and the blood sludging we’re talking about. [5:24]

But here as you see the red blood cells are going through the capillary single file. Six hundred thousand miles of capillaries in your body, in fact, 95% of the blood vessels in your body, 95% are capillaries. The smallest, tiniest ones, microscopic, we cannot see them with anything that medical diagnostics have. You can’t go to your doctor, go to the emergency department, go through the family practice unit, or go anywhere where they are going to look at you and say “Oh, yeah, your capillaries are fucked.”  We can’t see it. It’s silent, so we don’t see it, we don’t know what’s going on. And worse than that, because you can have silent damages happening from this blood sludging problem right before your eyes. And you don’t even know what’s actually happening, but it’s causing profound disease and set up for disease and brain damage, here and now, to your child and possibly leading to sudden infant death. [6:17]

But when you know this process exists and that we are blind to it as parents, physicians, scientists, and society as a whole, it becomes a concern. And the concern now when you recognize it’s there, it is a concern that can be addressed and dealt with.

Capillaries, although they represent 95% of the blood vessels in the body, they only have about 5% of the circulating blood at any given time, single file stuff. Red blood cells squeeze and go through.

This slide here now basically we are looking at, we have a video of this, we will show it to you. But what happens here if you are looking very carefully, this is going to the concept of viscosity. Viscosity or the thickness of the blood is a function of the amount of blood cells in that area of the blood at the time. We call that the hematacrit. And hematacrit is the principle contributor to the thickness of the blood. And thickness of the blood is one of the contributors to sludging and slowing down blood flow. And to a certain extent it can actually stop blood flow to some areas in the capillary networks. [7:23]

So this slide basically is looking at the vessels in the cremasteric muscle that is actually having blood flow through it. And in one area the hematacrit is higher, the other one it’s not. This basically demonstrates the [fireus?] effect because when you have branches of blood vessels coming off as you see here, the plasma, the fluid within which the red blood cells are actually being carried along through the blood vessels. The plasma gets skimmed off to one side to one of the branches here. And if the red blood cells are going the other way, by and large, you have an increase in the hematacrit, or an increase in thickness, or viscosity, all the same idea. And that area is itself __ structural design of the branch of the blood vessel at the capillaries, more susceptible to anything else that can actually lead to increased thickness or slowing of blood flow and increased likelihood of blood sludging and lack of oxygen delivery and strokes. [8:22]

This slide here basically is looking at about nine children, infants, all who died from prenatal exposure. Again, I’m just using congenital rubella or German measles as an example. But all nine of these infants who were exposed to this infectious disease show evidence when they died in every organ, across every organ system in the body, of damage to the small blood vessels and causing clotting, ischemia, strokes, and coagulation. Every organ. This tells you, one bug, every organ, lack of oxygen, strokelike phenomena, generic problem across the board.

Is this a problem just with prenatal exposure to German measles? No, it’s a problem with all foreign things entering your body. Whether it’s polio, paralysis, tetanus, measles, mumps, rubella, mercury, aluminum, fluoride. All of these things, even dietary substances now that we know the mechanism is here relative to causing this problem of blood clotting. All these things, individually, collectively, or in summation can actually cause these problems that we now call autism.

Tolerance Lost Vol 1/3 – 12 of 16  [7:25]

The End Result

The end result is what you see here. These slides, here and here, you’re kinda looking through holes, the top two slides, of capillaries – pipes, cut in half. It’s kinda like looking down a the center of a garden hose like this. And you see the white areas of the top two slides, those are the open pipe sections of these capillaries. They’re wide open and nice and clear. This is normal. This is healthy. This means red blood cells can actually bend down and squeeze through those, will drop off oxygen to the tissue and then spin back around through the venous side of the blood supply, come back to the lungs, drop off carbon dioxide and go through the cycle again.

The openness, we call this the patency or the degree of openness of these white spots, the white areas in these electron microscope images of these capillary networks. The A and B slide is normal. The bottom slides, slides D and C, are not normal. And much like the slides we showed earlier from congenital rubella children, we see that the inside lining of the blood vessels in the C and D slides have increased in size. The endothelium has increased in size and they have actually closed off the central opening of this pipe so now you get nothing through those pipes. [1:29]

This is in response to a stimulus associated with inflammation that causes this response. When that happens, any tissue distal from that blockage will not get any oxygen at all. That’s a problem. We call that strokes.

