You are visiting  Barbara Feick Gregory's Cluster Headaches website is a website where people post how they cured themselves.

Dear Jeepgun, You are right they are the most excruciating pains one could ever have. I have suffered from a variety of migraine type headaches for 20 yr. and the cluster headache you have described is one of them. I shan’t describe the pain since the description is enough to trigger such an ache. The good new is it can be cured (or brought under control). I tried many many things over the years to bring this condition under control (including going to a faith healer), it is only when I came across Andrea’s work and applied his holistic approach that significant changes started taking place. Most headaches are a direct result of “backflushing” of toxins that take place due to congested Liver and Colon. After doing just one set of Kidney cleanse, Colon cleanse, & Liver Flush, I have not suffered a single severe migraine headache. I have occasional headaches but they are minor. I should add that I have also undergone a significant change in life style and diet, as described by Andreas in his book The Key to Health & Rejuvenation. Andreas is away and will be back around the 8th April when he will answer your question more fully. In the mean while you may want to read his books: The Amazing Live Flush The Key to Health & Rejuvenation. Both can be downloaded from his web site (go to the top of this page and hit Andreas website). The e-copy of these books costs only about $6 and is packed with tons of useful information. I know what this pain is (& I would not wish it on my worst enemy). You can be free of it, the effort on your part is the commitment to carry out the Cleanses, the life style changes and changes in diet. Also in addition I also do Yoga and Meditation every day. You will also undergo transformation which you never set out for or anticipated! You will find people on this Forum very helpful in sharing their experiences with the different modalities, and in addition we have the good fortune to have Andreas answer the questions. So good luck, Jeepgun take the first step and let us know how you are progressing. This can be beat, I know! Best Wishes, StandFast

Please see Standfast's message. For pain nerves and blood vessels to be so severely affected, there must be a major congestion of bile ducts and colon. Dietary factors play a major role and so does dehydration (see The Key to Health and Rejuvenation for details). Andreas

Study Proves Effectiveness of Drug-Free Oxygen Treatment for Cluster Headaches An extensive new study has revealed that a drug-free treatment for painful cluster headaches might just be around the corner, after providing the strongest evidence till date to back the use of "high-flow oxygen treatment for cluster headache". Researchers of the study have revealed that a whopping 78% of the people who had received oxygentreatment reported that they are totally pain-free or have gained adequate pain-relief within a mere 15 minutes of the treatment. As per the study, while the method is already a part of the accepted guidelines for treatment of this type of pain, its use has been highly limited. "This work paves the way for further studies to optimize the administration of oxygen and its more widespread use as an acute attack treatment in cluster headache, offering an evidence-based alternative to those who cannot take triptan agents", writes lead researcher Anna S. Cohen, PhD, of the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery in London. For the sake of study, 76 adults suffering from cluster headaches were considered, and based on the treatment method offered, the conclusions were drawn. It has been revealed that the condition affects about 0.3% of the total population currently, and is characterized by bouts of immense pain, usually near the eye or temple on one side. [I found this referenced on curezone. It is still just a treatment. I am looking for CURES.- bfg]

I am a massage therapist. I have a copy of a brand new massage textbook on clinical massage (Copyright 2008). In it, it states that the sternocleidomastoid muscle (it is in the anterior neck) is often involved when there are cluster headaches. Find a massage therapist to release/relieve the sternocleidomastoid (AKA: SCM muscle) and you may see the cluster headaches resolve, the book says. Especially since he has injured his back recently, the SCM muscle may have been strained at the same time and have some chronic spasm or trigger points in it now. The body is kinda peculiar, it is usually the loudest pain that we "hear". Once the pain diminishes, we then suddenly notice other pains. Those other pains were there, they just couldn't be heard over the loud mouth in the group. Now that he is more active since his back is feeling better, the SCM is more aggravated. It is worth seeing a massage therapist for some SCM work to see if that solves his cluster headache problem.

