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from Optimal Wellness by Ralph Golan, M.D., 1995

"An emerging in vivo (in the body) technique of allergy identification is electronic screening, placing an electromagnetic instrument at specific acupuncture or meridian points to enable your body to communicate directly - electromagnetically - what it knows about itself....

"Unlike blood tests, electronic screening also has the ability to find phenolic sensitivities. ..

"With the newer computer-assisted electronic screening devices, your body can directly communicate information relating to allergies and toxicities in an extremely cost- and time-effective manner. There is nothing invasive about the testing procedure; not even acupuncture needles are used. It is ideally suited for children...

"What makes electronic screening so exciting is its ability to uncover not only what you're allergic to, but why you're allergic. I can help detect conditions that have not yet surfaced, such as subclinical infections, chemical toxicities, and organ or glandular weaknesses. It can also help determine the correct remedies for treatment." - pages 260-261

Optimal Wellness by Ralph Golan, M.D.

from The Canary and Chronic Fatigue by Majid Ali, M.D. 1994 :

"Food allergy as the true cause remains undiagnosed. Clinically useful diagnoses of food sensitivities and adverse bowel responses may be established with electrodermal conductance tests, micro-elisa blood tests or skin tests. None of these tests is perfect. In my view, electrodermal methods in the hands of an experienced professional gives a far superior total profile of food tolerance and intolerance than blood tests. As the benefits of this technology become better known to the physician community, it will likely become widely accepted for this purpose." - page 367

The Canary and Chronic Fatigue by Majid Ali, M.D. 1994

 James Biddle, M.D.  :

"While conventional allergists denounce blood tests and prefer skin testing for food allergy identification, most nutritional physicians believe just the opposite. Scratch testing on the skin identifies IgE-mediated allergies, while blood tests identify allergies mediated by both IgE and IgG. We find that most food allergies are mediated by IgG, resulting in subtle and delayed symptoms, rather than the dramatic and sudden symptoms seen with IgE reactions. Fortunately, most insurance companies will reimburse for these food allergy blood tests.

"Another useful form of testing is the electrodermal technique, also known as EAV (electrical acupuncture by Voll) or Computron Analysis.

"Using German technology, this measures the subtle energies flowing thru our acupuncture meridians. Although it may be considered “soft” science by mainstream observers, nutritional physicians across the country are seeing good results using this information, while a recent study suggests that it’s about as good at detecting food allergies as blood tests, skin tests, or elimination diets. In addition, the electrodermal testing can show food sensitivities that are not true allergies, so are not detectable by standard testing."

 James Biddle, M.D.

Electrodermal Testing Found Effective for Diagnosing Allergies

Researchers at the University Department of Medicine of the Southampton General Hospital, England, conducted a randomized double-blind experiment to examine the effectiveness of electrodermal testing for differentiating between allergic and nonallergic substances.

In the first part of the experiment, 17 allergic patients were tested with electrodermal testing to differentiate between allergens, dust mites and histamine and nonallergens saline and water. The testing procedure was correct 82% of the time. In the section part of the experiment, 24 allergic patients had electrodermal testing performed to discriminate between allergic and nonallergic substances. The testing was accurate 96% of the time.

The researchers conclude that Electrodermal Testing is a "testing is a reliable method of differentiating between allergic and nonallergic substances in the context of our study." The study was published in J Altern Complement Med, 1997 Fall; 3 (3): 241-8.

from Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia & Environmental Illness, 2004

"This form of widely used in Europe, and to an increasing extent in the U.S., to screen for both food and environmental allergies, and to determine what remedy to use to properly neutralize the allergic reaction....Dr. [Fuller Royal, M.D., of Las Vegas, Nevada] states that using electrodermal screening allows him to accurately test for a full spectrum of allergens, and that the entire battery of tests can be done in an hour." - page 67

from Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia & Environmental Illness

 by Burton Goldberg & editors of Alternative Medicine Digest

Allergy Relief & Prevention by Jacqueline Krohn MD, 2000

"Foods, chemicals, inhalants, neurotransmitters, metals, nutrients, and many other substances can be tested in this way, and it is a rapid, painless, noninvasive method of screening for allergens. The accuracy of the results from this method compares favorably with, and can even exceed other methods of testing, although the skill of the tester is important." - page 56

Allergy Relief & Prevention by Jacqueline Krohn MD

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Food Allergies, 2003

"To do some thinking out of the box, lets explore the controversial field of bio-energetic testing - a technique that has been used for decades on several continents throughout the world but has gone largely unrecognized in North America....Not long ago, the validity of electrodermal testing was challenged by a study in the British Medical Journal. Although the Journal questioned EDS/EDT's effectiveness for diagnosing allergies to cat dander and dust mites, it agreed that perhaps the method was useful for diagnosing food sensitivities. - page 205

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Food Allergies by Lee H. Freund, M.D., and Jeanne Rejaunier

The Food Allergy Cure by Dr. Ellen Cutler, 2001

"The amount of energy conducted through our acupuncture meridians can be measured and recorded. This is done either through muscle testing or with an electrical device that measures the electrical properties of the body's meridians and indicates whether they are balanced, stressed, weakened, or blocked." - page 6

The Food Allergy Cure by
Dr. Ellen Cutler 

Alternative Medicine for Dummies by James Dillard, M.D., 1998

"But note that in some countries many of these techniques have already been accepted as mainstream....Ideally, this kind of screening can help nip serious illnesses in the bud and maybe cut health care costs in the process. No one knows for sure whether it really can - yet. Even so, this technique is already widely practiced in Europe and Japan and is used experimentally in the United States." - page 274


If you have a serious food allergy especially if it is peanuts, nuts, sesame, or fish which have been known to be fatal allergies, you can use CEDS and homeopathic methods to try to decrease the severity of the allergy BUT UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD YOU ASSUME THAT THE TREATMENT IS SUCCESSFUL. THESE ALLERGIES ARE TOO DANGEROUS AND YOU MUST BE UNDER THE CARE OF AN ALLERGIST AND IN A HOSPITAL-TYPE SETTING IF YOU WANT TO TRY CONSUMING ANY FOOD THAT HAS CAUSED A SEVERE ALLERGIC REACTION. I also recommend that if CEDS finds that you react to any of these foods that you consult with an allergist and undergo medical testing and treatment.

The information contained herein is intended for educational purposes only.

BE AWARE: The electrodermal testing devices have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration ("FDA") for assessment of nutritional deficiencies, food allergies, the presence of toxins, Candida, Epstein Barr virus, or the weakness of organs and glands. Use of the device for these purposes is inconsistent with FDA approval. The galvanic skin response device  is a Class II device that may be used for lie detection and for biofeedback.

There are no generally accepted completed clinical studies which demonstrate that the electrodermal testing devices are effective when used to assess for nutritional deficiencies, the presence of toxins, food allergies, Candida, Epstein Barr virus, and the strength or weakness of organs and glands.

Your child's exposure to lead or heavy metals cannot be determined solely through electrodermal testing.

You should not make decisions about your or your child's health and nutritional needs from information obtained solely through electrodermal testing.

You are to discuss all CEDS recommendations with your health care provider before implementing any of them.

There are medical tests for many, if not all of the issues that  respondents use electrodermal testing to assess, and  you are strongly encouraged to confirm the exposures identified through standard medical testing if you or your family physician feel that it is necessary.

Laws regarding this equipment vary from country to country.