Again, one more time with the slide with the young boy who died after being, here again, from congenital rubella, corner of the mouth down, the eyes turned in a bit. You see the strokes here right here to the brain where the four red arrows are. You can see these areas were each hit with lack of oxygen. These are strokes. We can see this in the brain because the person died. We do not see this stuff with our contemporary imaging our MRIs or CT scans. We just don’t see it. It’s not that clinical apparent to us on our images. [2:22]

Brain has no blood flow receptors

So here we go on an idea, you have – it’s important to understand how blood flow works going to the brain. The heart pumps each beat. With each beat, keep in mind, the pulse pressure, the blood pressure you have into your brain or through your blood vessels goes up and goes down. And it is not a continuous flow forward. You have pressure going up and you have pressure going down. And here we’re gonna go through the pressure wave as each heart beat works and goes up into the actual brain and we have the circle of willis, the main part of the circle where the main arteries go out to the brain to give oxygen and tissue delivery. You have the carotid arteries coming up through the neck. And you have the vertebral arteries which are buried back further here which come up and give off to an artery called the basilar artery which gives off blood vessels to the posterior part of the brain. [3:26]

These areas are critical to creating some of the neurological features we will show you here shortly.

So here we have the terra sequence of one heartbeat in which the blood is going to go up through the carotid arteries, vertebral arteries to the circle of Willis, go out to the brain and then there’s a back pressure and it goes through the cycle again.

So the brain gets oxygen in a series of pulse waves. Poof. Poof. Then poof, like this. Repetitively with each heart beat, up down, up down. Now, if you follow top slides here you will see that  - you will follow the wave of blood as it comes up through the carotid arteries, goes to the circle of Willis, gets up high and you see the brain becomes redder and redder. It’s getting more perfused. And then the pressure doesn’t go again. [4:10]

The key thing here, and this is important to the adverse events as well as sudden infant death is to recognize that the brain response to changes in the.. It’s the brain response to its based on pulsed waves. The brain’s big blood vessels and smaller, some smaller blood vessels down the arterials. They respond to pressure in the inside blood vessel walls. So if the pressure drops, you’ve got a drop in blood pressure. The brain senses this by the lack of pressure being pushed on these inside blood vessel walls of the brain. It’s sensing down in the heart and speeds up the heartbeat. It sends signals of to the lungs to increase respiration rate. And the brain knows to do these things based on these pressure receptors. The key thing is, is that in the brain there are no flow receptors, meaning if you have adequate pressure but you have no forward blood flow, the brain will not signal the body that something’s wrong because the brain will assume that it’s got good pressure. [5:13]

So, consider this scenario, that when you have the actual small pipes being blocked off downstream at the small capillary levels, and then blood cannot go through there. Each time the heart beats, it creates a pressure wave that comes up here and bang. It’s like a water hammer. And there’s no forward flow through these areas, no forward blood flow. Your vital signs remain the same. There’s no increase in heart rate. There’s no increase in respiration rate. There’s no change in blood pressure. Because the brain with each beat against this closed sorta like pathway, the pressure inside the blood vessel walls here. The brain thinks it’s got normal pressure. So nothing changes and the doctors are blind. You could have a person dying, blowing out their brain in an intensive care unit. And the doctors will not know. They’ll be scratching their heads, why is this happening? Normal vital signs. I don’t understand what’s going on. All the metabolics and our blood work is all normal. This doesn’t make sense. But here you go. When you cannot get through these small vessels, and these small blood vessels are serving critical areas in the brain, for example, the control of the respiration center is in the base of the brain, a person will die. [6:27]

They’ll stop breathing. And in infants we call it sudden infant death. In young children we call it sudden death. In adults we call it sudden death. In schizophrenia patients who are walking across streets and just stop breathing, we call it sudden death. But no one knows the answer as to why. And the reason is the brain determines its needs based on pressure receptors, not flow receptors. And the problem with adverse response to coagulation and clotting and blood sludging and zeta potential which we will to, is a problem with blocking off these small blood vessels and forward flow through many areas of the tissue. No forward flow, no oxygen, the brain will end up having strokes, and the _______ will have problems as well. Pressure waves go up and down, it’s critical.

Tolerance Lost Vol 1/3 – 13 of 16  [9:52]

Strokes and ischemia

A stroke infarction occurs when blood is prevented from reaching a certain area of brain tissue resulting in ural damage to the brain. Strokes are often caused by solid clumps of blood proteins or clots which obstruct blood vessels in the brain causing brain cells to die. Blood clots may either form inside the brain or travel into the brain from another part of the body. Strokes may also be caused by the bursting of a blood vessel within the brain. The effects of a stroke are directly related to which area of brain tissue has been damaged and may include paralysis, loss of speech, sensory impairment, and even death.

