CH 5.1 - Vaccine safety forward
Published by: tolerancelost607 on Feb 02, 2009
Copyright: Attribution Non-commercial
When I attended medical school more than
35 years ago, vaccine reactions
were rarely discussed. Like most people today, I was taught that vaccines
saved mankind from mass death during sweeping epidemics and pandemics
afflicting the world over the millennia. It was one of those foregone
conclusions implanted in our brains. It was mentioned to us that, yes,
sometimes, on rare occasions, adverse reactions do happen, but “the benefits
far outweigh the negative effects.”
In the course of my neurological training during my neurosurgical residency, I studied a number of cases of severe damage to the nervous system associated with vaccines, such as subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE), brachial plexitis, post-vaccinal encephalitis, transverse myelitis and peripheral neuropathies. The SSPE cases were especially depressing and laden with emotion because one witnessed the slow destruction of a child’s mind to the point of coma and death. I never forgot these vaccine-related events and they flashed through my mind when it came time for my children to receive their vaccines. Like so many things in medicine, you have to see them and deal with them on a day-to-day basis to really understand the heartache and deep-seated pain associated with such an injury. Parents know this pain better than anyone.
Patients with chronic illnesses have a greater impact on the doctor’s emotions than anything else, not only because he deals with all the numerous problems that will occur during the course of the illness, but because he becomes close to his patients, as well as their parents and other family members. In my experience, they become part of my family—you never forget them. At least that is the way it should be. Nowadays, I am seeing doctors who behave more like federal bureaucrats than humane men of healing.
As medicine becomes more regimented, collectivist physicians begin to lose their sense of humanity. In a collectivist system, it is the “plan” that matters, not individuals. In fact, individuals are to be sacrificed for the “plan.” What you will be reading about in this monumental work is a description of the human effects of one of these “plans”—the vaccine program.
I was told by a researcher in the field of autism, that when he attended a conference in Italy on the genetic aspects of autism and mentioned the link between the vaccine program and autism incidence, one of the public officials in the Italian Health Department stood and told him in an angry tone that everyone knew that the vaccines were causing injury to children’s brains, but the success of the vaccine “program” was more important. Further, he stated, these problems need to be downplayed so as not to endanger the vaccine “program.”
I reported a similar conversation coming from the Simpsonwood conference held in Norcross, Georgia, attended by 53 specialists in vaccine effects—including members of the World Health Organization and major vaccine manufacturers— concerning data indicating that the vaccines were causing a statistically significant increase in childhood neurodevelopmental problems. One of the attendees stated that his main goal is to see that every child in this country receives his vaccines, today, tomorrow and forever. In other words, he could care less that the vaccines are significantly damaging children’s brains and altering their brain development.
In this book, Vaccine Safety Manual for Concerned Families and Health Practitioners, you will learn of a great number of similar outrages and incidences of people in positions of power and influence who are purposefully putting your children at risk of serious disease and injury, often for little or no benefit. The collectivist mind-set asserts that for the “plan” to be successful it must override the wishes and even safety of the individual. You will see numerous examples of this cold, calculating mentality in this book.
A number of people will respond with incredulity. They cannot bring
themselves to believe that men and women in positions of such important
responsibility could do such a thing as destroy the health of tens of
millions of people—young, old and yet unborn. Yet, we witness similar events
every day—CEOs of major corporations who lose the life savings and jobs of
tens of thousands of workers who trusted them; corporations who taint foods
with deadly poisons to increase profits; and government bureaucrats who
destroy lives with the stroke of a pen. It has been said that lying asleep
beneath all societies are monsters, red of tooth and claw, just waiting to
burst forth and destroy society with their greed and avarice. History books
are filled with such examples.
Those who move in the shadows of power often see the world differently than the rest of us. Where we see suffering and need, they see opportunity for profits. Where we see individuals, they see statistical tables and “masses”—people who are expendable and are to be moved around like chess pieces. The collectivists see individuals as mere cogs in a wheel of an all-embracing business-governmental coalition.
In this modern age, we are witnessing the absolute regimentation of man, where people are given instructions and expected to follow them without question. Physicians are more regimented than at any time in history, which is ironic because they were always considered the most independent thinking of the professionals. Today they do what they are told without question. I recently wrote a paper on this subject called “Regimentation in Medicine and the Death of Creativity,” which I encourage you to read and study:
It will give you a better understanding as to why doctors react the way they do—with conventional denials—when confronted by the parents of vaccine-damaged children.
As a board-certified neurosurgeon with over 25 years of neurosurgical experience, I have a deep interest in the human brain and the diseases that affect it. Some 12 years ago I wrote a book called Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills, in which I explained a mechanism by which certain food additives can cause damage to the brain. Of special interest to me was the effect on brain development. Over the years, I have researched the connection between vaccination and injuries tothe brain, and have discovered that this excitotoxic mechanism is central to this process.
The vast majority of physicians have never heard of excitotoxicity, despite the fact that it is the most discussed mechanism in the field of neuroscience. Likewise, it is the major mechanism in virtually all brain disorders, including strokes, neurodegenerative diseases, viral, bacterial and mycoplasmal infections of the nervous system, seizures, brain trauma and multiple sclerosis.
As you read through this book, you will notice that some of the most devastating side effects of vaccines involve neurological damage, including encephalitis, transverse myelitis, peripheral nerve damage, autism, seizures, mental retardation, language delays, behavioral problems, multiple sclerosis, and SSPE. Most physicians, especially pediatricians, think these events are “rare” and must be accepted to gain the benefit of vaccines. Most parents trust their pediatrician and feel that he or she knows the answers. In fact, these adverse vaccine reactions are not as rare as many believe. As you shall see, medical authorities are using clever ploys to hide and alter the data on vaccine injuries. They reclassify problems, deny a connection to the vaccines and more often than not, just brush such reactions off as “normal.” For example, one deception is to classify cases of polio as “aseptic meningitis.” By doing so, vaccine proponents can give the illusion that the polio vaccine policy was more successful than it actually was.
A more blatant example of this reclassification ploy is the label of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). As Neil Miller’s book demonstrates, 70 percent of SIDS cases have been shown to follow pertussis vaccination within three weeks. A number of the new vaccines are also associated with sudden infant death. In order to avoid admitting that the sudden stoppage of breathing by a baby within hours to weeks of these vaccines was due to the vaccines, the vaccine defenders merely created a new disease and gave it the incredible name of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), which is like naming it the “Baby Mysteriously Dies of Anything but a Vaccine Injury Syndrome” (BMDAVIS).
As David Oshinsky details in his book, Polio: An
American Story, both Jonas Salk and Albert Sabin, as well as other
influential virologists, were aware that the early polio vaccines were
contaminated with a number of other viruses, and that over 100 million
people had been exposed to these viruses. They also knew that Dr. Bernice
Eddy, a microbiologist at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), had
proven that the SV-40 virus, present in both the killed and live vaccines,
caused cancer in experimental animals. The public was not informed of this
contamination until decades later. Worse, they continued to give the tainted
vaccine to children assuming that it would not cause cancer. Modern science
has proven them wrong.
Today we are facing a new problem of astronomical proportions. There is evidence that the great number of vaccines given to our children, and adults, is causing injury to their nervous systems and that it reduces the ability of people to think, learn, behave and function as normal adults. Sadly, we have understood for quite some time how this process works. It is well known and accepted that when you vaccinate someone, lets say by a shot in the arm, the body’s immune system is thrown into high gear. What is less well known by doctors in practice, especially by pediatricians, is that it also activates the brain’s special immune system. (Blaylock, RL. JANA 2003;6:21-35.) The central immune cells in the brain are called microglia (they also involve astrocytes). These normally sleeping immune cells become highly activated when a vaccination is given. Until activated they remain immobile, but after activation they can move around the brain like an amoeba, secreting very toxic amounts of inflammatory chemicals (called cytokines) and two forms of excitotoxins (glutamate and quinolinic acid). This puts the brainin a chronically inflamed state. When the brain is inflamed, it results in a physical change, something we call sickness behavior. You may recall how you feel when you have the flu, with difficulty thinking, being very sleepy and restless. Headaches are also common with an inflamed brain. As you will see in this book, many of the mothers noticed that their children had a high-pitched cry soon after their vaccination or vaccinations. This is called the encephalitic cry, meaning that it is caused by an inflamed, swollen brain. It also explains the difficulty many mothers have in waking their children, the vomiting, passing out and irritability following vaccinations. These are all signs of an inflamed brain.
