You are visiting Barbara Feick Gregory's Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Website

CFS is a disease described by the symptoms but it has various causes so there is no one-size-fits-all treatment

CFS sufferers have an inadequate blood volume that can be treated with salts and fluids.

Doctors report allergies in almost all CFS patients. Clearing up allergies strengthens the immune system.

Solving digestion problems such as leaky gut can bring relief. If you read only one of these pages, read the article by Dr. Brice E. Vickery on this page!

Emotional relief has brought pain relief to fibromyalgia sufferers.

Electronic devices may prove useful in getting rid of parasites, viruses, etc.

Eastern thought talks about the energy flow in the body - Chi.

Viruses and bacteria cannot be totally eradicated. We must co-exist by strengthening our immune system.

Magnet therapy has been used for all kinds of muscle pains, so this way of using them seems reasonable.

Nutrition - has all the various therapies that use foods and food derivatives

Oxygen therapies - hyperbaric oxygen treatments are showing promise.

Improving one's Spiritual Life as an essential factor in overcoming Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Wholistic - there are many practitioners who say the body is so interconnected that the whole body must be treated - body, mind, and spirit

Zapper - Dr. Hulda Clark's zapper has been improved. Check out this version which zaps parasites in the body. 

There are so many miscellaneous remedies  doctors are giving patients - vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc. etc. 

Our allopathic doctors criticize alternative treatment, yet they really have no treatment to offer, with the exception of one.

"Drugs work by impairing, blocking or destroying the very enzymes that are needed to restore normal energy pathways."

The Canary and Chronic Fatigue by Majid Ali, M.D. - page 269

"Since no cause for CFS has been identified and the pathophysiology remains unknown, treatment programs are directed at relief of symptoms, with the goal of the patient regaining some level of pre-existing function and well-being. Although desirable, a rapid return to pre-illness health may not be realistic, and patients who expect this prompt recovery and do not experience it may exacerbate their symptoms because of overexertion, become frustrated, and may become more refractory to rehabilitation.

"Decisions regarding treatment for CFS or any chronically fatiguing illness should be made only in consultation with a health care provider. The health care provider, together with the patient, will develop an individually tailored program that provides the greatest benefit." [So even though standard medical treatment really can't help you much at all, you should spend your money on it....not! - bfg]

Government's site of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention