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Traditional Chinese Medicine


Traditional Chinese Medicine classifies chronic fatigue syndrome into one or more of its organ systems: liver, spleen or kidney. These organ systems cover nearly all of the symptoms experienced by those with the disorder.

According to TCM, the liver governs the tendons, sinews and ligaments, so if the liver function is poor, there will be no energy in the tissues and the motor system will be tired. Perhaps of even greater importance, the liver governs the flow of spiritual, mental and emotional energy, so if something is causing depression or stagnation of liver qi, the symptoms listed in the western diagnosis above will result.

The spleen governs flesh and muscle. If the flow of qi to the spleen is impaired, the flesh and muscle feel weak and painful. The spleen is also known as the "middle burner" because it is the center of the digestive system. If it is not functioning properly, it is unable to absorb nutrients from the food and distribute them throughout the body which in turn results in a general qi deficiency.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, when the kidney is strong and healthy, it sends its essence to the brain via the spinal cord, and the mind is alert and has good memory function. Persons lacking in kidney energy experience foggy mental function. The kidney energy must be restored in order to return to clear thinking.

Improving the functioning of these three organs is the key to helping people with chronic fatigue syndrome according to the Chinese system of medicine.


In cases of chronic fatigue syndrome, combine Clear Stress with Resist for a minimum of three months. This combination builds and restores blood function, with Resist building the immune system.