The reason that pediatricians are telling these mothers that their
children’s reactions to these vaccines are normal is based on at least two
factors. One, most pediatricians, in my experience, know absolutely nothing
about a child’s brain. When I was practicing, if anything happened to a
pediatrician’s patient that in any way indicated something was wrong with
the child’s brain, the doctor was on the phone with me in an instant. Most
admitted they knew nothing about the brain. The second reason is that they
are trying to avoid a lawsuit. If they can convince the mother that
everything is well, they may avoid a trip to the courtroom. Most physicians
are gun-shy about lawsuits. It can also hurt their reputation.
I made a special note while reading this book, of the number of cases of seizures being reported, which for some vaccines can increase over threefold. Multiple vaccines during a single office visit, or combination vaccines, raise the risk even higher. Seizures following a vaccination are due to two things happening in the brain. One is that many vaccines can cause a high fever, and this can trigger a seizure in seizure-prone babies, children and some adults (called febrile seizures in children). It is also known that overstimulation of the immune system, which can occur with certain types of vaccines and especially when multiple vaccines are given during one office visit, can cause seizures. The mechanism is the same as described above. The excess activation of the body’s immune system leads to overactivation of the brain’s microglia, and the subsequent release of the excitotoxins leads to the seizure. This mechanism has been carefully worked out in the laboratory—it is not theory.
When a vaccine or series of vaccines are given and a child develops a seizure minutes later or even several days later, there is no question that the vaccine triggered the seizure. Multiple seizures indicate a severely inflamed brain and emergency procedures need to be implemented. In many cases, the seizures can be silent, that is, they have other neurological or behavioral expressions, such as irritability or periods of confusion, rather than an obvious convulsion. (Blaylock, RL. JANA 2003;6:10-22.) Treatment means more than just prescribing anti-seizure medications, since this only masks the true process going on in the child’s brain, that is, severe brain inflammation and excitotoxicity.
Parents and especially doctors should know that the human brain is different from the animal brain in that with humans the brain undergoes dramatic formation of its pathways long after birth. A great deal of the brain is formed in humans during the first two years after birth and continues until age 25 to 27. Excess vaccination disrupts this critical process and can result in a malformed brain, which manifests as either subtle impairment in thinking, concentration, attention, behavior or language, or serious problems with these processes. There are a number of factors that determine the severity of the damage.
It has also been shown that excess immune stimulation by vaccination can trigger an interaction between excitotoxicity and brain inflammatory cytokines that greatly magnifies the damage, and can do so for decades. A recent study of people with autism has shown that even in those 45 years of age, one sees continual activation of the brain’s inflammatory systems (microglia and astrocytes).
As Neil Miller illustrates, vaccines are designed to powerfully stimulate the body’s immune system using components called adjuvants. These include toxic metals such as aluminum and mercury, animal proteins (gelatin, hydrolyzed proteins and even MSG) and special lipids. Recent studies have shown that immune adjuvants can cause powerful stimulation of the immune system for as long as two years, which means the brain’s immune system also remains overactive.
A growing body of research indicates that overactivity of the brain’s immune cells (microglia) can lead to a gradual loss of brain connections (synapses and dendrites) and can even cause the brain to be miswired (abnormal pathways development). Once again, this is not theory—it is neuroscience fact. The problem is, most practicing physicians do not know this, primarily because they never read the scientific literature concerning these mechanisms.
It is unfortunate that most of the public are of the opinion that their physician has an in-depth knowledge of how the body works. For example, most parents assume that the pediatrician understands the immune system and therefore knows all about vaccine effects. Nothing could be further from the truth. In most medical schools, the basic sciences are taught during the first year. Medical students, in general, hate the basic sciences and see them as useless to the practice of medicine. Even worse, there are certain subjects that receive little or no coverage in medical education. Many people are aware that nutrition rarely receives any attention in the curriculum. Yet, of the basic sciences, it is immunology that gets little more than a footnote.
As you will discover in this book,
even people making decisions
concerning the vaccines your child will receive have admitted they know
little or nothing concerning immunology. This is appalling. Anyone with
even a basic understanding of immunology or having read the available
research on the effects of excessive vaccination on the developing brain,
would know that the present crowded vaccine schedule is extremely
destructive to the child’s brain. Likewise, there seems to be little concern
as to the effects of multiple immunizations on the developing child’s immune
system. Pediatricians and public health authorities are of the opinion that
they can give an unlimited number of vaccines to babies and small children
without risk. Our neuroscience proves this is insane. Almost every year,
these vaccine enthusiasts add another set of vaccines to the schedule,
despite the growing list of neurological and other health disasters
occurring in our children.
One of the principles of brain immunology is that priming the microglia can greatly aggravate the damage caused by subsequent vaccinations or even natural infections. For example, let’s say a newborn is given the hepatitis B vaccine before leaving the hospital. The vaccine activates the baby’s brain microglia (called priming). Then, shortly after this, let’s say the child develops an ear infection (otitis media). The ear infection once again activates the baby’s immune microglia, but this time the activation is greatly aggravated because of the previous vaccine-induced priming, resulting in a seizure or even sudden death. The pediatrician will blame it on the ear infection, not the previous vaccine.
Another scenario would be a baby who receives a hepatitis B vaccine at birth and then gets his or her DTaP vaccine within months of birth. Two weeks later, mom finds the baby dead in its crib. The doctor blames it on SIDS and never reports it to the CDC as a vaccine reaction. In this case the triple antigen exposure (diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis) triggers the baby’s already primed microglia— this time in the brainstem, where the respiratory control neurons reside. When the baby is placed on its stomach, it cannot muster enough force to fill its lungs. Any fumes from the mattress only aggravate the problem. For the pediatrician, it is easier and safer to blame it on a mysterious disorder called SIDS, than to admit it was a sequential vaccine reaction.
In the case with live virus vaccines, such as the chickenpox vaccine and MMR (measles, mumps and rubella vaccines) studies have shown that these viruses frequently survive in the body and can enter the brain. A recent study of the elderly dying from non-infectious causes has shown that 20 percent of the brains contained live measles virus. They also found that 45 percent of the people autopsied had live measles virus in other tissues and that all these viruses were highly mutated. This means that the measles virus can persist in the body for a lifetime. In this book, you will read about a father whose son died after an MMR vaccine. The child’s brain was examined and the live measles virus was cultured from the boy’s frontal lobes. Immunological typing proved it was the same virus from the vaccine that he was given.
In this case, the measles virus in the child’s brain (as well as adults’)
acts to prime the microglia, causing the brain’s immune system to
chronically secrete damaging inflammatory cytokines and excitotoxins.
subsequent vaccinations or infections will greatly aggravate the
immune/excitotoxic degeneration of the child’s brain. This can result in
developmental language problems, learning problems, behavioral problems
(irritability, anxiety, depression, and violent episodes), in addition to
seizures. It is instructive to note that a large percentage of autistic
children have recurrent seizures deep within their brains, which are often
missed by conventional EEG studies. It requires special MEG studies to
uncover them.
Another thing that can prime microglia is vaccine adjuvants such as aluminum, mercury and protein additives. These products easily enter the brain, are stored for decades and can powerfully activate the brain’s microglia, and do so for prolonged periods. Most pediatricians and family practice doctors have never heard of this.
Mercury tends to accumulate in the brain, especially in the brain’s immune cells. This has been shown to not only result in priming, but also is a powerful stimulus for excitotoxicity within the brain. In fact, several studies have shown that mercury, even in extremely small concentrations, can powerfully activate microglia and cause the accumulation of toxic amounts of the excitotoxin glutamate within the brain. Again, this is not speculation, rather this is based on the work of some of the most respected experts in the field of brain mercury neurotoxicology. Yet, this important work is never reported in the media or among vaccine review studies conducted by government/pharmaceutical-selected panels. As I demonstrate in my review of the Simpsonwood panel, many of the so-called experts were not experts at all. In fact, one stated that he had to do a lot of review to catch up on mercury toxicity literature before he attended the conference.