As with all organs in the body, the brain needs oxygen and nutrients in order to function properly. These life-sustaining products are delivered to the brain via the blood that travels through the circulatory system. A stroke occurs when there is a lack of blood flow to a portion of the brain resulting in tissue death and lost of brain function. A stroke can be caused by a ruptured blood vessel such as an aneurysm or by an embolism [1:16] which is a small free floating clot or particle that becomes lodged in one of the arteries of the brain and interrupts blood flow. [1:25]

Depending on which area of the brain is affected a stroke can cause speech impairments, paralysis, unconsciousness, or even death.

So here’s an anatomy and a slide of what a stroke looks like. Bottom line is currently the way medicine looks at strokes and neurology looks at strokes, there’s two ways to get there, give or take. One is a hemorrhagic stroke meaning that you blow out a blood vessel, and your blood is bleeding into that tissue area, and you can’t get a proper delivery of oxygenated blood past that, sorta, breach in the dam where the blood is leaking out into the tissue. That’s a hemorrhagic stroke. A stroke is basically another word for lack of oxygen to the tissue. The fancy word we use for that in medicine is called ischemia. Ischemia means lack of or low amount of oxygen to a tissue, to any tissue, to any organ, not just the brain. [2:20]

And the other means that we recognize strokes occurring in adults relative to the brain or anywhere else for that matter, is an embolic stroke, meaning that a small clot can form somewhere in a blood vessel. Further out in the body it breaks off and goes up through a series of blood vessels that get smaller and smaller. Eventually gets to a point where it’s reached a blood vessel that’s too small for it to get through. It plugs it up nicely there. And then beyond that block, that tissue’s not getting any oxygen. That’s an embolic stroke, usually from cholesterol, a piece of a blood clot itself from somewhere else and other factors. [3:00]

And the other type of stroke we recognize is something called a thrombotic stroke, a thrombogenic. Big fancy words, again, but basically that’s just classic hardening of the arteries, when the blood vessel inside linings, we call them endothelium become damaged they expose factors that actually lead to blood clotting at that area and causing coagulation and clotting at that area to try to fix that damage and in so doing you can create a blood clot there which again blocks off tissue and no oxygen going up in there. [3:31]

So you have a hemorrhagic stroke, you have an embolic stroke, and you have a thrombogenic stroke or thrombotic stroke. That’s what we understand in strokes. And to seriously know what to do to prevent them when this happened in many people. But the part we don’t realize at this point in medicine is that there is a whole other category and class of stroke. Oh, it was known, we unfortunately got lost in the history of medicine. It just got lost. There was profound discoveries in the 1930’s and 40’s representing over 16-20 years of research, direct observation and experimental, looking at a totally different means by which strokes can occur and again it came the sludging of the blood. And you will see that all here, and that is the cause of autism, I’m afraid. And you’ll see that, too.

So this whole sludging side is a fourth category of which we don’t recognize yet in medicine because in medicine we don’t see it, it doesn’t exist. We call things we don’t see quackery or charlatans. But calling things quackery or charlatans because you cannot see it although you can see symptoms and evidence of it. It basically is – it’s arrogance on our part because we are putting more faith in the tools that we have as if they have the resolution and ability to see anything and everything. And if we can’t see anything and everything, then everything and anything we can’t see does not exist is our assumption. And anyone who talks about it must be crazy.

And parents of these neurodevelopmental disorder and  disabled children are not crazy. They see the problem. They recognize the problem. They see the temporal sequence between cause and effect. They know the problem is there, that the medical system has neither the resolution or technology to observe it, does not negate what the parents have seen themselves and what the children are going through themselves.

The bottom line is a fourth category of stroke. We’ve called it M.A.S.S. and a fifth category of that is called zeta and more times than not, they can be interactive together, and we’ll get to that. [5:41]

Here’s another cross section of the brain as well. The red pipes coming up are the red blood vessels again coming up into it and here is an example of a stroke. The blow up section right there is basically showing a blood vessel that’s got hardening of the arteries. And has become a bit crimped and you’ve got some clots of blood actually formed between it and effectively forms a plug, and blocks off blood supply. Any brain tissue distal from that gets no oxygen. Keep in mind though, what’s going on here, this stroking process can happen in every organ, in every caliber, big small, medium, the tiniest, the tiniest blood vessels through the body. And recollect as well what we talked about earlier, you’re forming clots every second of every day throughout this six hundred thousand mile tracking system of blood vessels and capillary level you have in your body.

