He posts them on Facebook. He has some really good ones. I just wanted to be able to find them when I wanted them.
Anti-Vax Autism Brainwashing Cancer Diabetes Disease Map Doctors - trust them Eczema Eugenics Gov't & Politics Hepatitis B H1N1 HPV Liability Mercury MMR Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine Polio Religion of Medicine Safety Self-Help Toxic Ingredients
Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time. Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defence of their conviction. - Mahatma Gandhi
Protect your child from vaccine injury before it happens. Love them. Protect them. Never inject them. There are NO safe vaccines. Chronic ear infections, ADD, Allergies, Asthma, Autism, Death, Diabetes, Meningitis, Polio, Seizures, SBS, and SIDS are caused by adverse reactions to vaccine poisons.
"A single vaccine given to a six-pound newborn is the equivalent of giving a 180-pound adult 30 vaccinations on the same day." - Dr. Boyd Haley, Professor and Chair, Dept. of chemistry, University of Kentucky (2001)
Even as the medical establishment is vocal that vaccines cannot cause diabetes, the vaccination package insert shows it as a side effect. Guess this too will disappear as the Tripedia vaccine package insert that had listed Autism as an adverse reaction.
Funny thing is, the first world countries (think about better hygiene practices, clean water, nutrition, sanitation, etc.) with the least amount of mandatory vaccines show the lowest amounts of outbreaks. European vaccine schedule here:http://www.euvac.net/graphics/euvac/vaccination/iceland.html
List of adverse effects following the HPV vaccination.
Death toll from HPV vaccine climbs to at least 144 in the USA. Remember, reporting is completely voluntary and these figures are between 1 to 10% of actual.
WARNING: FDA Approved Drug, Consume at your own risk.. Drug Companies Exempt from Lawsuits - Supreme Court Ruling In case you missed it, the US Supreme Court also made a ruling on lawsuits against drug companies for fraud, mislabeling, side effects and accidental death. From now on, 80 percent of all drugs are exempt from legal liability. In a 5-4 vote, the US Supreme Court struck down a lower court’s ruling and award for the victim of a pharmaceutical drug’s adverse reaction. According to the victim and the state courts, the drug caused a flesh-eating side effect that left the patient permanently disfigured over most of her body. The adverse reaction was hidden by the drug maker and later forced to be included on all warning labels. But the highest court in the land ruled that the victim had no legal grounds to sue the corporation because its drugs are exempt from lawsuits. Karen Bartlett vs. Mutual Pharmaceutical Company In 2004, Karen Bartlett was prescribed the generic anti-inflammatory drug Sulindac, manufactured by Mutual Pharmaceutical, for her sore shoulder. Three weeks after taking the drug, Bartlett began suffering from a disease called, ‘toxic epidermal necrolysis’. The condition is extremely painful and causes the victim’s skin to peel off, exposing raw flesh in the same manner as a third degree burn victim. Karen Bartlett sued Mutual Pharma in New Hampshire state court, arguing that the drug company included no warning about the possible side effect. A court agreed and awarded her $21 million. The FDA went on to force both Mutual, as well as the original drug manufacturer Merck & Co., to include the side effect on the two drugs’ warning labels going forward.
Mercury is toxic to human health, posing a particular threat to the
development of the child in utero and early in life. Mercury exists in
various forms which all have different toxic effects, including on the
nervous, digestive and immune systems, and on lungs, kidneys, skin and eyes.
Condition of child after receiving MMR and flu vaccine
Polio - "Polio eradication" being advertised by the various international and national agencies is a sham. How can polio be eradicated if the number of infantile paralysis cases in children (counted as polio before the vaccine was introduced) have increased from 1005 in 1996 to 60792 in 2012 (subsequently revised to 60992)? The tally for 2013 is 54299. The people of India should stand united, call the bluff, ask for the money spent to be returned to the state coffers, punishment of the guilty and compensation and assured jobs to the unfortunate victims.
"The only safe vaccine is a vaccine that is never used." Dr James A Shannon, National Institutes of Health