Several studies have shown that many vaccines are contaminated by a number of bacteria, viruses, viral fragments and mycoplasma. When injected with the vaccines, these can easily enter the brain where they reside for a lifetime and thereby act to prime the brain’s microglia. They cannot be removed. Proof of this mechanism has been shown in cases of herpes encephalitis in which the virus was killed in the brain by the immune system, yet degeneration of the brain continued.The evidence indicated that retained viral fragments acted as a source of continued microglia activation and that it was excitotoxicity that was causing the chronic brain destruction.
Another consideration is the ability of attenuated viruses to undergo mutation over time, eventually resulting in organisms that can cause new diseases. When live viruses are used to make vaccines, a process of repeated passage of the virus though growth media reduces its virulence, or the ability of the virus to cause disease. However, as occurs with measles, rubella and many other viruses used in vaccines, once in the body the attenuated viruses can be converted to quite virulent viruses. This is thought to explain the high incidence of Crohn’s disease in people who were vaccinated as children with live measles viruses. (Broide,LA., et al. Dig Liver Dis 2001;33(6):472-6.)
The above referred to study found that the mutated measles viruses differed in each tissue, meaning that a variety of disorders could result. The risk of persistent viruses following vaccination with live viruses appears to be growing and may be secondary to a number of factors, which include the nutritional status of the person and the preexistence of immune suppression. Immunologists have voiced concern that the growing number of vaccines being given early in life may impair immune function for life. As this book demonstrates, the number of immune related disorders, such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and asthma, is growing substantially. All of these disorders have been linked by careful studies to vaccines. Recent studies have also shown that when a person is generating high levels of free radicals, as seen with all chronic diseases (diabetes, heart disease and autoimmune ailments), the viruses retained in the body undergo rapid mutation, producing highly virulent organisms. These organisms can then spread through society causing epidemics of new diseases or atypical old diseases. To purposefully inject live viruses into millions of people is to invite disaster, as these viruses mutate in these unfortunate people and in those who come into contact with them. In essence, this could eventually produce deadly epidemics of whole new typesof viruses. As you will discover, we are already seeing this. The age at which people are susceptible to certain viruses and bacteria is changing with the mass vaccination programs. For example, mass vaccination with Hib (haemophilus influenzae type B) shifted the disease from infants and small children to adults.The measles vaccine shifted the disease from normal at risk groups to very small babies and adults, who are more likely to suffer serious complications or death. We see the same thing with meningococcal and pneumococcal vaccines.
Vaccination programs can also cause the emergence of subtypes of viruses and bacteria that in the past rarely produced disease. This is a major worry with organisms that contain dozens or even hundreds of subtypes. For example, the human papilloma virus (HPV) contains more than a hundred subtypes. The vaccine protects against only four subtypes, and perhaps for only a relatively short period. If sexual promiscuity continues among the population, new subtypes will emerge and may be even more carcinogenic than the subtypes used in the vaccine.
Another major problem with vaccine programs is the lack of long-term protection, as occurs with natural infections. Natural immunization is now quite rare in younger people. For example, in the past most women were protected against these childhood infections by contracting them as children themselves. The protection was life-long. Most mothers were infected with wild-type viruses, such as measles, rubella, chickenpox, etc., early in life, which not only protected them, but also their newborn children. This transmaternal protection usually persists for 15 months after birth of the child. Vaccinated mothers do not offer this protection to their children. Thus, because of the mass vaccination programs, pregnant women and their babies are at increased risk.
Of great concern is the recent finding that immune activation in pregnant women can have dire consequences for the developing baby. At one time it was thought that viral infections in the mother endangered the baby because the virus was passed through the placenta into the baby’s body. New research demonstrates that it is the mother’s immune cytokines that are causing the damage, once they enter the baby’s body, and is not caused by the virus itself. (Buka, S., et al. Brain Behavior Immunol 2001;15:411-420.) Researchers found that the eventual effect of maternal immune stimulation depended on the timing of the immune activation. Activation at mid-term could result in autism; stimulation late in the pregnancy could result in schizophrenia as the child grows into adulthood. What this means is that vaccinating a pregnant woman is associated with a high risk of autism, psychosis and other neurological problems as the baby reaches adolescence or adulthood. This is being completely ignored by those designing vaccines and making recommendations. At present, flu, chickenpox, hepatitis B and rubella vaccines are recommended for pregnant women. HPV was recommended for pregnant women at the beginning of the program, but a number of HPV-vaccinated women lost their babies or had babies born with deformities, resulting in a halt to such a dangerous practice.
One of the grand lies of the vaccine program is the concept of “herd
immunity.” It is based on the idea that if a certain percentage of the
population is immunized against an infectious disease, epidemics can be
prevented. The exact percentage changes, mainly, in my opinion, to suit
the vaccine manufacturers. In the beginning it was 68 percent, but now some
are calling for 95 to 100 percent immunization to reach these goals. We are
constantly told, and many doctors believe, that herd immunity has prevented
epidemics from occurring in modern America. Unfortunately, there is very
little evidence of this for a number of reasons. For instance, it is assumed
that high percentages of the population have been immunized through vaccine
programs against diphtheria, smallpox, tetanus and pertussis, some of the
older vaccines in the schedule. According to recent studies, the problem
with this is that most of the protection afforded by these as childhood
vaccines waned many decades ago, so that most baby boomers, the largest
percentage of the population, have no protection. In fact, vaccines for most
Americans declined to non-protective levels within 5 to 10 years of the
vaccines. This means that for the vast majority of Americans, as well as
others in the developed world, herd immunity doesn’t exist and hasn’t for
over 60 years.
Aluminum is a very powerful inducer of brain microglia and macrophages. Its immune-enhancing effects led manufacturers to add aluminum to vaccines. However, until recently, most vaccine authorities ignored the possible toxicity of aluminum in vaccines, despite growing evidence that it is a significant neurotoxin (brain poison). Links to Alzheimer’s disease have been made, but until recently the mechanism was poorly understood. We now know that aluminum causes significant abnormalities in neurotubules, microscopic tubes in neurons essentialto their function, and these abnormal neurotubules are strongly associated with Alzheimer’s disease.
Aluminum enters the brain by a number of mechanisms, for example by attaching to glutamate and fluoride. With the widespread use of the excitotoxin glutamate as a food additive and fluoride being added to drinking water supplies, aluminum absorption is common. In addition, injected aluminum can complex with fluoride within the body to produce a compound, fluoroaluminum, that has a number of harmful effects, including brain injury. There is some evidence that fluoride can trigger microglial activation and excitotoxicity, which in combination is particularly injurious to the brain. (Blaylock, RL. Fluoride 2004: 37(4);301-314.)
In 2001, Dr. R. K. Gherardi and co-workers described a new condition associated with retained aluminum in injected tissues from aluminum hydroxide vaccine adjuvants, which they called macrophagic myofasciitis. This infirmity was associated with intense, diffuse muscle pains, weakness and various neurological complaints. At the time of their first report there were 130 patients from France and a growing number of cases from Germany, USA, Portugal and Spain. In all cases, the problem was linked to hepatitis B (86%), hepatitis A (19%) or tetanus toxoid (58%) vaccines. A subsequent report found a number of patients with a multiple sclerosis-like illness. In 2004, a study reported in the journal Neurology (63:838-842) found that people exposed to the complete series of hepatitis B vaccines experienced a 300 percent higher risk of developing multiple sclerosis than the unvaccinated public. Others dispute this link.
One of the underhanded methods used by the promoters of vaccine schedule
expansion is to resort to scare tactics. Many people have heard of the
36,000 deaths from flu each year ploy, which is unsupported by the data.