There are different types of strokes as well in terms of how long they last for. For example, so we call these transient, meaning temporary, ischemic, meaning lack of oxygen, attacks. So you can actually have a temporary blockage of blood supply to the blood flow to certain blood vessels. And it can cause clinical symptoms. Maybe clinically apparent or not apparent. But the blockage of blood flow can be temporary and go away in twenty-four to forty-eight hours. We call these transient ischemic attacks or T.I.A.’s. They are strokes, however, the vessels clear up the blood flow and oxygenation to the area is restored, the function can return.

So you can have people sometimes, a complete paralysis of one half of their body or their hand or drop in the corner of the mouth or their eye turning in or their face becoming numb, or they’re losing their speech. All classic symptoms of stroke. And then if it’s a transient stroke, the stroke process that blocked the blood flow if it’s only temporary, then these functions can go and come back and this is common and it’s also active in the autistic children. [7:48]

And in the other slide here is a stroke with a complete artery being blocked. Again this is not temporary, again this is not temporary. You’ll have more profound damage and more adverse damage to the brain because of this. So this is two different versions of severity based on the duration for which particular blood vessels are being blocked.

Now this can play out in terms of severity and a range of the damage or disorder or functional impairment but also it’s not just the duration for which the blood vessel is blocked for, the amount it’s blocked for, it’s also when in neurodevelopment the person is damaged and also is a function of where within the tissues specifically brain for autism spectrum. Where is the area being most damaged.

So you see all these multiple separate factors can create an entire ray of different symptoms. Some commonalities that many will have but there will be differences in degree and extent and ability to recover, of ability to have certain functions or not. High functioning, low functioning, middle functioning. Some language, no language, can repeat, cannot repeat, has sensory problems, doesn’t have sensory problems, has psychosis, doesn’t have psychosis, stims, does not stim. You can go on and on and on. But the entire range of changes in behavior and social skills, emotional processing, sensory processing, incognition, and memory, intention. All these areas can be derailed from a minor to certain areas to across the board. And it’s a function of the degree and duration to which these blood vessel blocks are occurring.

There is no genetic problem that can do this sort of range of damage of severity of breadth, temporarily linked to things like vaccines and infectious diseases.

Tolerance Lost Vol 1/3 – 14 of 16  [4:49]

Clinical Signs of Stroke

This is classic strokes in adult patients. Everyone of these individuals in these four slides here have had an ischemic stroke causing facial paralysis. The lesions are high up in the brain. Much like we saw in that young child with congenital rubella syndrome earlier who died. The cross section of the brain showed it was in the posterior __ capsule, ischemic lack of oxygen lesion in that child. Here we have four adults. They don’t have autism and they don’t have congenital rubella, but they’ve had strokes. And look, they’re presenting the exact same clinical signs as that young child, dropping in the corner of the mouth as a function, as a clinical sign that she had a documented stroke in the brain.

This problem of the dropping of the mouth can and does happen without any evidence whatsoever on CT scan, MRI, angiogram, any other tool we currently have and use to look at the brain and its functions in hospitals or otherwise. We cannot see these things sometimes. And when it is in the micro-micro vessel level, you can’t see it at all. Even at the arterial levels you cannot see it sometimes. So this is what you look for. These are strokes. This is undeniable. You cannot argue this with me. I cannot argue it with you. Every doctor and neurologist and family physician and otherwise sees a patient coming into their office looking like this, and the day before they looked nice and symmetrical like this. It is a knee-jerk reaction, get that person into the hospital, they’re having a stroke. That is a stroke. The forehead is not involved. The eye is not involved just the corner of the mouth. There is nothing else that will cause this at all. This is a stroke. 100% of the time. It is as simple as that. [1:56]

Now when you see the same symptoms happening in autistic children and children after a vaccination who are developing neurodevelopmental disabilities. They’re having strokes! It’s that simple. Why we cannot put this piece together. I’d been doing it ____ this one piece here. But then you will see it in the real live blood flow and you will see how we see it with the microscopes. Then you’ll know what to do to stop this and hopefully you will be able to take the information, and we will work together and start implementing, doing what we can to recover these children because they’re strokes. So there you go. [2:28]

Those are the adults. That’s strokes. Can’t deny it. Other examples as well just to make the point very clearly. This is a slide from the Cincinnati stroke scale. The one image you see the face is perfectly normal. And in the next the corner of the mouth drops. But it is not just the corner of the mouth drops, these two folds here and until I get back to a healthy lifestyle there a bit prominent on me. These two folds here we call them the nasal labial folds. Nasal meaning nose. Labial meaning cheeks. Folds. They have folds here so you smile and you pull your cheeks out. They’re symmetrical for most of us. So they’re even in their bulk, their tone in the muscle, and when you look at me or look at another person you’ll see by and large that they’re equal in tone and structure and depth in the shadows that they cast.