I have had the same problem for more than two years now. The intensity comes and goes, but if I pay attention to it I find that there is pretty consistently low grade pain behind my right eye. The pain has been so bad at times that it would wake me in the middle of the night. It would also result in my right eye being bloodshot and I believe it has been connected to mental fogginess I've experienced during the same time period. I have had multiple MRI's and nothing unusual has come back. I believe the correct term to describe my headache and the headaches described above is "Cluster Headache." For me the main triggers seem to be dehydration, stress and sexual activity. From what I can tell it is caused by a pinched nerve, probably due to a tight SCM muscle. Also, my atlas bone was out of place and I had that adjusted through multiple chiropractic visits. As for success treating it, the atlas bone adjustment helped. I have started doing liver cleanses which also help. And recently I have begun to supplement with magnesium (Water oz magnesium as well as Selectrolytes) after reading the book "The Magnesium solution to Migraine headaches." Magnesium helps muscles to relax which can apparently help reduce pinched nerves. My headache is significantly better than it used to be. Once I have cured it completely I'll write up the full set of steps I've taken. Good luck to everyone since I know how much one of these headaches SUCKS. Talk soon, - John

Hi Susan, I'm so happy you decided to juice fast, and especially glad you decided to blog. I'm on day 12, it's been a long time for me doing 30 days and the first time using juice (I did water before). But I'm glad I made this decision (blogging & fasting). Laziness, discipline and food addiction (Umm) sounds like just about all of us (smile) don't feel alone. I love to eat and my husband more. We don't use coffee products well over 17 yrs, I use to be a Pepsi-holic. I also use to suffer with migraines and cluster headache, God healed me Susan, but He helps us heal most of the time through natural means (yes, I'm a FIRM believer in miracles). caffeine is a headaches worst enemy. Use the coffee another enemas. I use to have to get SHOTS for my headache and I have a HIGH tolerance for pain (which is dangerous). Just try it, and slowly decrease the coffee intake. Oh, by the way coffee increases your appetite!!! Susan, don't feel bad about your vices, everybody's got "thorns" but Gods grace is there for deliverance.

day 13 Date:   5/8/2009 2:21:20 PM   ( 15 mon ) ... viewed 495 times I have finished day 13 of the fast. Today I feel great and full of energy. For some reason I was craving vegetable soup. I do not feel hungry and my headache [cluster headache that lasts for days - bfg] is gone. When I break my fast I will break it with orange juice mixed with water. The 2nd day I will have watermelon, since it has a lot of water content. I will take about 2-3 weeks to break the fast and then start again on another fast. I pray that this fast goes smoothly and I do not encounter any problems. Tomorrow I will weigh myself and see how much weight I have lost. Since I am feel much better, tomorrow I will start a light exercise routine. Overall everything is going great so far.

How I cured my chronic cluster headaches

Hi everyone, at this point it's been months since I've had a cluster headache, with the exception being a mild headache that appears whenever I think about headaches. Based on what I now know about cluster headaches I don't find that surprising at all and I consider myself to be cured. The important part of being cured is that I no longer wake up in the middle of the night with a stabbing pain behind my right eye, and I no longer walk around with a throbbing pain in the middle of the right side of my head. I suspect that the memory of the headache will be there for some time, with the effect that thinking about the headache I used to have will still trigger a mild form of what it used to be. In fact, writing this article right now is triggering a mild form of the old headache. But I feel I have valuable information to share and I hope that someone out there finds what I have to say useful. If so, then any little headache I put up with while I write this is worth it.

Here's the background: More than 3 years ago, immediately following intense physical activity I felt something that first felt like a small pinprick behind my right eye. This pinprick immediately seemed to spread out and I had my first cluster headache. At the time I didn't know what a cluster headache was, but for me it meant a stabbing feeling behind my right eye. When this would happen my right eye would become dry and bloodshot. I would also have a lot of difficulty concentrating. The worst part of it all was the fear that something was seriously wrong, in addition to the obvious inconvenience of living with a constant headache.

From that moment on, until a few months ago, I had a more or less constant headache behind my right eye. It wouldn't move around my head, it would only increase or decrease in intensity. Most of the time it was about a 2 out of 10 on the pain scale, but occasionally it would rise all the way up to an 8 or a 9. Unfortunately the worst pain would often be at night, when I would first become aware of the headache in my dreams and wake up to a terrible pain in my head.

After I had had the headache for about 2 months, I saw a neurologist. One MRI and $4000 later, I still had no idea why I had a headache. All the neurologist could say to me was that it seemed to be some sort of migraine and I could expect normal life expectancy. I saw another doctor about it and the only help he offered was prescription pain killers. I knew there had to be another way so I continued to look around.