Another way to scare the public is to use morbidity and mortality tables
from previous historical eras or from Third World nations. In this way
vaccine promoters can speak of deaths in the tens of thousands or millions
infected. For example, if they send out warnings through the media that tens
of thousands of infants may die of measles if children (and adults) are not
vaccinated each year, it has a major impact on parental decisions to
vaccinate. Vaccine promoters count on most of their audience being
young parents, that is, those who do not remember when MMR vaccines didn’t
exist and when virtually all of us contracted measles. I cannot remember a
single kid in any of my classes who was seriously injured or died by getting
the measles. In fact, mothers used to purposefully expose their children
to the measles to get it over with. Like nearly all of my classmates, I
contracted most childhood infectious diseases—measles, rubella, mumps,
chickenpox and pertussis. We all have life-long immunity as a result.
In my hometown of Monroe, Louisiana, during the peak of the polio epidemic in 1952, not a single child in any of my classes died of polio and only one girl had any paralysis (a weak lower leg). The incidence of polio at the time was 37 cases per 100,000 population. There were twice as many cases of muscular dystrophy in 1954, a very rare disease. Yet, modern vaccine proponents would have the present generation believe that the streets were piled high with dead and dying children, and that the rest were in varying states of paralysis. Polio was a terrifying and deadly disease for a small percentage of people, but the incidence is greatly overblown in present reports by vaccine scaremongers.
As you will learn, polio was a very mild disease in the majority of children who contracted it and extremely rare in adults. The most famous case was that of Franklin D. Roosevelt, who was stricken at the age of thirty-nine. His case is illustrative as to why some people developed paralysis and others didn’t. According to Oshinsky, Roosevelt had been under enormous stress as a result of a government scandal. While vacationing at his home in Campobello Island, he engaged in regular drinking and a number of strenuous physical activities, one of which resembled an Ironman event. Exhausted, he spent much of the night drinking. The next day he began to experience symptoms that were later diagnosed as polio.
Of great interest is the fact that Roosevelt had a carefully sheltered youth, which included a tutored education. Oshinski notes that he was protected from all childhood diseases until his teen years. At that point he caught virtually every infectious disease he was exposed to. It is critical for children to be exposed to these infectious organisms early in life, not only to protect them from later infections by these viruses, but because they strengthen the immune system and stimulate its proper development. This also explains the observation that polio was much less common as a paralytic disease among the poor and slum dwellers. It was the wealthier neighborhoods that were the focus of polio outbreaks. It was hypothesized that the poorer kids were exposed to the polio virus in large numbers, which gave them lifelong immunity. Because they had well-developed immune systems from being exposed to a number of bacterial and viral diseases early in life, they experienced mostly mild forms of the disease.
If this hypothesis is indeed true, then the mass vaccination programs are ruining the immune systems of our youth, in essence, setting them up for a lifetime of poor health and putting them at a greater risk of disease complications when they are exposed to infections. The evidence for this scenario is growing, with the rise in asthma, type-1 diabetes and other autoimmune diseases. With parents dragging their children to the pediatrician or medical clinic for a tetanus shot and antibiotics every time they have a cut or abrasion, the problem is compounded. As a child, I rarely went to the doctor. My parents, as most parents, knew a number of home remedies. Cuts and abrasions were treated with a little antiseptic or just warm water and soap.
When I worked in the emergency room, mothers would bring in their children with cuts so small they were difficult to see. My colleagues would dutifully give them all a tetanus booster. Children today are given multiple doses of antibiotics, often broad-spectrum, for virtually everything, even viral illnesses. This not only prevents them from developing immunity to the infection, but the antibiotics also destroy the probiotic (friendly) bacteria in the colon, which increasingly is being shown to play a vital role in immune system function and development.
Another important discovery being all but ignored by proponents of vaccination is that free radicals can cause previously benign viruses (attenuated viruses) to change their genetic expression, leading to a dramatic increase in their virulence.That is, they switch from benign viruses to powerful disease-causing viruses.This may explain the sudden appearance of the Spanish flu virus that killed millions in 1917-1918. This pandemic began during World War I. Preceding it, the soldiers experienced a mild flu epidemic. Then suddenly, the flu returned with a vengeance. Medical historians have been unable to provide an explanation for this. We know that the soldiers were living in crowded conditions, were under great stress, were extremely exhausted and were often suffering from malnutrition. Recent research has shown that when viruses of low virulence exist in the body (the first flu episode), the presence of large numbers of free radicals can convert these organisms into new “killer bugs.” The soldiers were producing enormous amounts of free radicals and their poor diets provided few antioxidants for protection. This set the stage for the pandemic disaster.
The same process can work with any virus, including the measles, chickenpox, rubella, polio or mumps viruses. While they are of low virulence upon injection, over a lifetime the virus will be converted by free radicals produced in the body into viruses of varying virulence. This was proven in the previously mentioned case of the measles viruses isolated during autopsy of the elderly. The measles viruses in their organs were highly mutated. For this reason, live viruses should not be used in vaccines. A person with either a pre-existing inflammatory disease or who subsequently develops a chronic inflammatory disease (both of which are associated with the generation of enormous numbers of free radicals) will be at risk. Of even greater importance was the finding that this also put everyone else in danger, because these new mutated viruses could then spread the deadly infections throughout society—that is, the sick people would act as deadly virus generators.
Finally, a word needs to be said about vaccine contamination, which is much more common than the public or media understand. Studies have shown that 60 percent of vaccines examined from a number of manufacturers contained one or more contaminating organisms in the vaccines. The organisms included simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV—which resembles HIV, a precursor to AIDS), mycoplasma, pestivirus, SV-40 and cytomegalovirus. In addition, a number of vaccines contained viral fragments, which can trigger microglial activation and even become inserted in other viruses, creating dangerous chimeras. The finding of cytomegalovirus is especially important because of its link to strokes. One study found the virus in the carotid arteries of 70 percent of stroke victims examined.
The SV-40 virus is also of special concern because it contaminated millions of doses of the polio vaccine, both killed and live. Studies by Michele Carboneand co-workers proved conclusively that the SV-40 virus from the vaccines cause human brain tumors as well as mesotheliomas and osteosarcomas. He has linked this virus to a number of brain tumors, including medulloblastoma, ependymomasand choroid plexus papilloma. Despite a massive coverup, there exists absolute proof that this contaminating virus has caused, and continues to cause, thousands of cancers in this country and others.
It has been shown that people who were infected with the SV-40 virus from earlier vaccines (up until 1963) have passed the virus to their children (calledvertical or transplacental transmission). This is why vaccine proponents continue to cover this disaster up—since knowledge of this mass contamination of tens of millions of unsuspecting people and future generations would devastate public trust in government health authorities and the sacrosanct vaccine program.
Virologists acknowledge that present vaccines may contain a great number of viruses and mycoplasma, many of which could be carcinogenic. It is known that when two weakly carcinogenic viruses are combined, sometimes they become powerfully carcinogenic through genetic recombination. It is also known that weak carcinogenic viruses in the presence of chemical carcinogens can greatly enhance the carcinogenicity of both. This may even be the case with fluoridated water, which appears to be a carcinogen.
When you consider the devastating effects of carcinogenic viruses contaminating vaccines and the effect of multiple vaccination on the immune system and brain, especially as regards autism, one can only speculate on how the perpetrators will be brought to justice. Decisions by parents to vaccinate their children, and the adult’s decision to receive vaccinations, should depend on a careful study of the risks involved and an intelligent assessment of the real—not imagined—benefits.This book, Vaccine Safety Manual for Concerned Families and Health Practitioners, will go a long way toward helping people make those critical decisions.
I have been investigating vaccines for more than 20 years. When my son
was born, the matter became important to me. I began by studying medical and
scientific journals. The data was disturbing. Evidence showed that vaccines
are often unsafe and ineffective. In fact, some vaccines cause new diseases.
I was even more shocked to learn that powerful individuals within the
organized medical profession—including members of the American Medical
Association (AMA), the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the Food and
Drug Administration (FDA), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC), and the World Health Organization (WHO)—are aware of vaccine safety
and protection deficiencies, but seem to have an implicit agreement to
obscure facts, alter truth, and deceive the public. Vaccine manufacturers,
health officials, lead authors of important studies, editors of major
medical journals, hospital personnel, and even coroners, cooperate to
minimize vaccine failings, exaggerate benefits and avert any
negative publicity that might frighten concerned parents, threaten the
vaccine program and lower vaccination rates. My first book,
Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective?
was written to provide parents with a summary of my initial findings.