But, however, when you'rer having a stroke up in the brain causing ischemic stroke, lack of oxygen, you lose this symmetry. And this is a classic thing we look at in medicine as well, neurology. You see the asymmetry in terms of these folds, one’s coming down and drooping. The other one’s has kinda got flat. You’ve lost the bulk and tone. And the other one is OK. These slides show that exactly and you see now the smile has become asymmetrical after the stroke. We call it a facial droop sometimes as well. The sides of the face do not move symmetrically any more. The folds and angles carried by the nasal labial folds on both sides become asymmetrical, like this. Strokes, we see it again. [3:55] Undeniable. And that’s something that’s happening to autistic children as well.

This is another slide as well showing in both a woman and a man and an animation in cartoon. Sometimes you can have one of the eyelids affected as well. The seventh cranial nerve acts like a hook and brings the eyelid down. While each time you blink the third cranial nerve acts like three pillars that actually opens the eye up and holds it open. So three pillars to open the eyelid. Seventh cranial nerve hook down to bring it down. So sometimes you can get an effect to the blood supply to these nerves as well. And you can actually have difficulty in closing the eye or for that matter asynchrony or your eyelids becoming out of sync because of damage to one side rather than another.

You see all these things added up and see them after vaccinations in children developing autism. This is a problem.

Tolerance Lost Vol 1/3 – 15 of 16  [10:23]

Stroking Watersheds

Here’s another slide here as well. Showing the difference between a hemorrhagic stroke which is a broken blood vessel losing oxygen, losing blood flow and red blood cells when that comes out of the blood vessel, there’s not enough pressure going downstream, you have a stroke, lack of oxygen. And the other picture back here is showing the clotting showing from embolites, goes down there and plugs it up, like sticking a Q-tip in your ear. You plug it up and nothing can get past there.

All right here is an example of the different series of blood vessels that we have, going from a larger to a smaller to a smaller to a smaller. And this slide here at the very bottom. We’re showing here. You see the clots in the transition points. We call them in medicine the bifurcations, the actual branching points at which blood vessels branch off like pitch forks in different areas. Here we see on the bottom slides. They’re labeled for you. I’m sure you’ll see them, clot and clot. Clots here basically lead to blockages of the vessels. Nothing is going down past here as well. So these are strokes from clotting. Now if you look at the cartoon animation up here you also see as well. You have these larger _______ and they come down into these networks. These are branching networks. Kinda the main thoroughfare channel and all these smaller capillaries coming off of them. It kinda looks like a messy hairdo to some extent. But the key point is that you have a branching system of smaller and smaller and smaller vessels. The entire blood supply is like a finally tapering cone that gets tinier and tinier and tinier, and that partly determines the forward pressure and flow in the system.

Now this is the main thing. We are looking at an actual mitral valve here which is one of the valves to the heart. We’re actually looking at its blood supply. This is connective tissue and it is hard to appreciate that the tissue actually has a blood supply. And it’s got dye in it. But look at all of the vessels. These are like root systems to a tree if you were to pull the tree out of the ground. These are like branching tributaries of a river bed system. You see the channels get smaller and smaller and smaller. But if you look carefully and follow some of the channels down here, you will actually see that some of these channels come to an abrupt end. And some of them will be what we consider watershed vascular territories because there are no other blood supplies coming to that area so if you block it off at certain points here at the small capillary levels, all the tissue in that area is not going to get any oxygen.

