In 2001 a group of citizens in Sandusky, Ohio tried to change the city government to a mayor/ward system. This site tells about that election. The site remains for others to use for research or to learn what can happen in their own fight for change.
for Mayor/Ward "A mayor form and ward system basically provides more direct participation from the citizens. The government becomes more proactive, more goal-oriented, because there's basically a voter referendum every four years on the city's leadership." - Kevin Zeiher "The ward system identifies a person with a particular area of town, and he'll be more responsible to those people in that area." - Dannie Edmon
I disagree for many reasons. I believe that the lack of competition at the polls is caused by the lousy pay. Term limits give minorities a better chance of being elected so we get a more representative government. Also corruption in government can be a problem. A turnover of elected commissioners/council members helps decrease this problem. Newly elected officials have enthusiasm and bring fresh thinking to city government. It does seem odd that it takes a majority of voters to re-elect an incumbent and a majority of voters would vote to keep term limits. But the voters recognize that just the fact that an incumbent is running again for an office prevents others from running. Term limits brings new people out to run for office who otherwise would not have done so. I also think we will need term limits for the mayor. It is not in the current charter changes. However, because of the changes in charter review, I believe that it will be put on the ballot within a reasonable time period. Why do we need it? To keep honesty in government. When a public official holds a job for a very long time, the temptations that get thrown in his/her face regularly can be overwhelming. Look at this site:
Website maintained by BFGregory