A few years later, I wrote Immunization Theory vs. Reality to document the shadowy underworld of vaccine production and corruption within the industry. For example, many people have no idea how vaccines are made or what they contain. Formaldehyde, aluminum and thimerosal—yes, some vaccines still contain this dangerous mercury derivative—are just a few of the ingredients used to manufacture vaccines. In addition, oral polio vaccines are incubated in monkey kidneys, the chickenpox vaccine is brewed in “human embryonic lung cell cultures,”and the new HPV vaccine includes particles of sexually transmitted viruses which are now being injected into an entire generation of chaste, young girls.
I also wrote Vaccines, Autism and Childhood
Disorders. My goal was to provide families with evidence of vaccine
safety and efficacy defects—information that they are unlikely to hear from
their doctors—so that truly informed decisions could be made. That book
chronicled MMR studies, mercury damage, and congressional efforts to
initiate positive change within the vaccine industry. I am opposed to bogus
“proofs” of vaccine benefits—including studies funded by vaccine
manufacturers—health mandates (forced immunizations), and other coercive
tactics used to intimidate wavering parents into vaccinating against
their will. Although generations of children are falling victim to medical
“progress,” autism and other developmental disorders are not childhood rites
of passage.
I wrote this current book, Vaccine Safety Manual for Concerned Families and Health Practitioners, to counterbalance conventional dogma. There is extensive evidence of vaccine hazards and immunity limitations. I researched vaccine studies and articles from around the world, then summarized them for your benefit. All of the data is footnoted in the text and referenced in the back of the book. Keep in mind that I never intended to ratify traditional beliefs regarding vaccine safety and efficacy. The information I uncovered does not support the oft-heard claim that vaccine benefits outweigh their risks. In other words, if you’d like to read more about the benefits and less about the risks, there are plenty of “official” websites that you can visit (or speak to your doctor). In fact, I encourage this course of action. Of course, official vaccine websites are mainly promoted bythe FDA, CDC, and vaccine manufacturers.
Each chapter in this book begins with a definition of the particular disease for which a vaccine has been developed, including data on who is most at risk, disease prevalence and severity. The vaccine for each disease is then analyzed according to its safety and efficacy profile. The safety sections include studies documenting vaccine-associated morbidity and mortality, as well as several personal stories from vaccine victims attesting to the real toll on human lives. Some chapters also include case histories from the U.S. government’s own national database of vaccine damage—VAERS. The efficacy sections analyze data from multiple sources to reveal the prophylactic potential of each vaccine: how likely it is to protect against the disease and reduce its incidence throughout society. Excerpts from congressional hearings, and vaccine debacles of historical significance, are included in this book as well. Charts, graphs, tables and other illustrations supplement the text for added comprehension.
Many of the studies summarized in this book were published in reputable, peer-reviewed journals. Some of them originally appeared in distinguished foreign journals and were then translated into English. Newspaper articles, official reports,and unofficial sources of vaccine information are all referenced in this book aswell. However, regarding proof of vaccine safety and efficacy, many “scientific”studies are literally nonsense. This is not a conspiracy theory. For example, the Journal of the American Medical Association recently published a paper showing that one-third of “highly cited original clinical research studies” were eventually contradicted by subsequent studies. The supposed effects of specific interventions either did not exist as the original studies concluded, or were exaggerated. 1
Vaccine-related studies need to be read very closely, otherwise significant information that could affect their validity may be overlooked. For example, a small number of children who contract varicella naturally (wild chickenpox) experience serious complications. Many of these children have preexisting health problems, such as AIDS, leukemia or cancer. However, it’s easier to convince parents to vaccinate their children against chickenpox, and to justify mandating this shot for all children, if a larger percentage of those who experience complications of varicella are healthy, rather than unhealthy, before the onset of the ailment.(It’s frightening to imagine that your normal child could be devastated by a common disease.) Thus, after the chickenpox vaccine was licensed, several articles began to appear emphasizing that such complications occur “predominantly in children in whom one would not predict problems.” In one study, 73 percent of all children 2 hospitalized for complications of varicella were healthy before the onset of varicella; just 27 percent had preexisting health problems. I was ready to include this data in the chickenpox chapter when I noticed that the study excluded oncology patients! In other words, this “study” omitted unhealthy children (with cancer) from analysis, then claimed that serious complications mainly occurred in healthy boys and girls. 3
Vaccine studies are often funded by pharmaceutical companies with a
financial interest in the outcome. Lead authors of important studies that
are used to validate the safety or efficacy of a vaccine are often beholden
to the manufacturer in someway. They may own stock in the company or are
paid by the manufacturer to travel around the country promoting their
vaccines. Lead authors may receive consultation fees, grants or other
benefits from the drug maker that contravene ethical boundaries and
compromise the integrity of the study. When studies of this magnitude are
jeopardized, generations of people—and society itself—are placed at risk.
Sometimes study conclusions contradict core data in the study. I am always astounded when I read the abstract or summary of a major paper touting a vaccine’s apparent safety or benefits, only to find that upon examining the actual paper, including important details, the vaccine is shown to be dangerous and may have poor efficacy as well. The media is loathe to publish anything that challenges the sacrosanct vaccine program. Newspaper articles about vaccines, and reviews of vaccine studies that are published, merely mimic the original spurious conclusions.
In some instances, study results may be preordained. For example, when the vaccine-autism link became a public concern, vaccine proponents moved into high gear to produce authentic-appearing studies that contradicted genuine data. I remember when tobacco companies used this very same ploy. They financed numerous bogus studies ostensibly “proving” that cigarettes didn’t cause cancer. The real studies got lost in the muddle. Sadly, it’s all too easy to obfuscate truth and deceive the public. At the infamous Simpsonwood conference held in Norcross, Georgia, experts knew that mercury in vaccines was damaging children. They had irrefutable proof—the very reason for convening the meeting. However, instead of making this important information public, they hatched a plan to produce additional “studies” that denied such a link. In fact, vaccine proponents had the audacity to claim in some of these papers that mercury in vaccines not only doesn’t hurt children but that it actually benefits them! In the topsy-turvy world of overreaching vaccine authorities, the well-documented neurotoxic chemical mercury somehow makes children smarter and more functional, improving cognitive development and motor skills. Of course, this is absurd. Numerous real studies document mercury’s destructive effects on brain development and behavior. Mercury in vaccines and the Simpsonwood debacle are thoroughly reviewed in the chapter on autism.
Another ploy used by vaccine proponents is to design studies comparing vaccinated people to other vaccinated people. Honest studies would compare them to an unvaccinated population. In addition, vaccine control groups rarely receive a true placebo, which should be a harmless substance. The scientific method has always been predicated upon removing all potentially confounding influences.However, many vaccine studies do not conform to this integral component of valid research. This is an important concept to grasp. For example, when the safety profile of a new vaccine is being tested, one group may receive the experimental vaccine containing aluminum while the “control” group receives an injection of aluminum as well (rather than water or another harmless substance). When vaccines are compared in this way, that is, to other substances that are capable of causing adverse reactions, the vaccine appears safer than it really is. Whenever this deceptive tactic is utilized, officially acknowledged adverse reactions to a vaccine may represent only a fraction of the true potential risks to the recipient.
It should also be noted that some clinical studies that are used to license vaccines exclude people in certain groups. For example, they may be too young, too old, pregnant, ill, or have other preexisting health ailments. However, once the vaccine is licensed, it may be recommended for people in these groups. Much like using false placebos, this unethical practice artificially inflates the vaccine’s safety profile and places more children at risk of adverse reactions.
Although some studies are mere propaganda, part of a larger disinformation campaign designed to promote a vaccine agenda, other studies link vaccines to debilitating and fatal diseases. For example, the British Medical Journal published data correlating the haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) vaccine to rising rates of type 1 diabetes. The hepatitis B vaccine has been linked to autoimmune and neurological disorders. Guillain-Barré syndrome—a serious paralytic disease—isa well-known adverse reaction to the flu vaccine. These are just a few of the many scientifically documented correlations between vaccines and incapacitating ailments that you will learn about in this book.
