medicine identified the meridians, energetic channels that form
electrical pathways throughout the body. Stimulation of points
on these channels with needles, heat or pressure forms the basis
of many forms of health treatment, ancient and modern. The flow
of life energy or ‘Chi’ in these channels relies on them
remaining in balance and free of blockages, and our ability to
stay healthy and fight off disease in turn depends on this vital
Bio-energetic or Electro-dermal testing devices allow us to assess using galvanic skin response (changes in the electrical resistance of the skin) the state of the acupuncture meridians and therefore of the energetic health of the body. It also allows us, and this is where the real power of the technology lies, to assess how the body will respond to a huge number of different remedies or other substances.
All substances, whether living or non-living, have a characteristic resonant signature. Every specific tissue and organ in the human body has its own individual resonant frequency. By outputting a software-recorded ‘copy’ of these resonances we can predict how the energetic system of the body will respond to them. This scientific application of traditional methods removes the guesswork that’s involved in many analyses (conventional and complementary). This is the science of bio-energetic, or electro-dermal, screening.
In a bio-energetic health screening, the energetic signatures of a large number of substances are individually introduced into the energetic testing circuit and the patient’s response is assessed through skin resistance measurements. Galvanic skin response is a well-established principle that is also used in lie detectors.
illustrate: when a patient with a normal liver has the frequency
of a healthy liver put into the testing circuit, there will be
resonance. The absence of change in the patient’s skin
resistance indicates that the liver is not stressed. If, on the
other hand, a patient with an energetically stressed liver has a
healthy liver frequency run through the testing circuit, that
frequency will not resonate with that person’s electromagnetic
field relating to their liver tissue. This non-resonance
increases the electrical resistance in the person’s body. The
increase in skin resistance in this case tells us that there is
an energetic stress in the liver. Subsequent tests can then be
performed with other organs and toxins in order to obtain more
information on the nature of the liver disturbance. By
conducting a series of organ and toxin tests, we can construct a
picture of the patient’s health status. This enables a
practitioner to identify health challenges at their root and
devise treatment accordingly, rather than merely treating
symptoms of an underlying challenge.
laboratory testing procedures are limited in the information
they offer and can be very misleading. For example, hair
analysis may identify the presence of Iron. However, the hair is
a pathway by which the body excretes iron, so we cannot conclude
anything about the level of iron currently in other tissues. In
many cases there is NO way of using laboratory testing to
determine the levels of a toxic substance across the whole body
(without killing the patient first!). This is why energetic
testing is in many cases more useful. Energetic changes precede
cellular changes – if the illness has not progressed to the
point where there are cellular or structural changes,
conventional tests will usually reveal nothing.
This is not where the implications of bio-energetic technology end. If every substance, living or non-living, emits electromagnetic frequencies based on the amount and rotational speed of their atoms, and if we can identify these frequencies, then we have an extremely valuable tool for treatment. Remedies can be tested for compatibility with specific conditions for every unique case that a client may present. Using this approach, the practitioner can map out the most effective course of treatment. Furthermore, now that we have a database of frequencies of substances and conditions, we can imprint remedies, bespoke for the individual client’s requirements; a digital form similar to homeopathy or Bach flower remedies completely customized for each case.
The information contained herein is intended for educational
purposes only.
BE AWARE: The electrodermal testing devices have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration ("FDA") for assessment of nutritional deficiencies, food allergies, the presence of toxins, Candida, Epstein Barr virus, or the weakness of organs and glands. Use of the device for these purposes is inconsistent with FDA approval. The galvanic skin response device is a Class II device that may be used for lie detection and for biofeedback.
There are no generally accepted completed clinical studies which demonstrate that the electrodermal testing devices are effective when used to assess for nutritional deficiencies, the presence of toxins, food allergies, Candida, Epstein Barr virus, and the strength or weakness of organs and glands.
Your child's exposure to lead or heavy metals cannot be determined solely through electrodermal testing.
You should not make decisions about your or your child's health and nutritional needs from information obtained solely through electrodermal testing.
You are to discuss all CEDS recommendations with your health care provider before implementing any of them. Further, that any recommended dietary changes or dietary supplements based partly on the results of electrodermal testing should all be discussed with your family physician before implementing any of them.
There are medical tests for many, if not all of the issues that respondents use electrodermal testing to assess, and you are strongly encouraged to confirm the exposures identified through standard medical testing if you or your family physician feel that it is necessary. I make no claims that the screenings find anything other than energy imbalances or that the energized water or other products actually do anything other than help balance energy.
You and God are the only ones who can heal you.