I did a lot of research and read a fair number of books including Paul Bacho's "How to Get Permanent Relief from Chronic Tension Headaches" and Jay S. Cohen's "The Magnesium Solution for Migraine Headaches." I also made some accidental discoveries while working with massage therapists. Here is what I discovered:

MAIN POINT: My cluster headaches were caused by chronic tightness in my right SCM muscle and in my right temporalis muscle.

Many of the books and articles I read hinted at this fact, but what really sealed it for me was the realization that by pushing on two spots, one on the base of my skull and the other on my right temple, I could cause the headache to get MUCH worse immediately. If you have a chronic headache I highly recommend fishing around both of these areas and determining if there are any such spots on your own head. In the case of the base of my skull I have to reach up under my skull to find the spot, but it is there.

Okay, so that was a major realization, but there still remained the question of how I could get those muscles to relax. Obviously massage helped but usually only temporarily. More research regarding this topic led me to a second realization:

SECOND POINT: If someone has a chronic condition, it is for lifestyle reasons. Therefore if someone wants real long term relief that person must change their lifestyle.

This realization was gradually made as I worked through other seemingly unrelated problems, such as chronic fatigue, heartburn/acid reflux and what one doctor I visited called "pre-MS" symptoms. I have made huge progress on all of these fronts, but since this article is about headaches I will save those topics for another day. Based on my experience, here are what I consider to be the most important things one can do physically in order to make healing possible. Some of what follows is redundant, as many of the items work together:

1) Establish healthy sleep habits:

I now go to bed by around 9pm and get up between 4:00am and 5:00am. One year ago I would have thought it would be impossible for me to function on such a schedule. I would never have thought I could actually get up that early. And even if I did get into bed by 9pm, I would never have fallen asleep. But I have been able to change that by:

a) Giving up coffee and alcohol altogether.
b) Not watching TV or using the internet after work.
c) Eating dinner as early as possible.
d) Drinking a tea of valerian, chamomile and catnip after dinner to help me feel sleepy.
e) Going on an hour long walk after dinner every night.
f) Reading in bed until I'm falling asleep.
g) Using meridian therapy (see Gloria Arenson's book "Five Simple Steps to Emotional Healing") in bed if I can't sleep.
h) Using a biobrite alarm clock (see to take the sting out of waking up.

I have found it very helpful to avoid looking at the time as much as possible in the evenings. And I no longer need the valerian blend tea now that I'm in healthy habits. Pretty much I come home from work, have dinner, go for my walk and go to bed. Making this change took some willpower and required giving up dancing, which was historically very important to me, but I decided that my health was the most important thing to me and that I was willing to do whatever it took to heal.

2) No TV at all:

Watching television is much more stressful than people who are used to it realize. In addition, the number of unhealthy images and ideas that are pumped into the head of someone who watches television for even a short amount of time is amazing. Finally, there is the issue of eye strain, which is a big deal for someone with chronic headaches.

3) No processed food, especially no artificial sweeteners:

Processed food is rarely, if ever, created with any thought as to the digestibility of the end product, meaning that the so-called food is going to strain your body without nourishing it. On top of that most processed food contains some form of MSG, which is generally terrible for someone with headaches. And artificial sweeteners all seem to poison the entire nervous system in some way or another. Finally, I recommend that you switch to an all organic diet, in whatever form you feel will work for you.

4) Walk for an hour every day:

A lot of getting rid of my headache came down to relaxing. My daily walks are very relaxing, and my girlfriend and I often don't even talk on them. We just walk and take them in. In addition, walking helps to circulate the lymph, which aids in detoxing the body. Which leads us to my next point.

5) Systematically clean the various organs of your body:

Two big components of this are liver flushing and colon cleansing. I do a Liver Flush , following Andreas Moritz 's book, "The Live and Gallbladder Miracle Cleanse" every 4 weeks or so, depending on my schedule. I also have colonic hydrotherapy at least twice a month and I do an enema of some sort every weekend. Liver cleansing is important because the liver oversees most of the detoxing in the body, while colon cleansing is important because many toxins are eliminated through the stool and many toxins build up in the colon. In addition, I use the Liver Flushes as landmarks in between which I am systematically cleaning myself in different ways. For instance one month I did a kidney cleanse while another month I did a parasite cleanse. Next month I will be doing a yeast cleanse.

Okay, those are what I consider to be the top 5 things that someone can do for their health generally. I actually think that those 5 things will improve any chronic health problem, not just chronic headaches. As far as eliminating chronic headaches, I also recommend:

1) Regular clinical massage:

If you can find someone in your area who can work on your SCM muscle you will likely notice a large reduction in cluster or tension headaches.