Vaccine adverse reaction rates have become unacceptably high. For example,according to the FDA, FluMist (the live-virus nasal spray vaccine that is squirted ® up the nose) can cause “medically significant wheezing” and pneumonia. During pre-licensure clinical studies 3 percent of all children six months to one year of age who received the vaccine ended up in the hospital with respiratory problems! Before this vaccine was approved, a large study conducted in 31 clinics showed that it caused “a statistically significant increase in asthma or reactive airways disease” in children under five years of age. Nevertheless, in September 2007 the FDA licensed this vaccine for children as young as two years old.
With some vaccines, the number of people who experience systemic
reactions, such as fever, headache, respiratory infection, muscle aches,
nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, chills and fatigue, is very high. For
example, up to 10 percent of babies will vomit following their pneumococcal
shots. In one study of the tetanus vaccine, 26 percent of the recipients had
systemic reactions. A whopping 62 percentof 18-55 year-old recipients of the
meningococcal vaccine had systemic reactions. (Common systemic reactions are
separate from severe and fatal reactions, including neurological,
immunological and paralytic disorders such as Guillain-Barré syndrome,
demyelinating diseases, arthritis, anaphylactic shock, and other
life-threatening conditions.) Doctors consider most systemic reactions
Some vaccines cause encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) and other nervous system disorders. Injuries caused by vaccines may be “disguised” under different names: learning disability, attention deficit, hyperactivity, epilepsy, and mental retardation, to name a few. Studies show that a disproportionate amount of violent crime is committed by individuals with neurological damage. The pertussis chapter (DPT and DTaP) investigates whether the rise in criminal activity and other pathological behaviors (e.g., school shootings) may be related to vaccinations.
Many parents are unaware that adverse reactions are even possible, so they fail to remain alert for neurological signs and other symptoms in their babies following their vaccinations. However, Pediatrics published a study in which parents were specifically asked to observe any change in their baby’s behavior or physical condition after a shot; just 7 percent reported no reactions at all.
New vaccines may cause serious reactions, including death, yet still
remain on the market. Although the FDA has removed defective toys and dog
food from store shelves, once a vaccine is licensed, it is rarely recalled
(the original rotavirus vaccine is a notable exception). The HPV
vaccine illustrates this point very well. Just 15 months after Gardasil was
licensed in the United States, 3,461 adverse ® reaction reports were filed
with the federal government. In the case reports submitted to the FDA, many
of the vaccine recipients were stricken with serious and life-threatening
disabilities, including Guillain-Barré syndrome, paralysis, paresthesia,
loss of consciousness, seizures, convulsions, swollen body parts, chest
pain, heart irregularities, kidney failure, visual disturbances, arthritis,
difficulty breathing, severe rashes, persistent vomiting, miscarriages,
menstrual irregularities, reproductive system complications, genital warts,
vaginal lesions and HPV infection—the main reason to vaccinate. Hundreds of
teenage girls and young women were rushed to the hospital for debilitating
ailments following their HPV shots.
The general public is essentially unaware of the true number of people—mostly children—who have been permanently damaged or killed by one or more of the vaccines. Every year more than 12,000 adverse reaction reports are filed with the federal government. These include emergency hospitalizations, irreversible injuries, and deaths. Still, these numbers may be grossly underreported because the FDA estimates that 90 percent of doctors do not report reactions. A confidential study conducted by Connaught Laboratories, a vaccine manufacturer, indicated that “a fifty-fold underreporting of adverse events” is likely. Yet, even this figure 4 may be conservative. According to Dr. David Kessler, former director of the FDA,“ only about one percent of serious events [adverse drug reactions] are reported.” 5
The federal government is aware that vaccines may permanently disable or kill your baby. In fact, Congress established a “hazard” tax on childhood vaccines.When parents pay their doctor for requested shots, a portion of that money goes into a special fund to compensate them when their children are seriously damaged or die. In the last few years, more than $1 billion was granted for thousands of injuries and deaths caused by mandated vaccines. Numerous cases are still pending. Awards were issued for permanent injuries such as learning disabilities, seizure disorders, mental retardation, paralysis, and numerous deaths, including many that were initially misclassified as sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
The personal stories in this book are all unsolicited, meaning the vaccine victims were never asked to tell their stories; rather, they felt compelled to share them with anyone who would listen, often to warn others of the dire possibilities. These are included in this book because when we listen to vaccine victims tell their own stories we share in their pain. This cultivates empathy and helps us to understand the full cost of vaccine damage at both personal and societal levels.
Clearly, the damaged child is not the only victim. Mothers and fathers undergo traumatic experiences when they discover that their child was seriously hurt by one or more vaccines. Families are often destroyed from the overwhelming emotional responsibility associated with caring for a vaccine-damaged child. There may be a large financial burden as well. Somebody has to pay for the medical bills and necessary treatments that might maintain, or hold the promise of improving, the health and well-being of the precious child they were entrusted to protect. Parents of vaccine-damaged children may also experience anger at the perpetrators, guilt for consenting to the vaccines, and sadness or grief for the child who will forever be missing his or her rightful wholeness in some manner. Brain impairments and immune system damage are difficult to reverse. Often, the child and family are stricken for life.
Relationships between husband and wife are greatly strained when a child is damaged by vaccines. Some marriages cannot withstand the stress. Grandparents often grieve as well, both for their damaged grandchild and the demanding family life their son or daughter is now destined to live. For example, autistic children require constant care. Dining out at a restaurant or going to the movies is either a horrendous chore or an impossibility. Undamaged siblings receive less time and attention from their parents due to the special needs of their handicapped brother or sister. Everyone suffers to some degree.
There is a great communal cost as well. Many permanently damaged children will never grow up and contribute to society in a meaningful capacity. There is a lost brain trust, so that future generations may not count on their creative gifts. Of course, some vaccine damaged children make wonderful contributions to society and provide the rest of humanity with several good reasons to open our hearts while expanding our grasp of the vaccine dilemma that confronts all of us, individually and collectively.
Parents need to understand that vaccines are drugs. Each one contains
a proprietary blend of chemicals, pathogens and other foreign matter. That
is the nature of a vaccine. Today, children receive one vaccine at birth,
eight vaccines at two months, eight vaccines at four months, nine vaccines
at six months, and ten additional vaccines between 12 and 18 months.
The pure
and innocent baby is injected with 36 vaccine-drugs before he or she is 1½
years old! (DTaP and MMR are each administered with a single injection but
contain three vaccines. As an analogy, if you pour three separate shot
glasses of whiskey, gin, and rum into a single glass, you’re still ingesting
three shots with all of the accompanying effects.) Imagine ingesting eight
or nine drugs all at once. That’s what doctors are giving to babies. In
fact, these babies are not ingesting the drugs; instead,the drugs are being
injected directly into their tiny bloodstreams. When did you last take
eight drugs all at the same time? Would you be more surprised if you
did or did not
have a serious reaction?
The United States is the most vaccinated country in the world, yet it has a poor infant mortality rate. One would think that a country with more immunizations, which are explicitly promoted as life saving, especially for babies, would have an excellent infant death rate. However, the U.S. has one of the worst infant mortality rates of industrialized nations. In fact, as new vaccines are added to the recommended vaccine schedule, the U.S. infant mortality rate worsens. For example, in 1960 (before mass vaccines) the U.S. had one of the best infant mortality rates in the world. By 1998, the U.S. dropped to 28 place. By 2006, this vaccine-crazed nation fell to 42nd place, worse than Cuba but ahead of Croatia. 8
If you choose not to vaccinate, there are risks involved. Your child could contract a disease for which a vaccine has been developed. Your child may also experience complications from this disease, which could be permanently debilitating or life-threatening, depending on the particular condition and other factors, such as the child’s physical constitution and its ability to reestablish health. Of course, many people experience disease and then get well. There is evidence that when children are young and exposed to disease naturally, and then recover, the immune system is stimulated and strengthened. When sickness occurs, the innate intelligence of the body takes over and mounts a defense. The resourceful body usually wins the battle. This process is necessary and appropriate because it improves the immune system’s memory and capability through its disease-fighting experiences. It may be able to detect future invaders more quickly and overtake them before any damage is done. The beneficial result is that you may be healthier in later life. For example, several studies show that women are less likely to develop ovarian cancer if they have had mumps in childhood.