And it’s likely why many people develop prolapse of the mitral valve where the valve itself becomes weak and doesn’t close properly. You can see mitral valve prolapse under many conditions including things that affect blood flow as well as infectious diseases. But until you appreciate that all organs in all the body have blood vascularization like this branching root system here, a system of smaller and smaller and smaller branching vessels. Until you appreciate that, you cannot appreciate the commonality and the causation of disease across multiple organ systems from a singular, or one or two singular common mechanisms of injury which then puts the whole piece together. [3:42]

This is the common unifying link that we are missing. This is why there is such a range of disease across multiple organs and multiple functions that is related to this branching network. Six hundred thousand miles of capillary blood vessels in the human body to every organ that has life and maintains life. Block the flow in those things in small areas, everything from human disease to cancer to diabetes to sudden death to learning disabilities to every illness you can think of from crohn’s to colitis to fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome. All of these diseases are caused by the same common mechanism and that mechanism has multiple different triggers.

In some ways, we would call this aging over the course of life because the effects of the damage at the end capillary networks when they become damaged and loss from stress, infectious disease, heavy metals and toxins and many other adverse factors. They add up to the damages in tissue, we call it aging. But everything is under the same common root system, and it’s a branching network. [5:01]

So a watershed stroke as this slide is showing. Again it is important to get that concept that watersheds are areas that only have one blood supply coming into it. You block off that blood supply, there’s no other blood supply to pick up that area. Those areas are uniquely susceptible in many of us. We have some commonalities across individuals that you know whether you are genetically linked to a person or not, that you will all have if you have a certain systemic process that’s blocking blood flow, many of you will end up having similar symptoms. Some autistic feature symptoms are classic across the board say for example, loss of expressive language functions and the reason so is that certain areas of the body and brain have certain watershed areas irrespective of genes. It is just the way the system is put together.  [5:50]

So that’s a common thread. However, the rest of what can happen to you in terms of degree of impairment from an adverse thing causing things like autism spectrum or learning disabilities or ADHD. Your degree of impairment as a function of the frequency, the duration, whether it’s complete or incomplete, and when it occurred in development and how long it lasted for, the blockage of the blood supply.

So you can now see the separation between Asperger’s syndrome where children are kinda on the autistic spectrum. Their social skills are primarily at risk with difficulties, however, the language functions can be in various degrees of normalcy. How you can see that Asperger’s now fits in the same continuum as autism as also sudden infant death fits as well as schizophrenia fits to a certain extent as well as the gastrointestinal problems, the kidney problems, the liver problems, the bone marrow problems, the immune problems. It’s all linked to that same mechanism of the branching vascular network. Same mechanism across all problems here. And the watersheds are very, very important. The end arteries are more susceptible to changes in blood flow. So blood flow problem from blood sludging. [7:08]

It’s no different from leaving your coffee and cream in the bottom of your coffee cup for three or four days. The first day it’s nice and liquid, shake it around wonderful. After a few days of stagnation, it becomes gel. That’s what’s happening in the blood vessels throughout all the body, for all these chronic illnesses and diseases. Common mechanism for everything. And it’s been known for some time, at least from the 1930’s and 40’s. For over sixteen years of direct observation research on it, And these are cancers. And this is inflammatory breast cancer. This is why breast cancers are usually on the left on the outer quadrant of the breast. These areas are end watershed territories. Same common denominator across the board. Fix the blood flow problem prevent the illness. Restore blood flow problems and immune system function properly because that’s a blood flow problem as well, you cure disease. You prevent disease. We should not be ___ around trying to get vaccines for every possible contaminant on planet earth that you could possibly get. Millions of things you can vaccinate for, and if the pharmaceutical industry has its way, you would, especially if they convince governments mandate that you have to have it as a condition to be a member of society. [ 8:38]

They want all bugs and all viruses and all bacteria and all parasites and all heavy metals and all of these toxic or foreign substances placed in your body, where you’re ____ infectious diseases. If they all cause the same problem in the body physiology irrespective of the disease that comes out. They all cause disease by the same problem in the body causing strokes, then why are we wasting our time? Vaccinating for all these different things. Which all irrespective of what they do to the body having the same common mechanism of injury in the body across the board when you get exposed.

Why don’t we just go out there and say let’s deal with the cause of disease and get out of the clouds and stop giving prevention for all these different things individually when you can have all these things collectively as long as you control the means in the body by which these things irrespective of what they are, are going to cause disease and damage.

And this is colloidal chemistry. This is blood flow. This is coagulation. This is clotting. This is zeta potential which we will discuss. And this is a non-specific immune response to immune hyperstimulation. And this is a whole series of events that is contemporarily caused, by and large, most prevalently by the high prevalence of vaccines, but vaccines are neither necessary or sufficient for this problem to occur.

Tolerance Lost Vol 1/3 – 16 of 16  [5:17]

The End give yourself away.   



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