2) Chiropractic care:

In my case my atlas bone was also misaligned. This was probably a result of years of tension from one side of my neck. My personal opinion of chiropractic care is that it can be very helpful but you need to make other lifestyle changes to help yourself hold the adjustments on a more long term basis.

3) The 5 Tibetans daily exercises:

I learned these exercises from the book, "Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth" by Peter Kelder. The exercises are all essentially spine lengthening and strengthening exercises and I think that if you have tight muscles in your neck that are contributing to your headache that these exercises will help you.

All right, that's the end of my list. I've done a lot of other things like Iodine supplementation that have also been helpful but one of my goals in creating this list was to keep it short. There is also the huge topic regarding how all physical problems are really just manifestations of psychological and spiritual problems, but I am just learning about that myself at this point so I have omitted that for now. As you progress in your own healing I'm sure you will find your own way of taking care of yourself. Hopefully my experience will be of some value. If anyone has any questions or wants to know what my other experiences have been I'll be happy to share. Thanks and talk soon,

- John

Headache and the Dorn Method, some interesting connections revealed

The categorization of headaches, as defined by classical medicine is quite complicated. The most frequent and well-known are migraine, cluster headache, tension headache and the kind of headache which is triggered by a particular organ, as for example the pain caused by a sinusitis.
As far as the Dorn Method (SMT, Dr. Michael Graulich) is concerned, this classification is not very helpful. In the Dorn Method (SMT) it is assumed that all headaches which are not caused by an organ in the head have their origin in the spine.

Of course, it should be mentioned that the vertebrae of the cervical spine act as triggers for the development of headaches. When a patient suffering with a headache is examined and manually treated at the cervical spine, he will often be able to say from which vertebra the pain originates while different cervical vertebrae are pressed. When pressing on a particular vertebra, it is possible to follow the pain up to the spot where the headache is felt.

However, it is not only the cervical vertebrae which are responsible for a migraine, but also the vertebrae of the bladder (L3) and the kidneys (TH10 and TH11), to which the 3rd cervical vertebra belongs. The bladder meridian runs along the spine up to the 7th cervical vertebra, then passes over the centre of the head and then down to the forehead towards the area of the nasal root. The gall meridian (TH4) runs sideways over the head in the area of the temple and then around the ear. Migraine pains in this area can be caused by a blockage of the gall vertebra. However, much more frequent than a pain in the side of the head is the migraine pain which radiates behind and into the eyes. Both the liver (TH5) and the 2nd cervical vertebra belong to the gall bladder (functional circuit!).

The heart meridian (TH2) takes an inner course directly to, and into, the eye. A migraine with pain in the eye can therefore also be caused by blockages of the 2nd thoracic vertebra. It is also possible to have a mixture of these different kinds of migraine at the same time.

The tension headache has its origin in a quite different area. In this case also a cervical vertebra is involved, namely the seventh (C7 = also called spider, here one meridian meets all meridian pairs).
A young woman suffering with migraine came to see me for treatment several times. She had a very pronounced deviation of the cervical spine to the left, together with such an indurations that it let one believe that this deformation had existed for years. Following the Dorn Method (SMT), her ailments showed a distinct improvement and further treatments were only occasionally necessary.

One day this patient returned to the practice with a headache and she was given the usual treatment. This time I noticed that the damage at the cervical spine was much less obvious than at her last visit. Several days later this young woman came again to my practice, because the headache had not improved. Now, not only the cervical spine was treated, but also blockages at the gall vertebra and especially at the bladder vertebra. After one hour the headache had disappeared.

This example should make it clear that so-called partial treatments make little sense. In order to achieve really reliable success, a person should always be treated from bottom to top, or better from the soles of their feet to the crown of their head. The causes for a disease cannot always be found just in the vicinity where the disease is apparent. The spinal damages which are responsible for an illness normally develop from the lower part of the body upwards.

From the book of Dr. Michael Graulich (SMT Founder = Dorn Method) Wonders take a little longer.

For further info check the Forum Dorn Method and my website:

Nasal sprays containing tiny amounts of capsaicin are used to treat the intense pain of cluster headaches; also capsaicin ointment applied to the temples, the ointment raised the temperature at the temples, which ordinarily experience a heal loss during cluster attacks. (Keep the ointment away from the eyes.)