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There are quite a few books available on CFS. About half are a waste of time. These are all worthwhile.

7-Day Detox Miracle by Peter Bennett, N.D., Stephen Barrie, N.D., with Sara Faye - excellent book. Tells why blood cells become deformed.

  Beat Fibromyalgia And Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - e-book  - Imagine Achieving A Full Recovery From Your Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Its Painful, Tiresome Symptoms. ...

The Bible Cure by Reginald Cherry, M.D. The author gets into specifics about how to pray and what to expect from God.

The Body Ecology Diet by Donna Gates - good book. Diet combines alkaline/acid, food combining, Eat Right for Your Type, candida diet.

The Canary and Chronic Fatigue by Majid Ali, M.D. - "A definitive book on chronic fatigue that shows how drugs cannot revive poisoned enzymes, and provides guidance to both the physician and the fatigue sufferer on how to restore normal energy patterns without drugs." - I agree with this sales pitch on the book's cover. Dr. Ali covers his treatment protocol for chronic fatigue including intravenous nutrient protocols which would be most useful to medical doctors. The book is interesting to read. His conversations with Choua are entertaining and enlightening. Find a copy of this book and buy it! Dr. Ali has written other books that deserve a look - one is The Ghoraa and Limbic Exercise

"Limbic exercises are continuous, nonintense, nongoal-oriented, noncompetitive exercises. In such exercises, Type I muscle fibers burn fats to generate energy, much like a candle burns wax to generate light slowly but for a long time....In limbic exercises, there is no hyperventilation nor perspiration. When done limbically, exercise ends with more energy than that with which it began."

The Canary and Chronic Fatigue by Majid Ali, M.D. - page 479-180

The Cure for All Diseases by Hulda Clark - her ideas are hardly accepted by any mainstream medical practitioners. But she goes for results and seems to get them without taking years. Yahoo has a discussion group about using her methods.

The Downhill Syndrome by Dr. Pavel Yutsis and Dr. Morton Walker. They belong in the "wastebasket theory" category. Plenty of good information. Some of their ideas can be followed to self-treat. Highly recommended.

Freedom from Fibromyalgia - The 5 Week Program Proven to Conquer Pain by Nancy Selfridge, M.D. and Franklynn Peterson - Emotions definitely play a part in CFS. Many sufferers had a very emotional event that coincided with the onset of CFS. I know I did. I don't think emotions are the sole cause of CFS or Fibromyalgia, but the book makes sense and is definitely worth trying. If nothing else, you'll come out a better person.

Osler's Web, Inside the Labyrinth of the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Epidemic by Hillary Johnson documents the history of the illness. It is not a book about treating it. It is very interesting and well written. It is a thick book - 720 pages. It describes how most of our medical profession and our government have treated victims of CFS with derision. It has more information about the actual symptoms and political and medical problems of the disease than any other book I have come across. This book is a must read!

"[He] couldn't find out what was causing this illness, and instead of admitting that, he called us psychoneurotic." - Osler's Web by Hillary Johnson - page 260

  The Rebellious Body, Reclaim Your Life from Environmental Illness or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome by Janice Strubbe Wittenberg, R.N. - "This book is for people of varying levels of expertise, for health practitioners, for family members, or for individuals who are ill."  There is a huge amount of information in this book. I highly recommend it.

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