Blog Schmog - The truth about what blogs can and can’t do for your business, by Robert W. Bly, Nelson Books, 2006

Great book! I got a copy from the Columbus Public Library.
He has a very good discussion about copyright. Excellent discussion about blogging from the business marketing standpoint.

“RULE 8a: To be effective marketing vehicles, blogs should be relatively free of marketing. They shoud contain useful content and the truth, not hype or sales talk. To violate this rule not only costs you sales andcreditbility, but it also incurs the disdain and wrath of the blogosphere.”

“RULE 10: They key to getting results from a business blog is to define the results you want to get before you start…”

The author likes “topic blogs” but not many of the other ones. The best ones are written by someone who knows his topic and doesn’t rely on quoting others.

I looked at two other books on Blogging - they were basic “how-to” books. They were OK. This book was better because he covers the downside of blogging. It is not a magic marketing tool. Just because you write it, doesn’t mean anyone will read it. - November 16th, 2008

Grapevine : The New Art of Word-of-Mouth Marketing

(Hardcover), by David Balter (Author), John Butman (Author), Hardcover: 288 pages, ISBN-10: 1591841100, ASIN: B000FZDKQG, 2005 - This marketing book told about the authors version of word-of-mouth. Go out and recruit a number of people to act as sales agents and talk up your product.

The World's Best Known Marketing Secret

Building your Business with Word-of Mouth Marketing by Ivan R. Misner, PhD and Virginia Devine, Bard Press, 1999. "Did you know..." is an attention getter. People want to know things. Use a memory hook with your business so people will remember it. Ex. Dentist - I believe in the tooth and nothing but the tooth. Act like the host when you attend groups where you can network. Give referrals when you can. Get a professional name badge to wear. Ask for referrals: "I'm starting a business and I need your help, who do you know who..." Do not change the phrase.

Buzzmarketing get people to talk about your stuff

by Mark Hughes, Penguin Group, 2005 - People talk about 6 things: the taboo, the unusual, the outrageous, the hilarious, the remarkable, secrets. Ask only two questions: How did you first hear about us? Would you go out of your way to recommend our product to a friend? The Five most frequently written stories: David-and-Goliath, unusual or outrageous, controversy, celebrity, what's already hot in the media...

The Anatomy of Buss

how to create word of mouth marketing, by Emanuel Rosen, Doubleday, 2000 - Find the hub person and give them your product or a sneak preview or let him drive it.... Word of mouth spreads from hubs. Hubs can be anybody of any age. Target hubs first. Give them something to talk about. Stimulate them to teach others. Give them the facts. Don't abuse the relationships. Make sure people see hubs use your product. Seed the networks. If a network is dead, actively seed it. Six rules about ads and buzz: Keep it simple, tell us what's new, Don't make claims you can't support, Ask your customers to articulate what's special about your product or service, listen to the buzz.

The World's Best Known Marketing Secret, Building Your Business with Word-of-Mouth Marketing, - Misner, Ivan R., Ph.D., Bard & Stephen, 1994

Working with groups who promote each other. Networking. Join three diverse groups and be active in order to meet people and become known. How to interact. How to work a party.

Marketing Outrageously - Spoelstra, Jon, 

How to Increase Your Revenue by Staggering Amounts!, Bard Press, 2001He did this for sports teams. Wonderfully fun to read.