Not vaccinating is just one risk; vaccinating is another. There are also risks every time you walk out of the house (and risks within your home as well). Your child could be stung by a bee, hurt in a car accident, or attacked by a shark while playing at the beach. These risks need to be weighed free of fear and bias. If you are afraid of bees, you may place more emphasis upon protecting your child from that threat, no matter how remote it may be. If you have nightmares about sharks, you may avoid the ocean. Likewise, when diseases are described in frightening detail and their risks exaggerated beyond reality, they must be avoided at all costs. Of course, there is a ready “solution” fabricated by the vaccine industry. Simply take a vaccine—and another and another—and you will be protected. If only life were so simple.
With vaccines (and many drugs as well) the “solution” is often developed prior to the marketing of fear. For example, before the chickenpox vaccine was licensed for general use in 1995, doctors would encourage parents to expose their children to the disease while they were young. Doctors recommended this course of action because they knew that chickenpox is relatively innocuous when contracted prior to the teenage years (but more dangerous in adolescents and adults). However, after the vaccine was licensed, the CDC began warning parents about the dangers of chickenpox. Doctors stopped encouraging parents to expose their children to this disease. Instead, they were told to get a chickenpox shot. The “solution”—a mandatory vaccine—preceded the apparent danger.
Vaccine efficacy is the most marketable aspect of preventive healthcare. Every manufacturer would like to claim that its product is effective—even when the evidence indicates otherwise. For example, every year authorities promote the flu vaccine. However, the British Medical Journal recently published a report that analyzed all pertinent influenza vaccine studies and concluded there is a large gap between evidence of the flu vaccine’s efficacy and influenza policies established by health agencies. Flu vaccines were shown to have little or no effect on influenza campaign objectives, such as hospital stay, time off work, or death from influenza and its complications. Flu vaccines were found to be ineffective in children under two years of age, in healthy adults under 65 years of age, and in people aged 65 years and older. In addition, there is little evidence that flu vaccines are beneficial when administered to healthcare workers to protect their patients, when given to children to minimize transmission of the virus to family contacts, or when given to vulnerable people, such as those with asthma and cystic fibrosis.
Vaccine efficacy may be specious. For example, scientists presume that
certain “surrogate markers” or “precancerous lesions” precede cervical
cancer. With the HPV vaccine, they simply compared the number of these
markers in women who received the vaccine to the number of these markers in
women who received the placebo. However, no actual
cases of cervical cancer were prevented in any of the test subjects in any
of the clinical studies of the HPV vaccine. Besides, in more than 90
percent of cases HPV infections are harmless and go away without treatment.
The body’s own defense system eliminates the virus. Often, women experience
no signs, symptoms or health problems.
Efficacy may also be deceptively marketed. When the new HPV vaccine was first introduced, it was promoted as 100 percent effective. Thus, most people innocently assumed that if females took the HPV vaccine, there would be no chance that they could ever be stricken with cervical cancer. Yet, numerous strains of HPV have been identified. The vaccine is only “100 percent effective” against two of these cancer-causing strains—not against cervical cancer itself. In fact, during pre-licensure studies, 361 women who received at least one shot of Gardasil went on to develop precancerous lesions on their cervixes within three years.
Gardasil is not the only vaccine that targets some strains of the disease while excluding others. The Hib and pneumococcal vaccines were also constructed in this manner, and have become problematic due to “strain replacement.” Scientists have discovered that when vaccines only attack some strains of a disease, other strains gain prominence. The disease becomes more virulent and people who are normally not susceptible to the ailment are infected. For example, there are several different types of haemophilus influenzae, including types a, b, c, d, e,and f. The “b” type is just one strain—the only one for which a vaccine was created—the Hib shot. Although this vaccine appears to have decreased cases of haemophilus influenzae type b in children, the overall rate of invasive haemophilus influenzae disease in adults increased. Ironically, researchers do not consider this a failing of the Hib vaccine; instead, “it raises the question whether a [new] vaccine will need to be developed.”9
The pneumococcal vaccine—Prevnar—is only designed to protect against ® seven of the 90 different strains that can cause pneumococcal disease. Thus, when a child is vaccinated and is stricken with pneumococcus, the vaccine is still considered “effective” as long as one of the seven vaccine strains did not cause the disease. However, in 2007, the Journal of the American Medical Association and the Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal published data showing that non-vaccine strains of pneumococcal disease are replacing strains targeted by Prevnar. The new strains are more dangerous and resistant to treatment. Current cases are more likely to be hospitalized and to be diagnosed with life-threatening infections.
Sometimes vaccines are given to one group of people mainly to protect another group. For example, mass rubella vaccination campaigns were never intended to protect vaccine recipients; the disease is usually harmless when contracted by children. Instead, the goal has always been to protect the unborn fetuses of rubella-susceptible pregnant women. Authorities reasoned that if all youngsters , male and female, are vaccinated, the wild virus should theoretically have fewer hosts to infect, and pregnant women would be less likely to contract the disease.
When the hepatitis B vaccine was originally introduced, this same rationale was employed. The groups at greatest risk of contracting hepatitis B are heterosexuals engaging in unprotected sex with multiple sex partners, prostitutes, sexually active homosexual men, and intravenous drug users. Children rarely develop this disease. In the United States, less than one percent of all cases occur in persons less than 15 years of age. The disease is even more uncommon in babies and toddlers. However, “because a vaccination strategy limited to high-risk individuals has failed,” and since children are “accessible,” they are compelled to receive the three-shot series beginning at birth. In other words, because high-risk groups are difficult to reach or have rejected this vaccine, authorities are targeting babies —even though babies are not likely to contract this disease. They are being subjected to all of the risks of this vaccine without the expected benefit. Although children are not likely to contract hepatitis B, many parents allow them to receive the vaccine because they believe it will protect them as adults when they may engage in risky behaviors. However, studies show that hepatitis B vaccine recipients lose protective antibodies after 5 to 10 years. The vaccine that babies receive shortly after birth at the hospital will not be effective a few years later. Thus, booster shots are required.
The necessity for multiple “booster” shots is disturbing. Initially, when a new vaccine is introduced, a single shot may be recommended. Later, when the artificial immunity wears off, vaccine manufacturers and the CDC recommend one or more additional shots—boosters (to increase or boost the waning antibodies).With natural immunity, which is acquired by being exposed to the actual disease, protection is not meager and temporary, but rather complete and lifelong. The child will rarely contract it again. This is not true with vaccines. Isn’t it odd that the vaccine industry’s answer to an ineffective vaccine is to compel more of it!
Unvaccinated children are often sent home from school during outbreaks of measles, mumps, and other contagious diseases. For example, one mother writes:“My daughter was just removed from school for 21 days due to an outbreak of chickenpox. She is six years old and in the first grade. We are very upset.” 10 Ironically, these children are not sent home for their own protection. On the contrary, doctors claim that unvaccinated children will spread disease. Of course, this does not make sense (unless we consider it a veiled confession of vaccine inefficacy). How is it possible for an unvaccinated child to imperil vaccinated children? If the shots are effective, then vaccinated children should be protected.
I include within the Vaccine Safety Manual several excerpts from the congressional records to chronicle the gravity and magnitude of the vaccine dilemma. High-ranking members of the U.S. government are aware of shortcomings associated with the vaccine program. Sadly, our lawmakers are impotent to effect meaningful change. Hearings are regularly held to highlight problems with individual vaccines as well as to investigate the integrity of the vaccine program itself. The chapters on autism, hepatitis B and anthrax contain particularly lengthy excerpts, with compelling testimonies from congressmen, medical doctors and parents. The chapter on the rotavirus vaccine contains a summary of a congressional hearing entitled Conflicts of Interest and Vaccine Development. Members of the exclusive FDA and CDC committees that are responsible for licensing and recommending vaccines for all children in the U.S. are permitted to have financial stakes in those vaccines.
I also include several historical accounts of documented vaccine travesties. Although these occurred in the past, there are many lessons still to be learned. For example, Edward Jenner, the British doctor who developed the smallpox vaccine, originally recommended a horrid concoction referred to as horsegrease cowpox. His vaccine consisted of pus taken from the open wounds of sick horses mixed with disease matter extracted from blisters that occasionally formed on the nipples of cows. Jenner’s contemporaries were appalled by his recommendationand attempted to censor him. Later writings omitted information about Jenner’s “horsegrease cowpox” smallpox vaccine.
The polio vaccine also has an interesting history. For example, it is well-known that Jonas Salk’s “inactivated” polio vaccine was actually quite virulent. It paralyzed and killed many children. Perhaps less well-known is that polio vaccines are made by incubating polio viruses in monkey kidneys. Monkeys are naturally infected with several viruses and these infectious agents contaminated millions of doses of the polio vaccine. Studies from around the world appear to confirm that at least one of these viruses—SV-40—is a catalyst for many types of cancer. Moreover, SV-40 is spread from human to human and from mother to child.
The tetanus vaccine was also contaminated, but it appears to have been intentional. In the 1970s, the World Health Organization began working on an anti-fertility vaccine. Starting in 1991, pregnant women in Third World countries received several injections of a “neonatal tetanus” vaccine. In 1995, an international human rights organization, Human Life International (HLI), became suspiciousof the WHO vaccination campaign. They had vials of the vaccine tested at an independent laboratory. According to HLI, millions of women “unknowingly received anti-fertility vaccinations under the guise of being inoculated against tetanus.” HLI charged WHO with using women in several countries with high population growth rates “as uninformed, unwitting, unconsenting guinea pigs.”Details of this outrage are included in the tetanus chapter.
Another catastrophe that should not be forgotten was perpetrated by measles vaccine researchers. In the 1980s, scientists traveled to Africa to test their new high-titer measles vaccine on babies. This experimental vaccine was up to 500 times more potent than standard measles vaccines. When it became clear that babies were dying after receiving this shot, researchers packed up their goods and returned to the United States. However, undeterred by the numerous baby deaths caused by this vaccine, the CDC decided to “test” it again on nearly 1,500 Black and Hispanic babies in California. The parents never knew that their babies were being injected with an experimental vaccine that had already killed other children. A complete account of this debacle may be found in the measles chapter.
Today, new vaccines are being introduced to counteract problems caused by old vaccines. For instance, a herpes zoster (shingles) vaccine was recently introduced to control a shingles epidemic that is expected to last for more than 50 years. Researchers have concluded that this epidemic was precipitated by the chickenpox vaccine. A complete explanation is provided in the shingles chapter.
The crowded childhood vaccination schedule, complete with a mandatory
market, has proven to be a perpetual windfall for industry insiders. Yet,
the real money may be in adolescent and adult vaccines. Preteens and
teenagers are already being injected with vaccines for tetanus, diphtheria,
pertussis, HPV, meningococcal, pneumococcal, flu, hepatitis A, B, polio, MMR
and chickenpox. Other shots designed for this age group are in the pipeline.
Authorities are “building a platform” for routinely vaccinating members of
this lucrative market.
A recent report on future trends in the global vaccine market indicates that “at present, pediatric vaccines occupy a higher market share, but this trend willshift towards the adult vaccine segment.” Currently, adults are already being 11 injected with vaccines for tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis, HPV, meningococcal, pneumococcal, flu, hepatitis A, B, MMR, chickenpox and herpes zoster. Yet, “addiction” vaccines will have a growth of over 100 percent after their launch in 2008, and cancer vaccines will grow rapidly by 2010. Worldwide vaccine sales will nearly double between 2006 and 2010, from $11 billion to $21 billion. Of course, the United States is the largest market for vaccines which are “more profitable than generic pharmaceutical drugs.” 12
Several mothers have conveyed the following nearly identical story, which paraphrase. It tells us a lot about the loss of maternal instinct:
I took my child in for his 2-month vaccines. A short time later (this could be anywhere from one hour to two or three days) he had a horrible reaction (convulsions, seizures, loss of consciousness, etc.) and ended up in the emergency room. My child spent a lot of time (this could be anywhere from one day to two weeks) at the hospital while doctors performed numerous tests. I think the vaccines caused my child’s serious reaction (because he was fine until he got his shots) but my doctor says that it was just a coincidence, that the many vaccines that my child received right before he had his reaction had nothing to do with it. It was caused by something else, although no one knows what this might be.
The story doesn’t end here; it continues:
When my child’s 4-month vaccines were due I was afraid to take him back to the doctor. I was pretty sure that his 2-month vaccines caused his earlier hospitalization, but my doctor (or the nurse) told me horror stories about unvaccinated babies. I was afraid, so I let the doctor vaccinate my child a second time. Once again, he ended up at the hospital, this time fighting for his life. And once again, everyone told me the vaccines had nothing to do with it.
Now the story takes a twist:
The reason I am telling this to you is because it’s time for my child’s 6-month vaccines. Of course I am terrified of the vaccines and very afraid that if I take my child in, he won’t survive this time. However, the doctor says that he needs his shots. What do you think I should do?
Of course, I never give advice. Parents must make this decision on
their own. What I want to tell them is: “Wake up! What happened to your
protective impulse? Have you sold it out to these so-called experts? Do
they live everyday with your precious child and know her more than you do?
Yes, sometimes the world seems like a scary place, and confronting authority
may be more than you wish to handle. But this is your child. When will you
take a stand on her behalf?”
Many parents have awakened, but not always before some damage has accrued. I recently received the following letter: “I have four children. The first three were regularly vaccinated as required. A friend of mine lost a child hours after being vaccinated and alerted me to the hazards. Our fourth child was not vaccinated and is the only one who is not in special education like the rest of her siblings.” 13
Writing about vaccines is like traveling into the mythological underworld where Hades rules. It is a dark and dismal realm where innocent babies and their families are deeply traumatized. The call for a higher power is resounding. Vaccines may have some benefits in the minds of proponents but these have to be weighed against true safety and protection deficiencies. With this book, I have tried to provide parents and health practitioners with a good measure of this data.
I do not have an agenda other than to alert the populace to an existing and expanding problem. Much more needs to be done to awaken the masses and convince authorities that our current preventive healthcare paradigm is defective, requiring immediate attention. If you are aware and capable, please find your voice and speak out. I would prefer that people were free to choose for or against vaccines,and that they had a more well-rounded understanding—informed consent—before making their decisions. Parents are not getting complete information from their doctors. Moreover, the child’s full “immunization schedule” is vehemently urged even after a serious reaction. Thus, multiple sources of information are required.
After reading this book, your sensibilities may be overwhelmed. The implications are immense. Some people will be outraged by what they discover. Something is very wrong with our vaccine industry, and now they’ll know it. What can be done? Others will be incensed for different reasons, and will complain because this book does not emphasize vaccine benefits. Avid vaccine proponents do not want parents and health practitioners to have access to alternative sources of vaccine information. Instead, they want you and your family to rely upon “official” explanations regarding vaccine safety and protection, information that often conflicts with the studies and other data presented in the Vaccine Safety Manual.
Vaccines are not appropriate for everyone. Some people know this but are afraid to face their doctor, family, and friends. However, the vaccination decision remains with the individual or parents of the child. Doctors cannot and will not take responsibility if you or your children are damaged from vaccines. Therefore, decisions should be made only after examining credible evidence from several sources. In addition, critical thinking should be exercised when interpreting information. I encourage readers to substantiate all of the references in this book and to research this topic even further if questions still remain. You are entitled to the facts about vaccines, and are responsible for obtaining as much information as possible with regard to the safety, efficacy, benefits and risks of vaccination.
Neil Z. Miller, Medical Research Journalist
The Vaccine Safety Manual (new, updated 2012 edition) is the world's most complete guide to immunization risks and protection. It includes pertinent information on every major vaccine: polio, tetanus, MMR, hepatitis A, B, HPV (cervical cancer), Hib, Flu, chickenpox, shingles, rotavirus, pneumococcal, meningococcal, RSV, DTaP, anthrax, smallpox, TB, and more. All of the information, including detailed vaccine safety and efficacy data, is written in an easy-to-understand format, yet includes more than 1,000 scientific citations. More than 100 charts, tables, graphs and illustrations supplement the text. This encyclopedic health manual is an important addition to every family's home library and will be referred to again and again.